Channeled higher dimensional Knowledge from the entities of Ashtar Command.

Friday Jun 01, 2018
The Baron's First and Global Mindcraft- Part 2
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
On side two the conversation continues on the tapping into the race consciousness with my recall of a past life regression I did once which had a person going back and witnessing the Kent State massacre. He next defines consciousness and how sentience is in different levels in different beings by using the three cats hovering around the recording room as visual aids. He gets to the end of what he was saying and answers a question on accessing the short-term Akashic group consciousness records. Before Karra changes places with Omal, Tia returns and settles a question on if one of the smarter cats in the room plans. After asking the question and getting an answer from the cat, we learn that not only do cats plan, some cats plan to a fine degree. She brings Karra on next who provides us with a dissertation on pandemics due to a possible outbreak here on Earth and gives us some handy tips on how to avoid being one of the infected. She also poses a problem to solve who to inoculate when there in only a limited amount of a vaccine to treat those in order of who would get it first. Leaving it on a decision of life or death to ponder we shift over to teh second guest speaker of the evening, Wing Commander Taal who joined the session specifically to ask me a question. Before the question can be asked though he gives us the news that Chuck Yeager has once again broken the speed of sound as both the first and now oldest pilot to do so which was the lead-in for his dissertation on genetics and bringing about a truly natural pilot. His was a race of natural pilots developed over thousands of years of mating pilots to pilots for generation after generation. He ends with the question he wished to ask me about astrally attending a ceremony as his special guest. That brings on our last speaker of the night Kiri who gives us information of the immediate afterlife that should not be missed. Spoiler alert, just because the person isn't breathing, it doesn't mean they've actually passed on.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 10/14/97. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Omal continues on how to view any point in Earth's history and what is sentient by using the house cats gathered around as visual aids in determining the levels of consciousness of each.
2.)(7:43)- Tia gets an answer from one of the cats on whether it plans in advance and not only does it answer, it insists of being called its own name in its language by Tia.
3.)(11:51)- Karra discusses pandemics like the Spanish flu and how to decrease the chances of being a victim. She also works on the realities of distributing a limited amount of a vaccine.
4.)(25:02)- Taal stops by to give a rare dissertation on the possibilities we could engender a race of natural pilots like his race and to invite me to a special ceremony as part of a formal function.
5.)(38:13)- Kiri explains how even after certain deaths, the spirit remains to watch over the passing. She has the example of Sarah who recently died and made the trip from Sirius to Mars and then to Earth.

Friday Jun 01, 2018
The Baron's First and Global Mindcraft- Part 1
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Greetings in love and light as one.
Who are you, who am I and who are we a part of throughout the long history of our race? Those are the kinds of questions of consciousness Omal brings up during this very special channeling session of firsts where we get to meet the Baron for the first time, we get to look at life from the mind of a cat, higher and lower moral differences between dimensions are discussed and what happens after you die. The last subject was at the end of the session and was the shortest of the topics before it but it had the most important information of all. The followers of this podcast are familiar with Sarah who was a guest of the base and then Sirius after being abducted by the Grays, experimented on, rescued, brought to the sixth dimension from third dimensional Earth and finally passed away after being in the care of those who loved her very dearly. Now her body was on the base pending her internment near her home down here as was her request so she could be near those down on this planet who had loved her as well. The question is constantly asked what happens to ourselves once the physical body is no longer alive and now we finally have an answer. We hope it serves to alleviate death's fear prior to the event some day.
Long before we get to Kiri and her revelations about death's secrets, Tia is in her usual Ring Mistress role to get us started. She had a dissertation all prepped up for her time speaking and she jumps right in on morals and how they differ between dimensions. Tia, third dimensional herself, explains how on higher dimensions the benefits of knowing the past lives of someone ease through the karmic interactions. Down here on the third dimension, things like jealousy which may be past lives coming to the fore just have to be lessons to further growth and hopefully resolve a karmic debt. She gets to the end of her time confirming that being able to see the whole picture of all of one's lives provides instead of the limits only knowing a single life provides a decided advantage in interpersonal relationships. Omal goes over some of aspects of Tia's dissertation before we get to meet the legendary Baron. We know now from his previous channeling sessions that he had returned to the front lines as it were after his previous time stationed on the base during World War One when he had admired another pilot flying a red triplane for the German side and now wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. At the time I thought he was the bravest pilot on the base I had ever met, little did I know that his being stationed at Hades Base was a death wish. After a suggestion on painting all of Ashtar Command ship's red was answered, he finishes going over tactics. It's Omal next to get us to the end of side one defining consciousness and being. He starts by listing the six things that define sentience and how tapping into the group consciousness around us can assist in our learning and growth. To that end, he has just enough time to give us an exercise on how to tap into the group mind and relive key events from the past.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 10/14/97. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia compares the morals and scruples between those of higher dimensions and those of third dimensional Earth. We also discuss why they are so different.
2.)(16:17) - We meet The Baron for the first time and learn why he has such a feared reputation as one of the pilots on the base when up against the ships of the Zeta Reticuli at the time.
3.)(22:44)- Omal begins a dissertation on defining what is sentient and gives us an exercise on how to tap into the race memory of the group consciousness to relive an important event from the past.

Tuesday May 01, 2018
The Ladies of Hades......Base- Part 2
Tuesday May 01, 2018
Tuesday May 01, 2018
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
Not having finished up yet with fears yet, she gets side two with some last thoughts to wrap up the subject. From there we return to the subject of repressed memories and expand the topic to the karma that is created with bringing up the memory. She warns about the dangers of an implanted memories which is where a concern about the possibility of my doing that in the past life regressions I did came up. We look at one recent example where the person thought they were a werewolf in a past life. Kiri is on after her sister and takes up a majority of the tape with a variety of topics starting with a warp engine joke. just as she gets to a juicy part of how to build a warp engine we learn she has been pulling our legs the whole time. From there a question about locoweed begins an explanation to our guests about the special flowers of Sirius and of their effects such as the blue flowers where she compares their effects to the lotus blossom eaters of Homer's Odyssey. We discuss the travails of Ulysses and learn they have similar tales on Sirius. With a night shorter than normal, she ends with a warp core revisit before handing back to Tia. Only a few minutes are left for Tia to talk about the weather and then make a joke of her own about bringing a UFO from the base down here so she can come and visit a local Renaissance fair being held that weekend.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 051/26/98. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Karra continues with memories and implanted thoughts and helps explain a recent past life regression where the person was convinced they had been a werewolf.
2.)(12:21)- Kiri describes the making of a warp engine, the effects of both the red and blue flowers of Sirius and a possible inspiration for some characters in Homer's Odyssey.
3.)(22:54)- Tia jokes about bringing a ship from the base down to visit our local Renaissance fair.

Tuesday May 01, 2018
The Ladies of Hades......Base- Part 1
Tuesday May 01, 2018
Tuesday May 01, 2018
Greetings in love and light as one.
This month is the second of two where only the ladies of the base were the featured speakers so the title comes in honor of that rare occurrence. This was a night where Karra took on Omal's role but everyone behaved themselves and nothing was said too out of line except for one hilarious joke Kiri played on those of us down here asking questions. The night was shorter than normal with just over an hour of time spent during the channeling session. For the most part, all the subjects were on one third dimensional topic or another though Kiri did bring up the Flowers of Sirius with their special functions our guest Skip was just hearing about for the first time. With Omal gone, any areas that we might have wandered into of a sensitive nature were avoided and so which kept things pretty much focused on things affecting us and the planet starting with Tia and ending with Tia.
Speaking of Tia, she launches immediately into the explosive situation in the India, Pakistan and Afghanistan areas of our globe and how the ability of Pakistan to detonate a nuclear device had made the situation there very unstable. she transitions into the stock market and the comparisons between the current market activity and those of the stock market crash of 1928. She also treats us to why the market fluctuates as various markets open around the globe in a 24 hour period. That brings her time to an end so Karra makes her appearance and we get through the rest of the side with her take on repressed memories. She starts out going over mental healing done on a third dimensional level and how psychoanalysts will bring up repressed or hidden memories and try to work through those. With a client in such a suggestive state though is a dangerous time to explore what might not be there so the moral implications of such a thing are discussed. The lives in the satellite world of the patient could be affected and this would be a case where the cure may be worse than the problem. How she finishes the side is by explaining how counselors on the sixth dimension working on a fix for the fear for example instead of the root cause.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 05/26/98. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia updates us on the nuclear ambitions of Pakistan, gives us a detailed look at how the global stocks work and how market crashes are avoided.
2.)(18:34) - Karra has a lot to say on the mental health treatments on the 3rd dimension in regards to repressed memories being brought up in therapy and how they do it on the 6th.

Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Meta-concerts and Making Sirian Ends Meet- Part 2
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
Side two jumps into the middle of a discussion on how life was like while being both sixth dimensional and a member of Ashtar Command on Hades Base. We continue from the side one going over a lifestyle that we will be experiencing in our evolution once we have gone through our own ascension. She begins with the basis of the economy which is that of services or trade when receiving a home, land or accommodations with food and everything else also covered by that same principle. That leads a discussion on what the service her father, the president of Sirius performs to live where he does. We get a close look at how the society is governed from the president down and how the president answers to the planetary Council but it is he who makes the final decisions in any issues regarding the planet. We find out that all education and medical needs including rejuvenation are free but cosmetic procedures like breast enhancement are not. The population of Sirian society come up as well as the percentage of that population who are super operants. With her son being a super operant, we had the perfect example to talk about and the special restrictions he and the other super operants live under due to their having all five psychic skills fully functional plus access to all their past lives. She wraps up with a personal experience with a super operant who was already close to imploding and the skill she gained from the relationship. Tia comes back to cover while Bunny prepares to channel and tells of her impressions of life on the base and the differences between there and her home planet. We also hear about the other Durondedunns on the base who arrived at a separate time and how she shows them pictures of home from her astral trips there. Bunny is ready and comes on next and tries to answer a question but can't because it involves her sister Leah who is sitting close by. Kiri does some coercing and Bunny can now talk about the complicated situation her sister and Lyka are in which involves their past lives. The subject of past lives also gives me a revelation of the many lives Karra and myself had shared with Bunny. We end the session just before one of the engineers monitoring the equipment seduces her sister and Mark so we could continue our discussion about her.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 07/03/96 & 01/13/98. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Kiri gives us a very first-person view of living in a society without money. We find out the population of sixth dimensional Sirius and how controlled are the lives of super operants. like Leonedies.
2.)(28:53)- Tia gives us her impressions of higher dimensional life being as she is third dimensional and compares it with her home planet of Durondedunn. We also hear of her astral trips back there.
3.)(33:03)- Bunny talks past lives she's had with the members of our group such as when she was the father to both Karra and myself. The complicated past lives involving Leah and Lyka are explored also.

Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Meta-concerts and Making Sirian Ends Meet- Part 1
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Greetings in love and light as one.
For the month of April the Hades Base News is immersing the reader or listener into what it is like to live a higher dimensional existence on the base working for Ashtar Command or on Sirius as a regular citizen. Pretty much all of side two a description of life from someone living it day-by-day but it is only half of an excellent channeling session. The other half covers past meta-concert descriptions done by members of the base during their lives plus some handy tips for meta-concerts being done on the third dimension. It is two completely unrelated subjects because they happened during two different sessions that were taped a year and a half apart. Either one side had the record button not pushed or one side had information that could not be released in a podcast because of personal information being discussed. Such was the case here and both sessions had information on the remaining half that could to be released to make a full channeling session. Side one is starting after the group including Mark had already done a meta-concert practice on a candle and this was the follow-up as we go over the results of our attempt. Tonight was a night of just the ladies as the males who would normally be channeling would have been on the other side of the tape. It will be so again next month with the only men heard on the podcast this month and next being third dimensional.
After greeting everyone, Tia launches us into the channeling session as ring mistress with getting any questions out of the way the group had so we learn about some of the meta-concerts that she and Kiri had been in and also about the languages spoken on the base. We hear about her developing skill at Sirian and why English or some form of earth language is spoken on the base. The other two subjects covered are a recent power outage and child rearing before Kiri comes on to use the rest of the side discussing mainly meta-concerts. Her first topic though is her upcoming trip to Sirius for a pair of conventions and to visit her grandmother high up in the mountains in a convent to speak to her about a guide of one of our guests. After that is when she gets into meta-concerts she has been involved with including one of some 350 participants. The reason for the meta-concert was not a happy one due to the fact that it was to speed a corrupt coercer back to a much-needed learning experience on the third dimension. In a society such as theirs, allowing one with such a great potential for harm to live was not a viable option. She explains the optimum number of individuals needed for a meta-concert and how it can be a very effective tool with a fully trained team. Finally, she gives us an example of what a group of fully trained members could achieve if working as one. The side ends with her helping one of our guests with the plans he and Mark had enlisted her assistance in building a scale model of a flying wing.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 07/03/96 & 01/13/98. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia tells us about one of the two meta-concerts she had been in and explains the languages spoken on the base. We also learn about some of the problems she's having learning Sirian.
2.)(15:37)- Kiri explains about the ideal number of people for a meta-concert as well as some of the meta-concerts she had been a part of before going over the plans for a model flying wing.

Thursday Mar 01, 2018
Baron Von Ringmaster- Part 2
Thursday Mar 01, 2018
Thursday Mar 01, 2018
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
On side two the subject is continued but only up to the point where Treebeard demonstrates his talent for probing by exploring the early life of our guest Skip. The two have a conversation about skip's years in the military and a previous life on a distant planet that could only best be described as the Wookie homeworld of Kashyyyk from the Star wars series or a planet covered in forests of huge trees. Treebeard leaves after a short while speaking to dwell which brings on Omal who gives us a better understanding of differences of probing between Treebeard and Bunny, his distant grandniece many generations down the line from him. He also addresses Tia's dissertation which leads into a discussion of how best to survive any kind of breakdown of society which would include the storage of food and other essential items that might be needed. That included food dehydration and again Skip's time in the military is revealed as we learn about K-rations and C-rations. A time of economic collapse thankfully has never happened though what is being discussed is valuable for a possible future when such advice would be handy such as the trade value of a case of cigarettes where each pack had been wrapped in wax paper and vacuum sealed. Even Omal is moved along to Karra and new dissertation on herbology. For this session she starts out with mint and some of the good things it can do and some of the bad things a certain mint can do if used by pregnant women. She follows that up with the only plug for a website besides the Hades Base News that she ever endorsed. It's a health resource site that is still a valuable place for advice and one she believes strongly in still. She gives us a preview of the next week's channeling session where she would demonstrate how to make poultices. We again bring tobacco into the conversation as it is one of the main ingredients being asked to have supplied before the session. She even remarks on the incongruity of a healer using tobacco as a tool for healing. She changes subjects at that point to give tips and quiz us a bit on battlefield medicine including casts and honey. The session ends just as we're starting to go through the list ingredients needed for the upcoming poultice training.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 11/02/98. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Treebeard explains his gift of being able to probe people's minds through their shields to our guest who was meeting him for the first time. He demonstrates by answering all his unspoken questions.
2.)(7:45)- Omal talks about storage ideas for possible hard times ahead which include dehydrated food that is vacuum sealed. We also learn about K-rations and C-rations from our guest who was in the service.
3.)(27:48)- Karra begins her dissertation on herbs plus makes a one-time plug for a health research link she believes strongly in. We also plan the ingredient list she'll need to show us how to make poultices.

Thursday Mar 01, 2018
Baron Von Ringmaster- Part 1
Thursday Mar 01, 2018
Thursday Mar 01, 2018
Greetings in love and light as one.
This month's podcast comes with a story for anyone not up to date on The Baron and the title for this channeling session. As heard in last month's podcast, Kiri was discussing guides and the suggestion was made that The Baron would make a good guide for a pilot just starting out being that it had been just over two months since he had died. This was nine before that though and this was the third session where The Baron had been acting as ringmaster in a search for the best person to lead off each of the nights when there was channeling from the base. We hear him talk about his wish to do the best job possible and that he had been working on his English skills to make himself more understandable in his phrasing. The reason for this was that during his time as a pilot he took on the persona of Baron Von Richthofen and had whatever craft he piloted painted red. We even get to hear him make a joke during the session of his choice of pilots to emulate. We hear also of his family and the high costs of being a pilot from a higher dimension flying in the third dimension to protect worlds like ours. Besides his story, the rest of the session is another informative one but with a new twist. Tia could not make it in person to make her report of happenings on earth so she recorded a hologram disk of it and through a new technology being tried, they were able to get the holo-disc to act through Mark's body and perform all the functions Tia would take if she herself was channeling through Mark. For those of us in the room down here the difference was unnoticeable.
So giving his new English lessons a test run, The Baron starts the night off talking about his family which he would soon be visiting back home when his trip to their planet happened. We hear of the bravery of his daughter who had been permanently crippled from an engagement and would never be able to fly again. Once more we learn of the men and women of the pilots and what they do for our dimension despite the chance it could end their careers or even lives. He ends his first time on with an answer to a question on if it was possible Tonar, who was a ruler on Sirius at one time in its third dimensional period, could have been reincarnated as Adolph Hitler. Tia's short report via holo-disk covers several items with the main one that global warming is a natural occurrence. Twenty years later I'm personally in disagreement about that aspect of her report but this is now and that as then. In his first transition between speakers, The Baron tells a joke which maybe gets more laughs on the base as the punchline was lost somewhere in the translation. That brings up Karra who was asked to split her time speaking in two so as to get Treebeard before Karra's main topic was discussed at length. In this segment she answers the questions Tia's report and in particular on a hurricane that was ravaging Central America at the time named Mitch. She gives us her take on it as requested by a reader at the time from the perspective of Hades Base. short on time The Baron takes us to Treebeard who has an answer on a subject we had left off on during his last time channeling. The answer was given in the form of an analogy of how the human race is like an immense tree with branches spreading out from a single source. He ends the side with a discussion on devas and a theory he had put forward that the deva that was coming around the house at the time might be the same deva of a similar nature but in a male form. Our visiting deva had taken the form of the goddess Diana and he helps us try to tune into the devas presence who had just come into the room. The subject also allows us to hear about a similar deva he knew about back on Sirius who was the deva of fishing using spears.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 11/02/98. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- The Baron tells us about his family back on his home planet he is about to visit and discusses whether someone from the distant past of Sirius was Adolph Hitler.
2.)(9:43)- Tia could not be at the channeling session so she presents a dissertation on our planet through the aid of a holo-disk to control Mark's body so she can report on our global warming, stocks and politics.
3.)(16:11)- Karra answers questions on Hurricane Mitch that was going on in Central America and whether earth's wobble was a result of the comet that wiped out the dinosaurs.
4.)(25:53)- Treebeard uses a banyan tree as a metaphor for the growth of the human species but as he starts discussing our local deva it comes into the room. He next helps us tune into its presence.

Thursday Feb 01, 2018
The Two-Way Mirror of Happiness- Part 2
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
Side two of the channeling session has Karra taking on the subject of users who try to take your happiness away as they pursue theirs. On this night the room where the channeling took place was larger than normal so while everyone was a bit further from the mic, the low volume being recorded was reduced even more by Karra's already low tones in speaking. Her discussion this night was in relation to the fact we had recently been given a lesson in how people could use others to achieve their ends without regard for those being used. Low volume or not, her advice about users can be applied in anyone's life where they feel taken advantage of by another. One humorous side note was her side notes on those same users when they try to use an unprotected pentagram for purposes not of the light. She ends by pointing out the good being done in trying to help someone until the realization comes that they are out for themselves. A very rushed Tia comes in to alert us that a possible increase in the defcon level or levels that they had set that would increase with an increase in troubling world events. Between the earthquakes, rioting, stock market slide and mass shootings, there wasn't much more needed to start stocking up more food supplies. It would seem the meeting of the Council of Twelve she was about to attend decided against the change in levels. Kiri lets Tia get off to the meeting and uses all but the last few minutes to advance our understanding of the unseen guides who offer advice to our consciousness throughout our lives. The roles guides play in our lives is a mysterious thing for those being guided but Kiri's spur of the moment class on the subject cleared up a lot of the mystery considerably. We learn when guides act, how guides act and why guides act. The biggest revelation that was already fairly self-evident was her confirmation that death is merely life without a body. The session ends with her report on news around the base including the fact because Lyka's baby was born without abilities but that wouldn't lead to any kind of ostracization in a civilization where most of those would have them. In fact, she assured us just the opposite would happen. The session over, she departs but the tape runs long enough for Mark to get back into his body and get in one sentence.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 09/28/99. Side two includes:
1.)(0:30)- Karra expresses her vexation with people who use other people to achieve their happiness at the expense of the person that they are using.
2.)(10:59)- Tia warns us that she may be releasing a communiqué about the rise in global events that could curtail the happiness of billions if they were to increase in severity.
3.)(19:19)- Kiri gives a very complete dissertation on guides for everyone that do so while in between lives getting ready for their next incarnation. We also learn that each of us do a stint as a guide after we leave this life.

Thursday Feb 01, 2018
The Two-Way Mirror of Happiness- Part 1
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Greetings in love and light as one.
The podcast for February was originally to be titled "Struggles" from a suggestion offered by Treebeard during the channeling session but it was vetoed by Karra who instead provided the title you see above. The theme right from the start was all about happiness throughout most of the speakers giving us the last leg of the podcast focused on guides courtesy of Kiri, a bit off topic unless you count the reader's guides who will be happy to hear they are being discussed. With an overview of our planet from a dimension we will one day be a part of, the perspectives given of how they can help with our happiness come from knowing us and the lives we live. To that end we start with being happy with who you from Kiri are followed by what to do with that happiness once you have it by Omal and then comes keeping that happiness with the third and fourth speakers of the night, Treebeard and Karra. Happiness is either one of the easiest conditions to stay in all the time or impossible to achieve except without the greatest of struggles. Achieving the former can be done with a change of perspectives but the help provided by the members of the base can make that change go a lot easier. As an added bonus, we once again get to hear the real voice of Mark as he returns from a channeling session ended a few minutes early.
As mentioned, Kiri ended the session but she also started the session as ring mistress so it is she who gets the train started towards happiness central. Kiri begins her topic with defining certain types of happiness she is talking about with happiness in what you do and who you are the goals to achieve but giving spiritual happiness a large portion of what a person needs. Getting to total happiness is where Kiri leads the conversation and the path she takes us down is being completely happy with self. She uses various celebrities as the ideals that society has chosen to emulate but is adamant that a person has to find their own ideal with their higher self as the role model to follow. She wraps her first time on the tape explaining how struggles are an important part of the human condition as long as it is not in struggling to be yourself. That brings up Omal who runs with the same topic as Kiri and expands on the effects of the happiness once achieved. His method to happiness begins with going within to find contentment in your reflection and then use that to change your body and life to reflect that happiness out to others. That is reflected back to you which advances you spiritually. the going with he references also takes in finding what it is that makes you happy. He answers questions before he leaves and in doing so corrects the impression that you have to know hardship to appreciate happiness. He makes way for Treebeard who takes up the rest of the side primarily on the struggles of life and finding happiness at all times despite them. He ends with giving us one of the keys to happiness which is of being needed.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 09/28/99. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Kiri gets to congratulate Skip on his marriage which then becomes a dissertation on being happy with who you are not living up to an impossible standard.
2.)(12:07)- Omal explains how to be happy with yourself, what happens when you find that happiness and how to find your way out from the pits of despair.
3.)(31:00)- Treebeard talks about being happy with your current situation and the struggles life throws at you to achieve the growth the struggles are meant to bring.