Channeled higher dimensional Knowledge from the entities of Ashtar Command.

4 days ago
4 days ago
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
We get into stellar physics and a question about a trip I made in my astral body out to Pluto and looked back. That then brings up the topic of why our solar system is elliptical and how gravity keeps everything in place. He suggests some experiments to demonstrate how planets move at different speeds and don't collide. My brain was starting to hurt so we ended with his pumping a crystal full of energy and then giving it to me to refresh my energy from it. What happens next is surprising as Karra and Kiri team up so that they can guide me in working on Mark's knee. We were using energy transfers to help speed up the healing on a recent surgery he had been through. Working with the crystal scalpel, we align some energy and clear up some blockages. All done, Karra and I discuss the genetics of the twin children still in her womb and what we could expect as far as their abilities. What we learn is that she will avoid any pain blockage options so that she can bond more with the children when they were to be born. That brings up the pain she would go through and the increase in her abilities that would come as a result. She needs to end quickly so we find out what fruits and other items help as brain food prior to her leaving. Kiri returns by herself this time and surprise, we discuss sex. In this case, the rules they have to live by regarding it that are less the more educated you are. With that, we learn about her take on how far she goes on the matter. We end so that her niece can channel as we are squeezed for time. Alana and I go over how we would be sharing time together since Karra needed some rest from the pregnancy. We finalize the plans and then let Tia wrap things up with some program notes from the channeling session. She then launches into a quick music trivia part of the session that came as another surprise. We get through her renditions and discuss her attempts at keeping one of Mark's eyes open while she channeled. Kiri had gotten the other one open and Tia was trying to catch up. Just before the tape runs out, we talk about something her daughter was doing which was turning into a kitten using manifestation. Her research had discovered it was a rare trait whose originals she had failed to determine. When I saw it I thought it was pretty cute. So that was the channeling session with some very excellent subjects covered. The sound quality makes it a good one for the archives.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 11/13/1993. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Omal get into stellar physics and why our solar system is elliptical. That gets into a discussion on gravity and its effects. He has some experiments he suggests that would demonstrate how it works.
2.)(10:23)- Karra and Kiri team up to help guide me in doing an energy repair of Mark's knee using a surgical crystal to speed up the healing. We next go over the potential gifts of our expected children.
3.)(25:20)- Kiri comes back to a topic of the social mores of a higher dimension between two people which leads to the topic of how she expresses her love for her partners where a few psychic skills are involved.

4 days ago
4 days ago
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
We enter March with a fascinating channeling session with pretty good sound quality compared to last month. Following along via the transcript is encouraged as some parts aren't as clear. A few of things of note before getting started. The first is that Tia starts things off in what could be called a frisky mood which included interacting with the cats hanging around Mark's body on the futon. Also, Karra was still a healer at this point and Alana, her daughter, was a bit shy and speaks very softly. Lastly, this recording took place exactly one week after last month's channeling session. So, our new mother Tia was just wrapping up feeding one of her children as things get started. As it is with most sessions, we begin by going over my recent farsighting practice and the different techniques I had been trying out to improve my range and duration of the trips. That brings us to the part of the title of this channeling session which is a world of illusions. This section is a comparison between the control systems of this dimension and their dimension. In this dimension, the control system revolves around money while on their dimension, the control systems revolve around the advancement of the self and the system. We stay on that subject as we discuss life on their dimension and the rules in place there which we would return to near the end of the session. But for now, Tia had a wild hair and Kiri had to step in to let Karra speak with her for a bit. More restrained, Tia returns and we continue. What we do learn before she leaves is how she lives in a world full of telepaths. She is able to tune into the mental babble as she calls it or tune it out. Karra quickly takes her place to remind me to get a crystal scalpel before making way for Omal to finish up the side. A topic we would return to with Karra later was how certain pain can bring on advancement in various psychic skills. In this case, the mental pain of heavy thinking on serious matters. As he says, that is when you're really using your brain. That had been what I have been going through learning new technologies on the base and his explanation made sense. We go into the subject of manifestation and my recent attempts at creating a penny from scratch. It was similar to what he was teaching Mark and Kiri's son Alex where Alex would create something but he would turn away and get upset when it disappeared due to a lack of his attention and energy. One thing we end with that might be confusing is about Mark and Tia's triplets and how boisterous they were in her womb. It got so bad I and others would try to calm them by speaking to them telepathically to give her some peace. It worked but then she stressed when she didn't feel them moving as much as before. It was a tough pregnancy that had to be completed in two different wombs in the end. We move on from there to new subjects on the second side.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 11/13/1993. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- A highly charged up Tia goes over farsighting improvements and the control systems in place in both our dimension and theirs. We learn how life is being a telepath in a dimension full of telepaths.
2.)(19:36)- Omal explains how certain pain, such as mental pain, can be beneficial when we are working on some very heavy subjects. We then cover manifestation and his work with Alex in his development.

Saturday Feb 01, 2025
Proper Nutrition and the Meta-Concert Conductor- Part 2
Saturday Feb 01, 2025
Saturday Feb 01, 2025
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
In our efforts to get Mark's body to start healing during his sleep cycle while he was away or channeling, Karra reveals that when they are channeling through him, his body is running at just the bare minimums for survival. She applies the analogy of a submarine crew waiting out a depth charge run with all systems running at the barest minimum. We move on to the subject of what environmental factors are required for life. The one we focus on is atmosphere and how the pressure of it keeps the body's cells in place. Even with oxygen being provided, the human body in the vacuum of space has the fluids sucked out of it and they freeze or even possibly boil. Either way, a person has about thirty seconds of exposure before dying. That's how we cap things off and Tia takes her place so that Omal can begin channeling. The topic I bring up immediately with him is to discuss is meta-concerts and the role of the conductor that I was looking to get more information to pass on to Mark when he got back. It was something Omal and I had started in a previous session but had to be put off until now. The conductor is possibly the most important participant in a meta-concert because they determine the start, they take in and regulate the energy to be passed on to the primary, and they take in any flashback of energy to keep the rest of the participants from any harm. He stresses practice and training in the conductor role by learning the abilities of each of the participants to handle energies depending on their mood. That puts a big responsibility on the conductor to read each of the people in the meta-concert. He switches to a related topic of taking in energy with the hands-on training part of the channeling session. He has me stand up and feel all the energy sources in the room. We had cats, we had crystals, we also had the pyramid surrounding Mark's body. He had me suck the energy and then release it at a particular tempo. He next has me draw in energy using both my physical and astral bodies and then release it. I note the vast difference between the two attempts and thus learned a new way to approach the entire meta-concert process going forward. It was a key bit of knowledge we didn't have before. We finish things with his suggestion to always have a couple cats around when practicing gathering in energy. Tia returns to bring on Kiri who has only seconds to speak before the tape runs out. Before that, Tia confirms that the energy gathering method Omal showed me would be helpful for meditation and astral travel. A great session we're happy to add to the archives and only wish the sound had been comparable to last months channeling session. We suggest following along with the transcript below.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 11/06/1993. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- On side two, Karra works on the problem I bring up about Mark's body not self-healing due a disconnect between the physical and astral bodies when he is physically on the base in his astral body.
2.)(8:05)- Omal explains the importance of the conductor role in a meta-concert and how they must know the participants abilities, moods and ability to work with a group. He also helps improve my energy intake.

Saturday Feb 01, 2025
Proper Nutrition and the Meta-Concert Conductor- Part 1
Saturday Feb 01, 2025
Saturday Feb 01, 2025
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
It is February of 2025 but we are going back to 1993 for this channeling session with the members of Ashtar Command. We only have time for three of those members though as they take up the bulk of the tape helping us with some important things. This information from nearly thirty-two years ago is as timely now as it was then as we deal with astral travel, nutritional needs, and focusing on a key part of a meta-concert, the role of the conductor. We'll start with a side note which is Tia getting the session going with a debate on the merits of meat eaten raw and whether it is as healthy as opposed to other options. Her feline ancestry explains her dietary desires to like meat raw. We wrap up the debate and move on to farsighting questions such as learning that traveling through the base in our astral bodies has no effect on the physical things in our way. We compare astral travel techniques and she explains that everyone's technique is like a fingerprint that is unique to them. We end with discussing Mark's incredible talent of being able to go solid when traveling to the base. She steps aside after that to allow Karra to take her place in the channeling field. Karra starts off with news she had received about a blood test done on Luna that revealed that either her body was becoming pregnant or a menstrual cycle was beginning. She brought me the good news because it was possible the baby was mine. They had been trying to get Mark and myself to spread our third dimensional genes among our sixth dimensional female friends. Thus, Karra, Kiri, and Tia were all fine with the program. We then get into the training I was looking to begin with her of healing physical trauma through touch and mind. That led to a discussion on proper nutrition achieved through paying attention to the food eaten and fluids taken in throughout the day. A funny side note she brings up is that for eighteen dollars, one could go to the pharmacy and by all the ingredients that make up a human being. We finish up the side with looking at ways we could use to help the fact that Mark's body isn't self-healing when he is on the base in his solid form. It was causing health issues because his astral and physical bodies weren't matching due to his astral body was healing while he was on the base. We would take up the subject again on the second side.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 11/06/1993. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia and I discuss her preference for meat that is raw to my preference to vegetables that are raw instead. We then go over techniques for farsighting that I work with while she helps with suggestions.
2.)(15:46)- Karra listens to some information on nutrition I have gotten from a book which leads to a funny revelation of hers that the body's compounds are worth about eighteen dollars if purchased.

Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
Mental Frequencies and Intergalactic Convoy Duty- Part 2
Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
My conversation with Kiri on side two is very short and ends with a bad joke before Wing Commander Taal pays us an infrequent visit and starts things off with a good joke. He was coming by to let me know that a pilot friend of mine had his first confirmed kill and thank Mark for his volunteering to be a guinea pig with the pilots deepwater rescue training. Taal reveals it wasn't a good experience for Mark due to a nosebleed acquired from the two and a half hours it took to get back up to the surface. That brings up the question of the reports of USO's being seen in the world's oceans. He tells his those are craft specially designed for undersea research and don't have the ability to fly in space. The bulk of our talk concerned his upcoming convoy duty he had planned. We learn that convoys can travel through hostile third dimensional space which is where they can get jumped and have to be defended. He then took off which brought Karra on to discuss the assignment given to me by Tia. The person in question had healing as a potential ability so we work on how best to help her develop that skill. We next cover the discussion from Omal about the new mindset we were to develop in which we could hear each other better. We had heard before that improving our telepathic connection was a step to doing that with people down here I had a connection with frequency wise. At the end of our talk we reminisce about my days when I used marijuana to create a better connection to her but had given it up as a dead-end. She explains that enough time had passed where we were able to start at getting back to improving the connection again as if I had never gotten high. Our last guest speaker of the night takes over from Karra to discuss some scheduled battle strategy. Unfortunately, Lyka found himself unable to do so because she needed pictures to properly demonstrate what she knew and that she was a bit tipsy from a flower she had eaten before the session. So the wargame training had to be put off but with a silver lining that I already had a board game down here which would serve our purposes perfectly. That left Tia to run the tape out so I asked her about whether or not she doodles. She reminded me of the potty humor of the question which came from being a mother of triplet daughters. So begins a discussion on a camping trip they had taken to the mountain above the base where they had hunted some rabbits. The four of them were descended from felines so mom was teaching her daughters skills from her home planet complete with individual hunting designs she had painted on each one's faces. We continue discussing the Cubs and how the one called Athena had gotten into an argument with her sister because she wanted to be the boss. It caused some friction which was finally resolved in the end. We finish up the channeling session with the revelation of Tia's real name before she took on a name she felt we would find easier. In her trying to get me to repeat it, it's easy to see why she decided on Tia. It's great to have such an excellent sound quality to work with and we are very happy everything was quite understandable for a change. An excellent entry into the Ashtar Command archives.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 06/20/1995. Side two includes:
1.)(1:28)- Wing Commander Taal updates us on Mark's volunteering to be taken six hundred feet underwater to test rescue operations at depth. He hear as well about USO's and his upcoming convoy duty.
2.)(11:22)- Karra and I work on techniques for our one-on-one conversations to be better heard before we address the crankiness both Mark and I had been going through recently. Her answer is to let it go.
3.)(2619)- Lyka comes on under the influence of one the Base's famous flowers as we plan a way that I can wargame Lyka during a channeling session so she can demonstrate to me battlefield strategies.
4.)(30:18)- Tia finishes up the night recalling a recent camping trip she took the Cubs in the woods on Wookie Mountain. She relates how among her triplets is a pack rules that determine who leads them.

Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
Mental Frequencies and Intergalactic Convoy Duty- Part 1
Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
We start off 2025 with one of the best sounding channeling sessions we have had the joy to adding to Ashtar Command archives. Our sound engineers got really good quality out of this recording from 1995 that brought six members of the command together for a very informative session. Our ring mistress Tia takes the opportunity to get things going by giving me an assignment where I will enlist the help of Karra and Alana in coaching a young lady who was just beginning to develop her psychic abilities. I would be traveling off the mountain each day to begin training her in mental shielding as Omal had started with us. The second assignment she was authorizing was for Mark to return to surveilling Groom Lake at Area 51 in his astral body for any new technology being developed. It was something Mark and I had started that the base had become interested in what we found. Assignments given, Tia turns the reins over to Omal for his turn speaking. What he helped me with is my questions on the differences between fifth and sixth dimensions. He explains that the base is sixth dimensional but enclosed in fifth dimensional work space. In later sessions would hear more about the room next to the gravity generators creating the effect. One topic that would come up here and also with Karra was the link between her and I being developed more strongly to where I could hear her on a more constant basis. Omal had some good tips for how to make that happen. We finish up on the world to come after humanity ascends to a higher dimensional Earth. He says what those humans will find guardians there who had been trained for the position that would teach them about their new world and new life. That leaves Kiri to get us to side two. Her training with me had been in coercion so we work on increasing the practice I was doing. To help in this, she provides four important tips in using the skill that make it sound pretty simple. What we do learn is that coercion acts within a frequency created by the user. Mind and voice combine to produce waves of a coercive frequency designed to overwhelm the normal frequency of a person who haven't yet developed mental shielding. She reminds me she had taken Champion coercer twice while in university so she knew the subject well. We end on how to create the coercive frequency which would be continued on side two.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 06/20/1995. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia sets up an assignment for me to travel to a friend of ours and help her though an awakening phase she was going through. During this, I was encouraged to ask Mark to go easy teaching me fencing.
2.)(8:23)- Omal explains how Hades Base is in a fifth dimensional working space but the base itself is in the sixth dimension. We discuss the transition to a higher dimension and how some people will slide back.
3.)(30:18)- Kiri provides some important tips when coercing someone such as maintaining eye contact. In coercion, a coercive frequency is created that overrides a normal frequency if mental shields aren't active.

Sunday Dec 01, 2024
Christmastime and the Sirian Barter System- PArt 2
Sunday Dec 01, 2024
Sunday Dec 01, 2024
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
Things continue from where they left off on side one as Karra provides a lesson to Carrie about how to approach life from a different perspective. Karra continues the topic of learning from your mistakes including ones that might've been made in Atlantis. That comes up because Carrie had a vision of this life being a reliving of a life in Atlantis when she had left prior to its destruction and her leaving our group was the same thing again. What she understands though is that she is on a mission to bring light to a place that lacks much in the way of higher dimensional knowledge. Karra ends this part of her channeling being assured by Carrie that she was going to make it thanks to the support from those on the base. Tia returns to chat with Carrie as we discuss names for baby boys while Tia describes what it is like to raise triplets. The call with Carrie has been going on long enough that Tia is worried about the phone bill so we wrap things up and return back to our normal channeling session. That means Karra is back to complete her talk with me and discuss a Christmas present for Carrie. It's when we're discussing some new redecoration of the apartment on the base that Karra breaks into some Rocky Horror Picture Show lyrics. It's always funny to hear third dimensional movie references among higher dimensional beings. That leads to a discussion on Atlantis again where the question of it being an analogy to the present time is discussed. A friend of ours that was staying at the house at the time stops in real quick to say hi before leaving for work. We next cover dehydrating food for survival in tough times. Things like turkey jerky to supplement any lost protein when stores aren't available is brought up as a possibility. That segues into how the higher dimensions manage to do things economically without money. It turns out they use a barter system when needing either foods or services. It's a logical progression from currency when the population is enlightened. We discuss how it could be a good option should society collapse. We end things with Karra and Tia comes on to wrap things up. During the short time left we discussed how both Mark and I were burning the candle at both ends during the holiday season. I assured her things would be back to normal after January first. A good session with a lot of information covered with just two speakers. Another worthy addition to the Hades Base archives.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 12/23/1994. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Karra continues her conversation with Carrie as Carrie has a theory that the group of us on the base and Earth that we are reliving our Atlantis lives once again. Carrie left us as she did then she feels.
2.)(5:23)- Tia and Carrie discuss raising children since Tia has triplets and relates some of the things she's seen as a mother. Worried about the phone bill, Tia ends things with Carrie but will see her in her dreams.
3.)(12:27)- Karra breaks into a little Rocky Horror Picture show as we discuss Atlantis again. We also get to learn about the economy of a higher dimension where a barter system is the way they exchange goods.

Sunday Dec 01, 2024
Christmastime and the Sirian Barter System- Part 1
Sunday Dec 01, 2024
Sunday Dec 01, 2024
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
It's December, and appropriately enough we have a channeling session recorded at Christmas time of 1994. The unusual things about this session was that there were only two speakers in the form of Tia and Karra and that the bulk of the conversation was spent talking to our friend Carrie who had moved to the Midwest and we were calling now as scheduled. Tia is the ring mistress of this channeling session even if it is only one other person with whom she was switching. The entire concept of Christmas is put to the test as I try to explain the commercialization of the holiday. At the time, budgets were tight and the joy of the season was in competition with the cost of the season. We call up our good friend Carrie who had patiently been waiting for a call that came an hour late. It's good she stayed up because she had a favor to ask of Tia which was if she could name a potential daughter after her. Tia is overwhelmed by request and the love between the two is reflected in Tia's reaction. One thing we learn is that the base had placed higher dimensional monitors that couldn't be seen on the third dimension but they could monitor Carrie's condition throughout that time including her aura. We were familiar with them because we had talked about the ones here at the house in previous channeling sessions. Carrie describes to Tia a conversation with a priest where she defended Ashtar Command and the teaching she had learned during her times at our channeling sessions. One thing we learn from Tia is that there is a heaven for cats where they go through the same process of reincarnation humans do. Tia then makes way for Karra to channel and immediately Carrie's having a child becomes the main topic of their conversation because of a prophecy that had been predicted where Carrie would die if she had a child. That turned out not to be the case though we do hear about her other health issues at the time. The next topic is the place where Carrie had made her home in the Midwest and the people around her that were so much different from those in California. We close out the side with Karra explaining that this life is the most important of any prior because those were all in the past. This was said in response to Carrie expressing her exhaustion with the third dimension and wanting the knowledge waiting in the next. This is a good time for her to hear these motivating words from Karra.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 12/23/1994. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Carrie and I try to explain the concept of Christmas and Santa Claus to Tia during a call to Carrie where she also asks Tia if she can name a daughter after her should she have one. Tia is overwhelmed.
2.)(25:59)- Karra shares the joys of motherhood with Carrie, easing her concerns about having a child. She applauds as well that Carrie was starting a new job as a certified nurse's aide so she can heal with energy.

Friday Nov 01, 2024
Space Corridors and the Earth Dolphin's New Home- Part 2
Friday Nov 01, 2024
Friday Nov 01, 2024
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
On side two, Omal takes the reins right away and we get into a request from him for me to manifest from the base a miniature swan he replicated that we have been working on earlier. It turned out to be a very funny exchange. It does bring up though when we had last tried a similar demonstration back in Sedona when he was being channeled through a channel named Roger Pinion. We always enjoyed reminiscing about old times. Manifestation is so much easier on a higher dimension which leads me to my updating him on my work with Mark and Kiri's son Alex as we both created boxes around each other when I was up there. That brings us to a revelation I discovered during a trip where our ship was transporting technicians to Alpha Centauri. We made an evaluation of a new piece of navigational gear on our way there which mapped out the space corridors that each ship had to use in approaching the base. Those same corridors would be also at Sirius and Hades Base for ships approaching them as well. We cover a lot more but, jumping ahead to the next speaker we move on to Alana who only gets to talk for a little bit before Nazreal enters the channeling room and asks to speak for a little bit. He had just earned his pilot's nickname of Jester and we were in a celebratory mood. He's only on for a couple minutes before Alana returns and we discuss the new dolphin pool being built. She explains how they will be getting four more dolphins from Sirius when it is done and four willing dolphins from Earth which I would have a hand in helping make happen. Those Earth Dolphins would be in quarantine in the old pool before being able to join the pods from Sirius. She finishes up up and Tia comes on to get us to the end of the side by checking to see if Karra would be making it by asking the computer what her brain waves were reading. We find out she is somewhere in dreamland so we go over discussing the dinner she had planned for the two of us later that evening. As the tape gets close to ending, she gives a quick explanation in the moral differences between dimensions when it comes to personal relationships except for apparently Wing Commander Taal who has even more moral taboos than we do. Who knew?
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 01/11/1996. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Omal has me try to manifest a swan he has manifested and I just have to pull it through. We also review a trip I made in a ship where the monitors showed the space corridors leading to the base
2.)(29:38)- Alana updates me on the new dolphin pool and how they will be bringing up some willing earth dolphins who would be temporarily in the old pool for quarantine. We saw how they did in the archives.
3.)(37:32)- Tia uses the computer to analyze Karra's brain waves to tell if she was coming or sleeping and finds she is sleeping. We go over as well the dinner she had planned that would help her therapy.

Friday Nov 01, 2024
Space Corridors and the Earth Dolphin's New Home- Part 1
Friday Nov 01, 2024
Friday Nov 01, 2024
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
Recorded in January 1994, the channeling session for November is another information filled time with the members of Ashtar Command that our sound engineers did a great job with but we always suggest following the audio along with the transcription to not miss anything. What was missing from this session was Karra who was too tired to make it. Tia begin things with a how-to on astral projection and getting out of the body. One thing we do learn is that once you get out of your body, the farther you go and more oftentimes you do it the easier it becomes. Her adrenaline levels were getting the better of her due to a dinner she had planned and so we cut our conversation short to allow Kiri the rest of the side to answer questions. The first subject I wanted to go over with her was my participation as a helper in a search and rescue craft piloted by Karra's son Nazreal. I would get solid enough to help evaluate things and train with the crew. This was sort of my debriefing with her on my experiences with some new equipment we were testing. Her interest was the couch we sat on and that's where things got technical because she was helping with its design. For example, we find out the couches were made of an organic material that not only nourishes the pilot and eliminates any fluids that get built up. It also had sensors to provide relief to those areas it sensed were having discomfort. That then was hooked up the cable to the helmet and each of us got the information we needed. I gave her my recommendation for more padding in the straps to alleviate some tension and a better way to position the feet. The helmets we would be transitioning to penetrated the brain but not the skull so that transmitted directly to the ship would quicken the pilot's responses. We finish things up with finding out that Hades Base would be hosting for the first time the ski races held between Sirius and Alpha Centauri base to create the tri-base ski races. She was looking for participants and I was happy to help as she described the three courses Mark and herself were designing and would also set the qualifying times. One of the highlights that would be talked about the most afterwards was the snowboarding displays put on by Wookie engineers on the base.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 01/11/1994. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia explains her astral projection method and how the farther you go from your body the easier it gets over time. A curious fact we discover is there is a sun between Hades Base and Sirius with ruins.
2.)(10:04)- Kiri and I discuss behind the scenes details of the interior of one of their ships as she is working on the pilot's couch. We find out this is the first year they would be hosting the tri-base ski races.