Channeled higher dimensional Knowledge from the entities of Ashtar Command.

Monday May 02, 2016
The Tree, The Beard and the Bunny Part 2
Monday May 02, 2016
Monday May 02, 2016
Greetings once more in love and light,
On side two Treebeard ends quickly after reflecting on his long years of horticulture and looking to the future. Kiri's next and right away she is detailing the operation of a warp core engine (minus a few keywords) for Skip's benefit but more as part of an ongoing joke between the two of them. She reveals that she made the team for this year's Tri-Base Ski races but unfortunately the races themselves have run into a snag due to rain on Centari Base and have to be moved to Sirius. The last items up for discussion is the replacement of a pair of skis she broke and her design of a model plane that needs a downgrade from one of her earlier designs. Omal joins the channeling session in Kiri's place and after introducing himself to our guest, got a briefing on the status of the intergalactic conference. Bunny comes on to finish out the session while she is on vacation from school on Sirius and after introductions proceeds to lay out for us how she was able to heal a self-inflicted mental aberration she suffered from a healing where she accidentally re-wrote her mental circuitry. The question then came up about her ability to probe minds and gives a demonstration we found very enlightening. An excellent look at mind reading through another master of the skill and interesting comparisons between Treebeard and Bunny's techniques.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 01/26/99. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Treebeard quickly finishes his time channeling by noting his legacy of over 700 years of gardening and his intention to check on his plants after his passing.
2.)(1:27)- Kiri tantalizes us with part of the operating instructions for a warp core engine and how the Tri-Base ski races have had to be moved from the base on Alpha Centari.
3.)(10:00)- Omal get a briefing on the intergalactic conference and how the Arcturians had agreed to participate through a channel here on Earth.
4.)(20:00)- Bunny takes time out of her vacation from school on Sirius to channel and explains how she came to heal a mental reprogramming she did on herself.

Monday May 02, 2016
The Tree, The Beard and the Bunny Part1
Monday May 02, 2016
Monday May 02, 2016
Greetings in love and light,
As frequently mentioned, the sessions that end up as podcasts are chosen randomly without foreknowledge of what is on the tape and so it is that synchronicity has struck once again. After getting the story of how Tia ended up in the 6th dimension, Karra in her answering of questions explains from the Base's point of view what happened. This session is also a first for two reasons. Kiri practically goes into depth of how a warp care engine is built and it marks the first time Skip and Laura met Treebeard and Bunny. On a technical note, there is a scratchiness in the fist ten minutes or so which is repeated whenever the mic was moved. We also hear a little radio bleed through on side two which could not be removed in the mastering process.
Karra begins by introducing herself to a visitor Skip brought to the channeling session before explaining how self-healing works. That puts her on a path to explaining how the more you practice healing, the stronger you get in it. Prior to leaving, the subject of clones comes up and Karra takes us through Tia's transition. A nice counterpoint to last month's podcast. Treebeard takes up the rest of side two as we get a look at how mind reading is done from a master of the art. The technique of scanning a person's mind is broken down to a science by showing us how he sees the thoughts of others he's searching for as wave forms identified from their resonance with the thoughts he's thinking. He notes also how the auric colors help to identify the thoughts he looking for through the emotion tied to the color. At the end of side one he explains how he has adjusted his speech to a quicker tempo to facilitate our learning and it shows from the previous podcasts he's been featured.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 01/26/99. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Karra goes through the process of self-healing before expanding on Tia's story of how she came to the 6th dimension from her home planet on the 3rd.
2.)(16:17)- Treebeard shares the ins and outs of probing or reading a person's mind from the wave forms and colors seen while scanning the wide assortment of thoughts available.

Friday Apr 01, 2016
Tia's Story to the Event Horizon Part 2
Friday Apr 01, 2016
Friday Apr 01, 2016
Greetings again in love and light,
Korton goes on in side two stressing the ways words have meaning before turning it over to answering questions. He breaks down the difference in speaking to someone you know and trust and if you had to speak in a political setting. He goes on to explain how to deal with individuals when talked down to and how too often we only give one chance for a friendship but no more. He theorizes on the many friendships missed because of not giving additional chances for misunderstandings. Before he leaves he disproves to my satisfaction the rumor he has no sense of humor. Kiri follows to discuss first the rules of coercion but quickly gets into a very detailed treatise on the three types of edible flowers on Sirius used to effect the person in three very distinct ways. She then describes her home on Sirius and the beauty found no matter where you call home. Karra comes on after her sister to help our guest with the diagnosis of Hepatitis C. What follows is a well thought out regimen to deal with reducing the effects of how the disease affects the body. She ends the session with some ideas of things to carry to help deal with the symptoms as they occur.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on an unknown date. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Korton continues his excellent dissertation on communication and how we can lose friends by only giving them one chance after a misunderstanding.
3.)(35:54)- Karra has the challenge of helping our guest to the session with her diagnosis of Hepatitis C and coping with its effects.

Friday Apr 01, 2016
Tia's Story to the Event Horizon Part 1
Friday Apr 01, 2016
Friday Apr 01, 2016
Greetings in love and light,
We apologize for any confusion over the name of this month's podcast but it is a chronological ordering of the first two speaker's subjects and not a trip by Tia to a black hole. first, Tia would have been crushed out of existence and not able to participate in the session and second, Omal's description of time using the quantum mechanics of an event horizon deserved space in the title. Unfortunately a bit of radio and static bled through on side two but Kiri's dissertation on the flowers of Sirius is worth the listen.
Getting things started, Tia was introduced to Linda M who had joined us for her first session with the Hades Base speakers. After Tia goes over the ground rules that can be asked, she's asked about communes and has a surprisingly large amount of information to provide as well as a cautionary note that society could devolve to that level of living. Tia then goes on to describing herself before explaining how she ended up on sixth dimensional Sirius from third dimensional Durondedunn. We then get an overview of some of the animals on her home planet as she finishes up before handing off to Omal. He expands on Tia's explanation of time by using the event horizon of a black hole to demonstrate what happens to time as it reaches the speed of light. The quantum physics he uses to explain the phenomenon is very enlightening for those with a grasp of the subject but even now his concepts escape me. With his schedule so busy Omal speculated on having to take a nap, this from a 7th dimensional being who only sleeps every few thousand years. Korton makes one of his infrequent visits to close out side one discussing the importance of communication but only gets in a few minutes before the tape has to be turned over.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on an unknown date. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia helps our guest that night with a description of some West coast communes before explaining how she came to be on the 6th dimension from the 3rd.
2.)(21.19)- Omal uses quantum physics to explain what happens to time when it reaches the speed of light at the event horizon of a black hole.

Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
The Party and the Pyramid Part 2
Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
Greetings once more in love and light,
On side two, Kiri finishes up her instructions before handing off to Omal who immediately faces a question on the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza which he was witness to from monitors on the base. Because of that overview provided a higher dimension, details on the construction taking place at the time give a glimpse back to a time before the rise of Egypt's old kingdom. He next gets my research on a quest he had posed to me the week before to find a thing connecting the three cultures of the Hebrews, the Egyptians and the gypsies. The surprising result speaks to the power of an object if power is perceived to be held by that object. I next ask him to tackle the question of who was the real father of Jesus since he was also watching that through the monitors and for help with a theory of how the Hebrews fed themselves for so many years. His answer solves a major hole in the theory. We wraps up his time with suggestions on what to work on after seeing last weeks meta-concert practice. Kiri comes on to ask me a question Karra asked her to find out why I was unsure of some new energies Mark had invited to be a part of the household but were very ancient in the aspect those energies took. That then brings up gods and goddesses and
how to work with them should those kinds of energies be called upon. One revelation confirmed is how those energies as well as devic energies go all the way back to Atlantis. Karra ends side two with a synopsis of how Lyka managed to break her nose and how best I can help Mark in his working with a goddess.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on an unknown date. Side two includes:
1.)(2:10)- Omal covers a variety of subjects but they center on constriction techniques used to build the Great Pyramid and meta-concert.
3.)(31:40)- Karra returns to relay the damage Lyka did to herself by trying to stand on one hand and drink and glass of wine to impress the Cubs.

Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
The Party and the Pyramid Part 1
Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
Greetings in love and light,
This session coincided with a celebration on the base at the time and so drinking was taking place by some of the girls on the base. Unfortunately a large continent of guests also showed up and so the plans that had been in place needed to be postponed. Instead, a very inebriated Tia starts off a night of firsts; the first and only time I remember excessive drinking going on during a channeling session by individuals on the base and the first time someone had so bad an accident where bones were actually broken. Unfortunately the tape quality was not as clear as could have been hoped due to some static and a radio broadcast for the first part of side one that bled through when hearing the playback it has been cleaned up the best it can be.
Our tipsy ring mistress starts things off by answering a question on her duties as ring mistress. This provides an inside look at how she sets things up for the channeling sessions, something that had formally been a mystery. Karra next gets things back on more sober ground to answer questions from our youngest guest, a healer in training named Velvet who received some great answers from best qualified person in the room. She gets into a discussion on the dark and light sides of everyone and how that is a necessary thing before going into the ancient healing practice of using honey and why one would have used that to heal. That leads to a discussion on ancient races and their ability to survive into the present. She finishes up on the things she did as a medic to sterilize items while out in the field just before she has to put her healing skills to use for a sudden emergency. Kiri takes her place and gets into a classic engineering test she had given Mark and myself, transport an egg 100 feet using balsa and rubber bands. She manages to hook Skip into the project before the tape ends.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on an unknown date. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia comes on and gives us a look at how she arranges the channeling session such as who she puts on and why.ival and recovery phases.
2.)(7:27)- Karra talks about the dark and light sides of the soul, honey as a healing agent and the power of a positive attitude.

Monday Feb 01, 2016
Life After the Crash Part 2
Monday Feb 01, 2016
Monday Feb 01, 2016
Greetings again in love and light,
On side two, Omal talks about how the educated, seekers of knowledge do not have to be leaders or teachers if they do not want after a crash but then gets into a discussion on the current situation in North and South Korea. In that discussion, he notes the crossroads North Korea found itself at in 1997 and the directions it could take to make it worse or better. The literacy rate of South Korea was brought up as well and where it could take that country into the 21rst century. He returns to the topic of recovery as we go over cooperation in the form of a healing center where people could come together for support and learning. He ends by suggesting that links be established now for such an occurrence in the foreseeable future. Karra and I next put our heads together to kick around the plans for a center for awareness to help with getting through a crash and how already there is a growth in the spiritual awakening in the surrounding area. she describes the varied group of people who were growing spiritually before confirming in an answer the mental bond between her and I. we get an update on how things went with her trying to get pregnant as was brought up last in November's podcast Sirius Justice. Kiri finishes the session with a lesson on using the voice as a tool in coercion by how to properly structure the coercive control. Kiri next grades both Mark and I on some recent coercion we had been called upon to use. Her example illustrates perfectly the lesson she was getting across. The tape ends with a grueling description of what Mark and John had done to clear out the huge mass of snow and ice as a result of El Niño.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 02/20/97. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Omal talks about the situation in both Korea's as both prepare for the 21rst century before giving his opinion on opening a healing center either now or after the crash.
2.)(12:30)- Karra develops with me the plans of a possible center for awareness prior to revealing the aftermath of her attempts to get pregnant we heard about in November's podcast.
3.)(25:06)- Kiri gives some great pointers on how the voice can be used as a tool in coercion and then uses a recent incident between Mark and John as an example.

Monday Feb 01, 2016
Life After the Crash Part 1
Monday Feb 01, 2016
Monday Feb 01, 2016
Greetings in love and light,
This session took place in the midst of the last El Niño and it had been a stormy time so far. At the end of the tape is John's description of the snow and ice that were making our lives a living hell at the time, not having a snow blower to work with yet. Weather delayed John's arrival to the session that night and he ended up coming in half way through the first side while Tia was still speaking.
Prior to that, Tia had begun things with a status of the Dow and the factors that would lead up to the theme of the night's session., a possible crash of the economy of the United States. The connection with the banks and their investments in the market are explained and we discuss the phases of what was to follow and how best to survive and thrive. To get to such a scenario, she goes through the mechanisms of a massive drop in the stock markets and how things like the massive flooding going on at the time could lead to a spike in food prices bringing with it inflationary jumps. From there we take a trip down disaster lane and what the average person will be experiencing at that time. It's the survival and recovery phases that are the subject of what she details and is followed up as a theme by Omal during his time channeling. She leaves us with an excellent entrepreneurial suggestion on an item for resale few people would consider a valuable commodity. Omal follows Tia with an almost clairvoyant prediction of the Tiananmen Square massacre that would come two years later. It was the death of Deng Xiaoping in 1997 that brought up the question of what the people would do in its wake. No one can predict human behavior better than someone who isn't human and Omal shows once again why that is so.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped 02/20/97. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia explores with us the aftermath of a economic crash and getting through both the survival and recovery phases.
2.)(31:38)- Omal continues the theme on side two but finishes side one with an eerie prediction of the Tiananmen Square massacre based on current events at the time.

Friday Jan 01, 2016
Time Management Part 2
Friday Jan 01, 2016
Friday Jan 01, 2016
Greetings to you once more in love and light,
Side two takes off where side one left off as Omal expands on his explanation of how his 7th dimensional perspective of time differs from our and provides a building block to assist in how we as 3rd dimensional beings can pursue a similar perspective. Karra starts off her part of the channeling session with an idea on how to improve future sessions. She next explores the time of Atlantis and the cloning that took place back then from a viewpoint of a person who not only lived back then but has access to her Akashic records of her life then. We go over the moral augments for and against as well as the scientific options of how to clone and how not to clone. In the end she presents an argument I logically have to agree with. Kiri ends this very short side of the tape with her ideas on how to progress from linear, two dimensional tinkling to third dimensional thinking and uses computer building to do so. Finally she reveals why it is that would be such an advamtage.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 03/31/98. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Omal continues on explaining time from his pperspective while offering a way to expand our vision of time.
2.)(7:20)- Karra takes on the morals involved with cloning on a mass scale going on in Atlantis and what the clones were for and compares it to the arguments for and against cloning today.
3.)(24:36)- Kiri helps me get a better understanding on how three dimensional thinking is so advantageous over two dimensional thinking most of us do on the third dimension.

Friday Jan 01, 2016
Time Management Part 1
Friday Jan 01, 2016
Friday Jan 01, 2016
Greetings in love and light,
It's 2016 and so with a fresh year come a fresh perspective on how time is perceived across the dimensions. Omal named this session for a dissertation he gave in it which goes down as one of the best explanations for the fourth dimension and the properties of time he gave in the sessions recorded. Side two of this tape is missing a section that missed being recorded so it is shorter than normal.
To get there though, Tia comes on first with a retrospective look at how the Internet affected the stock market as it was becoming more and more of a factor because of online transaction speed. She also returns to the Clintons and another mysterious death which has suspicious implications. With the end of both the century and millennium coming to an end, we compare other periods of time where both the financial and spiritual growths had been prevalent. She discusses how the spiritualism of the '20 gave rise to the noticeable acceptability the new age of '90 was a result. How things like the 5th dimensional ascension is often used in place of a 6th dimensional ascension for the sake of understanding by some entities. She finishes up her portion of the session with a reminder why the Hades Base News has to be put out on the web for the greater good and not financial reward. Omal next treats us to time from his concept of it from the seventh dimension. What follows is both enlightening and mind-numbing in the concepts presented. Repeated listening still has my mind warped as much as his descriptions of the fourth dimension. Back then he had me demonstrate on as a third dimensional being tend to think two dimensionally due to my environment. he wraps up side on with a description of how time really works from someone who can see the fourth dimension from a perspective that even Karra found fascinating.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped 03/31/98. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia gives us a snapshot of how the Internet affects the stock markets in 1998 and with end of the century coming, discusses times it has happened in the past.
2.)(26.08)- Omal blows the minds of not only myself but that of Karra with his dissertation on the fourth dimension, time scales and time management.