Channeled higher dimensional Knowledge from the entities of Ashtar Command.

Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Ashtar In The House Part 2
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Greetings again in love and light,
On side two, Karra answered questions on predictions of various lengths extending to centuries out and how projections of the reality to occur can be possibly expected. Questions put to Kiri next brought up some sadness about her mother but also some valuable insights on the waiting period between lives. Tia ends things with a rare look at life on her home world when she was in her third dimensional existence before her ascension. Cat lovers will especially enjoy the tales of the hunt.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 3/19/97. Side two includes:
1.) Karra answers a question on predictions and projections over the short, mid and long terms.
2.) Kiri goes over agreements made in the waiting period between lives and we get an update on Lyka's condition.
3.) We get a memory from Tia back before she ascended of her home world and the ritual hunts of cats and priestesses. We also get a reminder of the hazards Mark takes in his trips to the base.

Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Ashtar In The House Part 1
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Greetings in love and light,
It is an auspicious podcast this month from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base as we are joined in this session by Ashtar. The mood was light during the channeling as Tia immediately demonstrated with a joke right from the get go. Ashtar as a follow-up offers advice in the way of spreading the information to anywhere we find ourselves so that when we met up again, the lessons would have spread to a that new group that had formed. Tia returns after Ashtar to clarify some questions raised about the groups to be formed but then gave the channeling couch over to Omal who informed us Ashtar or even possibly Sananda would make an appearance for a channeling debate that was then set in motion.
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 3/19/97. Side one includes:
1.) Ashtar expounds on the importance of spreading the information so that groups can rejoin later without starting from scratch.
2.) Tia uses the Roman Empire to expand on what Ashtar said about gathering groups.
3.) Omal gives us approval for a channeling debate and a lesson on the psychedelic cacti of the Southwest.

Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Flight Training and Flowers Part 2
Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Greetings once more in love and light,
Kiri kicks off side two by telling us all about the three special variety of flowers grown only on Sirius and the non-addictive effects of each. She also offers some excellent examples of Sirian meditation techniques. Karra shares healing techniques done on the base with magnets on broken limbs to join the two halves as well as how crystals are incorporated into the cast to speed up the healing process and some of their other uses. Tia finishes up the session by enlisting our help in playing "Who's on first?"
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 7/09/96. Side two includes:
1.) Kiri gives an excellent dissertation on the three types of special flowers on Sirius and some of the meditation techniques from there.
2.) Karra goes over the relationship between crystals and magnets and how they use them in healing on the base.
3.) Tia completes the channeling session with the Abbot and Costello routine of "Who's on First?"

Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Flight Training and Flowers Part 1
Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Greetings in love and light,
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 7/09/96. Side one includes:
1.) Tia explains the various forms of astral travel and the levels of astral travelers.
2.) Omal answers questions regarding Northop's flying wing and captured UFO's before offering a suggestion to see ID4.

Monday Dec 01, 2014
Conference Call Part 2
Monday Dec 01, 2014
Monday Dec 01, 2014
Greetings again in love and light,
Side two sees Omal going over the three stages of the conference and their hopes to make earth a non-abduction zone. Treebeard next reminds us of the differences in perception between ourselves, devas and trees. President Tanaka returns and accidentally almost violates the prime directive with humorous results. Kiri finishes up the session shaking her head over her father and we enjoy a great discussion centered around "Star Trek 4".
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 7/14/99. Side two includes:
1.) Omal goes over the stages the conference will take and the arrangements for the Sirian representative.
2.) Treebeard reminds us of the differences in the time perception of devas and trees.
3.) Tanaka comes back on and talks about a Sirian construction material with hilarious results.
4.) Kiri helps us take on a Star Trek paradox and goes over the details of the project she gave us again.

Monday Dec 01, 2014
Conference Call Part 1
Monday Dec 01, 2014
Monday Dec 01, 2014
Greetings in love and light,
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 7/14/99. Side one includes:
1.) Ashtar comes on to gather crucial information needed to choose a representative from Sirius for the upcoming conference.
2.) Monka, like Ashtar, gathers some crucial conference questions answered but of a more technological nature.

Saturday Nov 01, 2014
The Brotherhood of Light Part 2
Saturday Nov 01, 2014
Saturday Nov 01, 2014
Greetings again in love and light,
Treebeard gets side two started by assigning us a project that will help us understand devaship. Karra reminisces how her planet had a similar issue with over-medication we have now followed by Kiri who explores the current experiments here on anti-gravity with us. She also reviews a homework assignment she gave which was nothing like any homework we ever had to do in school.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 6/29/99. Side two includes:
1.) Treebeard assigns us a task to take on the role of a deva to know what they experience.
2.) Karra discusses the over-medication of patients by physicians with Skip.

Saturday Nov 01, 2014
The Brotherhood of Light Part 1
Saturday Nov 01, 2014
Saturday Nov 01, 2014
Greetings in love and light,
Big changes are afoot at the Hades Base News, some of the most important since its inception. Joseph Tarantino of Fantasy Studios has agreed to re-master the podcasts already posted and master those to come in the future. Return visitors will appreciate how it sounds now almost as it was back during the channeling sessions even with the primitive equipment being used.
Kiri starts off the first side with what one could call a follow-up to last month's dissertation except this is much more informative. Omal gives us an inside look at The Brotherhood of Light that filled in some gaps in our knowledge of the forces that have our back. Lyka reveals a surprising fact about her hip laser with Treebeard finishing the side by starting on the fascinating topic of devas and trees.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 6/29/99. Side one includes:
1.) Kiri goes over the morals of coercion and the five questions to ask before using that skill.
2.) Omal describes the Brotherhood of Light, their purpose and stresses how the free will of all must be honored.

Wednesday Oct 01, 2014
Mastering Your Mental Modem Part 2
Wednesday Oct 01, 2014
Wednesday Oct 01, 2014
Greetings once more in love and light.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:

Wednesday Oct 01, 2014
Mastering Your Mental Modem Part 1
Wednesday Oct 01, 2014
Wednesday Oct 01, 2014
Greetings in love and light,
After Tia, Omal speaks about the consciousness of the mind and how it compares with a computer, especially the two modems we work through on a constant basis. Karra wraps up side one talking about her computer on the 6th dimension and goes on in side two as we break down my recent attempt to research a topic from only knowing 3rd dimensional ones.
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 07/22/97. side one includes:
1.) Tia reviews the soon-to-be at that time introduction of the Euro and the hazards of it not starting strong.
2.) Omal gives an excellent dissertation on the consciousness of the mind and then explores the comparison of the mind to a computer.
3.) Karra helps with my issues working on her computer.