Channeled higher dimensional Knowledge from the entities of Ashtar Command.
Monday Apr 01, 2024
Rejuvenation, Conscious Coercion, and Manifestation- Part 2
Monday Apr 01, 2024
Monday Apr 01, 2024
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
Omal is the only speaker for this side which is a plus because he gives us a lot in his time speaking. The first thing he gets into is a schedule change for the night which means that coercion was now being added to the manifestation training that had been planned. The holidays were always busy work wise at the ski resort where Mark and I both worked and the theater where I was a manager. On top of that was the studies assigned to us by the speakers on the base so we were trying to juggle our work, life, and study time. Coercion was our first topic and part of the training was to use it in a real-world setting. As a theater manager, I had the perfect environment to improve on that ability. The plan being presented to Omal for approval and input was to use coercion to bring up my cost per person that was being asked by the theater company. The timing couldn't be better. From there we started working out a strategy of how I could establish and reestablish eye contact with customers before and after they bought tickets. He suggests short words repeated over and over again would have the most success when using coercion. This is called conscious coercion because the person is being deliberately coerced into doing something they wouldn't normally do. What made this a good test was that my cost per person would indicate whether my efforts were bearing fruit. Before moving onto manifestation, we covered whether or not the person being coerced became somehow emotionally attached to the person doing the coercing. He says there is little chance of that. With manifestation, I had befriended a fire deva to help with my practice. We had been trying to alter flames and the help we had received gave us some visible successes. He makes the point that by working with flames, we have something to build on which is easier than trying to create something out of nothing. He breaks down manifestation to the simple arranging of molecules to your specifications. We go through a quick manifestation practice where I try moving the candle flame in front of me. From there we go into becoming familiar with the molecule groupings being manipulated. In demonstrating what he is talking about, he goes through the basic actions of the molecules within some known substances. We wrap up the session with his reminder to me to avoid burnout with all the work and training I had been doing. It's a channeling session staying relevant thirty years later with lessons we can use today.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 12/25/1992. Side two includes:
1.)(21:50)- Omal discusses the use of coercion in a real world test environment before moving on to manifestation practice. We learn that manifestation is essentially the arranging of groups of molecules.
Monday Apr 01, 2024
Rejuvenation, Conscious Coercion, and Manifestation- Part 1
Monday Apr 01, 2024
Monday Apr 01, 2024
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
April is upon us and so is this month's channeling session with the members of Ashtar Command of which there are only three. Recorded on Christmas Day in 1992, we get plenty of subjects covered with just Tia, Kiri, and Omal during their hour or so of teaching. It seemed that there had been some Christmas Eve celebrating the night before as we get a slightly hung over Tia sounding a bit subdued. Nonetheless, she gets things off to a start by offering some tips for the daily short astral projection trips I had been taking up to the base during some free time at work. It was some important steps in my efforts at going solid. We move on from there to healing with genetics which led to a back-and-forth on physical rejuvenation without the artificial means used on the base. What we learn is that doing so would require replacing the old genes with new ones. She makes the process sound simple and it would be later in the conversation where she suggests using the mind to replace the genes instead of the actual physical gene replacement. The discussion that followed on bone structure gets sidetracked during the revelation that they've created holograms on the base of some cartoon characters down here like Roger Rabbit. This was recorded thirty years ago and it's only now where we're just catching up with that technology. She gives a good plan on rejuvenating the mind as we get to the end of her time talking. What we learn is that involves having a memory of the body decades ago to use as a template. I ended up working on the whole body since then and confirm it can make a big difference. Kiri is our next speaker who soon gets into a discussion on shielding and the use of offensive and aggressive shielding in dealing with mental attacks from others. For the most part, we've dealt with defensive shielding where your shields reflect attacking energy up to even where meta-concerts are sending the energy. This though is when you would take action offensively. The need for it would be extremely rare but it is knowledge and knowledge is always good. We finish up the side by letting Kiri know that Mark and I had been discussing how we might have been working for the base without knowing it such as Mark finding a third dimensional planet populated by people will descended from pigs. It's an amazing galaxy out there and so we let them know we had no problems with it. On to side two.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 12/25/1992. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia covers the subjects of astral projection and physical rejuvenation and has some valuable tips on both. I was close to going solid so she helped with that and suggested a memory as a template.
2.)(23:20)- Kiri takes us in a new direction in mental shielding by going over both offensive and aggressive shielding for when defensive shielding isn't helping. It's shielding that should never be needed
Friday Mar 01, 2024
Dual Meta-concert Practice Plus One on Sirius- Part 2
Friday Mar 01, 2024
Friday Mar 01, 2024
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
We return on side two fourteen days later with an additional person here on the third dimension to take part in the meta-concert practice set up by Kiri. Like before, the energy for the meta-concert was going to come from the base for two different practices but, this time, Skip and I were going to reverse the executive and conductor roles to see the difference. After the first practice it is found that Mark's astral travel crystal found its way into the pyramid with the end result being that the crystal had its information wiped. That meant that Mark would have to program it over the next month. With everyone all relaxed, we're ready to begin the next meta-concert practice but find it is Korton who has taken over from Kiri the verbal part of the practice. What we find out later is that Kiri was having trouble handling the audio and meta-concert duties at the same time. In between practices, a subject comes up many would find helpful on patience and impatience. We explore the bond between the two because, as Korton says, you can't have one without the other. We run our second practice with the roles reversed and find better success manipulating the candle flame. From there we return to the topic of patience and impatience and Korton gives a very good analogy of how age is an important factor in how both are handled. We end things by him pointing out that the best planned events can go off plan and handling the change is a learning experience. It's at this point Kiri returns to take over from where she left off as ring mistress and we go over a few things such as dealing with mistakes and how the room we're in is about to get a complete cleaning. A request goes out for Omal to come into speak as he is just outside the pyramid in the backyard of Kiri, Tia and Mark's place. He takes his place in the channeling field within the pyramid and we wrap up the channeling session with our questions to him. A situation had come up at my work whereby a young man had come into the shop and had been reviewing my journal of the channeling sessions. That got them curious about Ashtar Command but his age made his discretion a question that I took to Omal for advice. His suggestion was to work with the young man step by step without forcing too much on him at once. The last thing we went over was plans for the next channeling session when we would be working on the connections between Jewish mysticism, Egyptian science, religion, and the Gypsies. We know from hindsight that was also a very good session.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 02/15/94. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Kiri goes through the briefing of the upcoming meta-concert and the roles of each person. After a practice session, she discovers Mark's astral travel crystal fell into the pyramid and was wiped clean.
2.)(18:15)- Korton takes over as speaker for the next practices due to the strain on Kiri. We follow up with a discussion on the bond between patience and impatience. We find out age has much to do with both.
3.)(21:50)- Omal wraps up the channeling session answering a question about how to work with a teenager in helping them along a path of higher consciousness. As an artist, we'll start with his creativity.
Friday Mar 01, 2024
Dual Meta-concert Practice Plus One on Sirius- Part 1
Friday Mar 01, 2024
Friday Mar 01, 2024
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
For the month of March, the members of Ashtar Command recorded two different channeling sessions two weeks apart back in February 1994 with both revolving around meta-concerts. Both sessions also relied on energy channeled from the base and the meta-concert constructed there through Mark into whoever was serving as conductor down here. The object of meta-concerts was to affect the flame of a candle in some way. We were successful in all four of the tests with the most success found when the roles were reversed. Beyond the meta-concert practice was various other topics of conversation along with some amazing revelations. Side one gets off to start with Tia and I reviewing my recent astral travel training and her providing some insights on child rearing from her experiences with her triplets. We jump into the first meta-concert practice with this one set up to help with my focusing of energies. Reviewing the results, it was found my energy being wasn't tight enough so in an effort to practice getting it tighter, I ended up getting a flashback when trying to follow the beam. The pain and suffering you'll hear afterwords is a warning for others not to do the same. It's Kiri's turn to channel so Tia steps away as we find out a bit of the experiences Kiri went through in college prior to her joining Ashtar Command. Some of those were good such as her winning three coercion competitions in a row while others were bad such as the time she helped in a meta-concert designed to send a fellow student back to the third dimension. A student of coercion had become powerful and corrupt to the point where it was decided further lessons on the third were required. The meta-concert also resulted in another student acting as the executive in the meta-concert to ascend to the next highest dimension by self-sacrificing herself voluntarily. Other subjects covered included parenting advice, course conditions for an up coming ski race, and her desire to become a better fencer for her bouts with Mark. Next up would be a brand-new session two weeks later.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 02/01/1994. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia runs through a practice meta-concert with her supplying energy from the base for me to get used to learning how to focus it. Practice to tighten the beam afterwards leads to an energy backlash.
2.)(26:22)- Kiri relates a time from college when she participated in a meta-concert that sent a corrupt coercer in her class back to the third dimension while another classmate ascended due to a self-sacrifice.
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Assignment Ashtar Command and Hologram Hunting- Part 2
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
The tape changes sides and Omal gives us a look into the workings of Ashtar Command and the Council of 12. What we learned from Omal is that small groups like ours doing channeling sessions were test beds for interacting with groups across the planet and even other planets. Plans that are made by the Council and given a trial run with groups like ours could could affect those of a race that wasn't human. They gave our interactions with the base a bit more seriousness. We then get his input on a class I was putting together with the help of our guests right explain the class outline and he gives some great thoughts on how to proceed. We next get into a discussion on coercion to help our guests understand more about Kiri's ability with the skill. A question on crime and coercion leads to us finding out that doors aren't locked on the base except in those secure areas that might harm the personnel due to their not being any crime on their dimension. This is the point where we learn that Tia had been coerced to speak at the start. It was done we find out to help her get over her fear of strangers. We know in the session in the following week would have Tia being the only base member to speak on side one and part of side two. What we find out next is that everyone in the group including Mark had been in a higher dimension prior to our incarnation on the third. That revelation alone made the session a key addition to the archives. He ends his time talking searching for an analogy on why someone would return to the third after being on a higher dimension. Basically, it was a return to learn lessons forgotten after so long a time. Kiri takes over from there for the rest of the session and we get into a topic Omal brought up about her use of coercion. She confirms that it's usually done with the eyes and the emotion she can convey with her eyes. That gives us some tips we discuss on how to use the eyes to determine a person's mood. Speaking of moods, she explains how Tia remembers her home world and the one time she had there when hunting animals so she uses the hologram suites to re-create animals from that world to hunt. Being an engineer, Kiri explains some of the technical elements involved in how the computer responds to hunting with no weapons. We get to the end of the session discussing how the graveyard shift on the base use lights and other ways to give their bodies the belief that it's daytime to keep the body in rhythm. It's handy with a base that never sleeps and is ready for anything. It was a lot of great new knowledge that is inspirational if only for the fact that we've been in a higher dimension, we can certainly get there again.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 08/10/1992. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Omal returns and explains how the ruling Council of Ashtar Command makes and evaluates their decisions. He reveals as well that each person in our group had already ascended and came back.
2.)(21:11)- Kiri elaborates on Omal's revelation that coercion involves emotions and how they are conveyed by the eyes. Then, recreation on the base is the topic so we hear about the holograms available.
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Assignment Ashtar Command and Hologram Hunting- Part 1
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
In last month's channeling session, Tia was asked about her shyness in front of a group the week prior. This is that group and this is that week. We find out during the session that Tia had to be coerced by Kiri to come on to speak to some new guests. She lasts less than a minute before heading to the sidelines to sit and watch the rest of the session. Kiri gamely takes over as ring mistress due to her experience with other groups besides ours. She would be back to finish up the second side as well with Tia suffering from a rare lack of words. The guests joining the channeling session were students of a class of mine attending their second session and were still processing the ability to ask questions of those on another planet and dimension. Introductions over, a question is asked about past lives which would get follow-ups throughout the night and lead to some very deep revelations. Since souls traveling groups she surmises that everyone in the room had shared a life or two. With our guest more at ease with Kiri the conversation shifts to worry more about her and her life. We learn from her that everyone in the society works, even the children in the fact of their daily learning. That leads her to joke about starting up an intergalactic travel agency. Kiri explains how everyone has responsibilities that they love doing and she has trouble understanding what people would work as something they don't love. The skiing course on the base was to be the site of the Tri-base ski tournament set for the winter. Our Summer Olympics in Barcelona was taking place at the time which brought the similarities to their event. That brings us to the end of her time talking though and it's Omal's time to speak for the remainder of the side. The lack of space for this summary cuts out many of the great topics discussed that the key topics were parallel universes and how they differentiate more the further out from our reality. A return to the theme of past lives rings on the revelation that this life was preceded by one where I was a member of Ashtar Command. Whether I'm speaking to my former boss isn't brought up in his remark that is very hard to leave the command is relevant to many on the third dimension. He answers a question on the validity of astrology before the big revelation of the night. A question about alien intervention and the Bible opens a Pandora's box when the topic of Immaculate Conception arises. He reveals some artificial insemination was possibly involved and the most qualified person on the base to doing at the time would've been the resident geneticist Kornas. Why this question never came up in our conversations with Kornas may be another case of intervention. With that, we get to the end of the side with more revelations to come.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 08/10/1992. Side one includes:
1.)(0:42)- Kiri explains to some new guests how the process of multiple lives takes place such as souls traveling in groups. She gets to also talk about her life and life on Sirius to a curious questioner.
2.)(19:25)- Omal confirms the existence of parallel universes and how each is a little bit different from the next before taking on whether the birth of Jesus was a result of artificial insemination thanks to the base.
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Laura’s Solo Session and the Nature of Reality- Part 2
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
Omal gets side two started discussing Laura's husband, Skip, someone who would be a guest at many a future channeling session. We discover that Skip as a tendency to drain energy from other people including his wife and that habit would be addressed in later sessions. For now it was still a problem until they had him develop his mental shielding but this is also where we learn this is Skip's first life on this planet. We know from previous sessions his last life been on a planet with huge trees. The conversation continues on to Laura's being able to see auras and how the yellow spots she had seen on Skip's aura signaled problems in the future. Omal cautions that she may need to prepare for his passing but he would still be at channeling sessions for years to come. The topic comes up of Mark's rare ability to astral travel to their higher dimension and then manipulate the fourth dimension on the way back so that he is only left for an hour here but had been on the base for twelve hours. We also discover there's a cost to that gift in that it would shorten his life. A stray comment about the understanding of reality generates an explanation of reality from Omal where he defines it very simply using the upcoming presidential election and the various outcomes as all happening at once. One of the problems Laura was having at the time within her astral projection. We find out it's her fear of heights that was holding her back so Omal as some good advice to help her get over that. One of the surprising elements of Laura's time talking comes at the end with Omal where he reveals that Laura's spirit animal was in the room causing a breeze. That animal it turns out was a white buffalo who had taken an interest in the channeling session. Omal signs off with what would come to be his trademark "live long and prosper". Tia ends the session in the short time left with her revelation that she had watched both the Star Wars and Star Trek movies up on the base despite the difference in dimensions and planets.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 08/17/1992. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Omal and Laura discuss her husband Skip who would become a very important guest in later years. He also explains the way reality works in a very simplified manner that makes it easy to grasp.
2.)(31:08)- In the four minutes left on the tape, Tia reveals that she has been able to watch all the Star Trek and Star Wars movies on the base. We go over as well Laura's guides which includes a white buffalo.
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Laura’s Solo Session and the Nature of Reality- Part 1
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
We get 2024 off to a start with a rare private channeling session with a friend of ours named Laura. Tia is the night's ring mistress and is also the only speaker on side one. Tia is her typical vibrant self we are used to after getting shy and bashful at a crowded session the week before when Ashtar made an appearance. The conversation turns to a description gives of herself and her third dimensional home planet of Durondedunn. It's a race of beings descended from cats and run as a matriarchal society. We find that her race is about two hundred years ahead of ours technically and have established colonies on other planets in their solar system. In noting her PK ability and the benefits it brings Tia, we find that Laura too has hidden skills she had let atrophy. She seems to have used coercion or far sighting during card games as a youth to know a player's cards ahead of time. It was an important time in Tia's life as we find out she was moving into Korton's department for data analysis. She would run the department in later years. From there we return to the subject of Tia's home planets and pets they have there such as what would be best described as a flying kitten with four wings. We move on to relationships and Laura's friendship with Mark and how their aura's interact when close together. Tia then relates how she, Kiri and Mark share a soul in a very rare combination of a triplet soul. She reveals that part of that relationship includes her being able to influence Mark when he is shopping to focus more on healthy additions. We end the side with her explaining that her being on the base with its higher technology means she will live a far longer life and how Sirians can only get pregnant after reaching a particular age of maturity to avoid a very serious birth.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 08/17/1992. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia has a one-on-one chat with our guest during a solo session including a description of her home plant of Durondedunn. We also hear of some of the benefits between the 3rd and 6th dimensions.
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Ceremony Preparations and Empath Training- Part 2
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
Side two continues on that same topic as Omal provides his expertise as a premier instructor of people in how to best pass on knowledge. His advice for the two subjects of our guest is to teach each one in a different method than the other for a month and then switch the methods between students to gauge the best way the teaching should proceed. He assures our guest that her fears her students might explore higher dimensions are unfounded and their minds would not let them proceed past the third without knowing the mathematics involved in the transition between dimensions. He also shares that in a life after this one, someone might choose to reincarnate in a similar situation with at least one parental unit from the previous life to resolve issues that might have been holding the person back. Another guest was having self-doubt about his healing ability and Omal provide some excellent methods to take him to the next step. He ends with letting us know we have guides always assisting us should we listen to their advice. Tia makes the transition to the next speaker who is Karra and she goes over what is needed for the healing session that will be following the bonding ceremony. We move on from there to our guest who has a problem with her empath ability and large crowds. Karra is able to give the advice as a healer to focus on the energies of others in the room having a good time. That would make the negative energies harder to be felt from others in the room. She is able to encourage our guests that her empath ability is a great assist in her quest to be a teacher. Karra is replaced by her sister Kiri so that we can go over the crashed alien vehicles recovered and the reverse engineering being done to discover their secrets. Kiri is able to provide some fresh perspective on what might be found from their research and shares that it's unlikely they would be successful due to the limitless combinations needed to solve the propulsion answer. The good news is that none of the ships are Sirian. We learn from her that individuals on her dimension are taught by teachers from higher dimensions. We end the night with Tia wrapping things up by telling our guest about the flowers she had eaten during an astral travel trip to the base that had caused her to become disoriented. As a bonus we find out that her planet has both a space Navy and a Navy on their oceans. It's because her home planet is third dimensional.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 07/23/1992. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Omal helps a frequent guest with her desire to be a teacher and guide to others. He gives her some great advice and discusses the impossibility of time travel unless it is down a similar timeline.
2.)(15:20)- Karra assists our guest with advice on how to control her empathic ability when out in crowds and it becomes overwhelming. It turns out that ability will be a benefit with the classes she has planned.
3.)(25:52)- Kiri and I discuss the captured ships reported by Bob Lazar and the theoretical advances might be gained through reverse engineering. We find out that they have higher dimensional teachers as well.
4.)(38:49)- Tia informs us the bonding ceremony down here will be streamed on the base to about a thousand people. We also learn that her third dimensional home planet has a space Navy and wet Navy.
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Ceremony Preparations and Empath Training- Part 1
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
The channeling session for the month of December has a focus on the celebrations planned for an upcoming bonding ceremony between two friends of ours, Carrie and Mike. It was coming up the next week and tonight was the night where Kiri and Tia used much of the first half ironing out the details for a bonding ceremony, healing session, reception, and the channeling session that was to make it all happen. Officiating at the request of the happy couple was to be Omal channeling through Mark while we hear from our guest Bethany that she would be able to be a second channel for the event. So, with plans to arrange, the session gets started. Filling in for a delayed Tia, Kiri jumps right in to planning for the big event by rearranging the furniture in the room to accommodate the third dimensional guests while at the same time laying down bets on the sex of Kiri's and Mark's baby. Moving on, we learn about how those on the sixth dimension have as many questions about their future evolution as we do. She breaks the news that Wing Commander Taal scored another victory as well as what it takes for them to access our racial memory down here. Tia gets free so Kiri changes places with her as we now get into the ceremony requirements themselves. It's a list that includes candles, crystals, wine, rope, and a knife. It's a Sirian ceremony with lots of moving parts. More room design takes place as we next learn the schedule of events. Nothing has been been overlooked. From the ceremony leading to a healing ceremony followed by a reception, everything is set down to the food and drinks to be enjoyed by everyone. One missing element every bonding ceremony enjoys is the Wookie Air Band. The running joke is where would they park the spaceship needed to bring them to the planet. It's not all ceremony covered by Tia and so we also learn about some protections to use when astral traveling and what to avoid is base. Black holes, nebulas, and star clusters are a big no-no. It's time then for Omal to get in his time speaking before the end of the tape. He is questioned about a belief amongst Christians that Revelations is coming true and when it massive disasters. Omal reassures us and explains the various languages and Bible versions make any definitive predictions unlikely. The tape ends as our guest asked him about her future as a teacher and guide.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 07/23/1992. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Kiri dicusses plans for a ceremony on the third dimension where Omal will be officiating through Mark. We also get the news that our friend Wing Commander Taal got a confirmed victory while on patrol.
2.)(13:44)- Tia continues with preparations for the bonding ceremony before explaining the various invisible to us cameras showing them the room down here. We cover as well astral travel dangers in space.
3.)(34:42)- Omal answers a question on the possibility of Revelations coming true with the upcoming end of the century. It gets deep as he explains the multiple realities that could take place instead.