Channeled higher dimensional Knowledge from the entities of Ashtar Command.

Monday Sep 01, 2014
States of Mind Part 2
Monday Sep 01, 2014
Monday Sep 01, 2014
Greetings once more from both of us.
Side two brings on a sword wielding Lyka come to teach me a lesson in sword fighting but is actually an analogy home defense during a possible future of urban warfare. An interesting chat about her armor designed to deflect laser attacks taught me a lot about what she has to help in times on 3rd dimensional worlds as part of the Sirian Defense force. Leah and Kiri finish up side two with fascinating dissertations on the ways of women from their sixth dimensional female viewpoint. Kiri's chat on body language was particularly enlightening then and now.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted form 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 4/17/1998. Part two includes:
1.) Lyka gives me a sword lesson and turns it into an analogy on preparing for urban conflict in a worse case scenario.
2.) Leah comes on to provide some valuable advice about women from a woman's point of view.
3.) Kiri takes Leah's dissertation one step further by bringing up body language and it's over-looked importance.

Monday Sep 01, 2014
States of Mind Part 1
Monday Sep 01, 2014
Monday Sep 01, 2014
Greetings in love and light.
Side one of this session starts with Tia's very educational talk on astral travel and how she and Mark go in to go out. Listening to the tips from so long ago came to help me long after this tape had been made. Omal comes on next with a great discussion on the Victorian era from a person who watch its ending come with the loss of the Titanic form a first person point of view. Karra finishes up side one working on a headache caused by her close association with me and comes through with an excellent way to heal through those and examines their causes.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 4/17/1998. Part one includes:
1.) Tia provides some vital astral travel advice that still helps 16 years later.
2.) Omal holds a moment of silence for the Titanic and how the ship and others like it represented the end of an era.
3.) Karra goes over the topic of healing done after the loss of a loved one as well as stress and nutritional headaches.

Saturday Aug 02, 2014
Sarah's Letter of Forgiveness Part 2
Saturday Aug 02, 2014
Saturday Aug 02, 2014
Greetings once more in love and light,
Side two of the channeling session starts with Tia finishing her talk on the properties of the 5th dimension and the setup in place to train new personnel about those properties. Karra tells next about her time with Sarah and some rules of thumb any healer should know. Kiri brings her infant, super-operant son who quickly discusses the mindset of the Greys and then finishes up the session with time travel caused by traveling around the speed of light. Along those lines she shares the story of the man who met himself as a result.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 04/02/1997. Side two includes:
1.) Tia continues with the principles governing the 5th dimension.
2.) Karra talks about Sarah and some of the rules for healers.
2.) Karra talks about Sarah and some of the rules for healers.
3.) Leonedies discusses the mindset of the Grey's.
4.) Kiri works with us on time travel and tells the story of the man who met himself.

Saturday Aug 02, 2014
Sarah's Letter of Forgiveness Part 1
Saturday Aug 02, 2014
Saturday Aug 02, 2014
Greetings in love and light,
This month's podcast honors the personnel of Ashtar Command and the work they are doing to keep this planet safe as well as helping it from behind the scenes in it's path of ascension. We do so with Kiri revisiting a letter written by Sarah, a 3rd dimensional young woman abducted by another 3rd dimensional race and rescued by the base pilots. With only another six months to live, the thanked us and forgave those who caused her suffering. Omal follow that with an explanation for the abductions and experiments done by the Greys. Tia goes over why the 4th and 5th dimensions are not conducive for living to finish up side one.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 04/02/1997. Side one includes:
1.) Kiri reads a letter written by Sarah.
2.) Omal goes over the reasons for alien abductions and discusses time displacement involved with space travel.
2.) Omal goes over the reasons for alien abductions and discusses time displacement involved with space travel.
3.) Tia explains explains how the 4th and 5th dimensions are uninhabitable.

Wednesday Jul 02, 2014
6th to 3rd, Dimensional Differences Part 2
Wednesday Jul 02, 2014
Wednesday Jul 02, 2014
Greetings again in love and light,
On side two, Huna/Bunny makes her first appearance in the channeling sessions and those moral differences are dramatically presented in a way that had me rolling on the floor then and again now listening to it once more. Kiri finishes up the session with tears and sadness as she returns from what was her final visit with Sarah.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 08/12/1997. Side two includes:
1.) Karra quickly goes over how we are all a part of the whole.
2.) We get to meet Huna/Bunny for the first time with hilarious results.
2.) We get to meet Huna/Bunny for the first time with hilarious results.
3.) Kiri returns from a trip to visit Sarah for the last time and provides a fascinating travelogue of the trip.

Wednesday Jul 02, 2014
6th to 3rd, Dimensional Differences Part 1
Wednesday Jul 02, 2014
Wednesday Jul 02, 2014
Greetings in love and light,
Differences are the focus for the month of July and they are brought into clarity as several examples are presented through the various speakers in this month's podcast. Tia starts out side one with a discussion on the UPS strike while some solutions are offered that would make a difference in a perfect world. Omal follows that with a dissertation on the differences between the 6th dimension and the 3rd with the emphasis on the morals decision made on an individual level for both dimensions.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 08/12/1997. Side one includes:
1.) Tia opens with a long discussion on the current UPS strike at the time and looks at the bigger picture.
2.) Omal summarizes Tia's dissertation and goes on to discuss the differences between the two dimensions of 6th and 3rd.
2.) Omal summarizes Tia's dissertation and goes on to discuss the differences between the two dimensions of 6th and 3rd.

Monday Jun 02, 2014
The Bunny Monster- (Listener Discretion Advised!) Part 2
Monday Jun 02, 2014
Monday Jun 02, 2014
Greetings again in love and light,
Side two is where all the action starts with Karra pondering on what Tall discussed followed by Leah, Huna's sister sharing with us the university homework she has to complete during her stay on the base. Finally came Huna on a publicity tour for her most recent hologram. Several minutes of tape had to be edited when things got out of hand..
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 01/06/1998. Side two includes:
1.) Taal theorizes on the possibility of no more patrols here in the third dimension.
2.) Karra continues on the discussion of the link between pilots and their ship.
3.) Leah reviews a homework assignment she has completed and asks for some relationship advice.
4.) Huna, AKA The Bunny Monster, earns her nickname yet once more to a point where some of her chat had to be edited out for explicit content.

Monday Jun 02, 2014
The Bunny Monster- (Listener Discretion Advised!) Part 1
Monday Jun 02, 2014
Monday Jun 02, 2014
Greetings in love and light,
Return visitors to this site will recall in the podcast two months ago called "6th Dimensional Economics", the edicts from above Omal announced due to a previous session. This is that session. On side one, the end of the millennium was approaching at the time and Tia gives an excellent dissertation on prophesies. Taal who was a squadron leader stopped by and we learned how the race of pilots start their training at a very young age.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 01/06/1998. Side one includes:
1.) Tia gives a dissertation on the vibrational changes leading up to the end of the millennium and explains how prophecies can be misunderstood.
2.) Wing Commander Taal gets a lesson in workplace politics and afterwards explains how the pilots start training as childre

Thursday May 01, 2014
The Warped Session Part 2
Thursday May 01, 2014
Thursday May 01, 2014
Greetings once more in love and light,
In the second part of the session, Karra discusses her work which at the time was still as a healer down in the med lab with Kornas and his staff. She also shares a couple of warped examples of higher dimensional humor better left to telepaths to enjoy them to their fullest. Kiri rounds things up with her best explanation yet on the construction of warp engines and presents a theory on how warp travel works.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 06/17/1997. Side two includes:
1.) Karra continues with another example of 6th dimensional humor and then fills us in with her experiences down in the med lab.
2.) Kiri starts off with a discussion on engineering and finishes with a very detailed dissertation on warp engines and warp travel.

Thursday May 01, 2014
The Warped Session Part 1
Thursday May 01, 2014
Thursday May 01, 2014
Greetings in love and light,
The theme for the month is due to how the session and topics took on a warped aspect upon reflection. Side one of the tape starts off with a Tia's discussion on the middle class at the time and the warped way the numbers changed to suit political ends. Omal takes up most of what's left of the side on how the various psychic skills available to mankind could form an interconnected network of Lightworkers. He finishes with a page out of Einstein's theory of relativity and the warped perspective time is for the observer.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 06/17/1997. Side one includes:
1.) Tia discusses the future possibilities in regards to welfare reform and the changing definition of the middle class at the time.
2.) Omal gives a dissertation on development and evolutionary purpose of the mind. He follows that up with an explanation on the mechanics of space travel.
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