Channeled higher dimensional Knowledge from the entities of Ashtar Command.

Thursday Nov 01, 2018
A Call To Carrie and Hunting Holograms- Part 2
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
Kiri starts out side two for only a minute or so before giving up her seat to her sister. Karra gets back to dwelling on a topic we had been working on which was the vanishing bulk of knowledge regarding healing in African tribes and Native American tribes. One of those tribes, the Algonquin, were mentioned as having some of the knowledge concerning herb lore. We do find out Ashtar is on the base though not able to join the channeling session that night. Kiri has to do in his place as she rejoins to take Karra's seat because she has a lot to go over with our visiting guest. We first get to hear about the reason Tia needs to take a few weeks off which is that her issues are related to her being Durodedunn. After that, it's all business literally as Kiri and Nicole discuss the bathing suit designs Kiri had drawn up for her that she was taking back to Australia. She knew of ways to get the plans to market and so the agreement already worked out was confirmed as to what would be done with any profits. While visiting, Nicole had purchased a ski suit and so at Kiri's urging tried it on for her to see it on a person. She ends her time explaining why she has to relate to the price of everything in cases of wine which is because there isn't a monetary system on Sirius. As explained in previous sessions, it's an economy built around barter, karma, need, and honor. That leaves Tia to use what little time is left on the side to first take note of how Kiri's transition of speakers wasn't done as it should be with an audible gasp from Mark as one speaker replaced the next. After that, she reveals that one of her options to avoiding homesickness was to hunt holograms of one of the animals from her homeworld that would bear a resemblance to a deer. She details how, back where she came from, they would hunt the animal with their bare hands and use all parts of the animal once it had been killed. Another revelation we learn is that Tia would help out one of our guests mentally by nudging his thinking in a particular direction. There was an unspoken agreement all us attending on the third dimension agreed to when working with telepaths that mental nudging was perfectly acceptable if it advanced our growth. We end the session with Tia's assertions that she is faithful to Mark and while the other women of the base may have multiple partners, she was just not that sort of woman.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 02/21/96. Side two includes:
1.)(1:23)- Karra answers questions relating to our recent searches for traditional remedies such as the Algonquin. We also learn from her that Ashtar is on the base but unable to join us.
2.)(10:03)- We hear from Kiri why Tia needs to take a few weeks off from her duties and the standard method of barter Kiri uses when selling her line of swimsuits.
3.)(22:57)- Tia explains how she hunts holographic deer from her home planet and how she hunted the real thing back when she was on the third dimension.

Thursday Nov 01, 2018
A Call To Carrie and Hunting Holograms- Part 1
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Greetings in love and light as one.
November's podcast of a channeling session from 1996 introduces a new guest to hear the members of Hades Base who was visiting from Australia named Nicole. She has been mentioned before in previous sessions but we finally hear her on tape as she adds her contributions to the questions asked. This could almost be called a follow-up to last month's podcast except that this channeling session took place over eight months prior to that one. Last month we had called our friend Carrie who had moved away from Lake Tahoe but caught after she had gone to sleep. We again catch after she had retired for the night but this time she forces herself awake and all of side one is our conversation with her. She had an upcoming marriage soon and so a lot of the conversation covers that subject through her chat with Kiri, Tia, and Karra. On side two we were joined by our friend John and we hear more on why Tia wasn't the ring mistress for the night's session and why we would have a replacement for the next few weeks. To wrap up this summary, she is also the speaker who tells us all about her honing her hunting skills by tracking and killing with her bare hands holograms of one of the animals she used to hunt on her homeworld.
With Kiri taking on the role of ring mistress, she is the first to speak to Carrie as we ring her up right away. With the impending wedding, Kiri and Carrie go over dresses picked out already and the ones Kiri had been getting ideas about to show Carrie. Next, the bride-to-be asks for and gets an update of what was happening on the base before Karra comes on to answer questions Carrie had for our resident healer. First to be gone over was a blood pressure rise Karra had received reports on that Carrie would need to address, especially if a planned pregnancy was to take place after the wedding. We also see some Carrie's incredible resolve as she declares herself able to heal a recent infection without the aid of doctors. That's all the time Karra had to allow everyone to speak to her so she makes way for Tia to chat with her sister mind. Tia uses her time to go over the bad dreams Carrie had been having which Tia was able to wipe from Carrie's memory by slipping into Carrie's dream state. She had also been using those moments to help Carrie with her astral traveling. Finally, they discuss the difficulty Carrie had been having adjusting to a life away from California. Kiri's talk with Carrie had been cut short by her sister so Kiri returns to talk about what would take place when Mark and myself went to her wedding and how a channeling session could be arranged like in the old days. Kiri next completes her discussion about the dress designs she had in mind for the wedding as well as various miscellaneous subjects before they have to usher back in Tia and Karra to say goodbye since the long distance call was racking up some minutes. After they hang up there's not much more time on the side than to note that Kiri's name in Sirian would be too tough to say using Mark's body.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 02/21/96. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- We call Carrie and Kiri discusses with her the plans for her wedding as well as gets caught up with what's been going on lately around the base.
2.)(7:55)- Karra also talks about the upcoming wedding but more from a healers point of view as Carrie is a former patient of hers.

Monday Oct 01, 2018
Ashtar, Harmonics, and Healing- Part 2
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
We continue with theorizing how to defeat the laws of gravity on side two though Kiri was on a tight leash as Omal kept the conversation out of the gray area. Kiri was attempting to get out guest Skip to go into a cascade of thoughts which she had helped him do previously. The channeling session changed gears at that point as we gave a former guest Carrie when she lived in town a call. We caught her asleep so we tabled her call with us to the next week. After the call, Karra joins the channeling session to follow up on Kiri's topic of harmonics and the role they played in the healing of another dear friend of ours who had attended a few sessions. She was out of frequency with her spiritual self and had been healed by modulating both frequencies using harmonics. That lucky experience let Karra expand on the unseen world of harmonics and how their use is often overlooked such as how the changing of an individual consciously changes their frequency and thus harmonics. Left unsaid but demonstrated is how harmony is the matching of harmonic notes. We switch speakers after a question about the frequencies of water where crystals have been added change the water but are denied the answer pending further research on our part. Tia comes on to get us to the end of the side and begins by using the singing bowl Karra had been using to get a nice ringing going. The subject of her demonstration Skip has to leave so the rest of the session had only two people to ask questions. Those questions went back to the topic of importance here on this planet which was politics. Being third dimensional as ourselves, she was able to give us a unique look at the presidential election through fresh eyes. She gives us an idea of who she would have voted for among the past presidents before more on to the present and the proposed tax cuts being considered by Congress. We end the side comparing the working of a state as opposed to the workings of the government.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 10/09/96. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Kiri gives us a final hint about anti-gravity through a demonstration with a flashlight before we give a call to a friend of ours who moved away named Carrie.
2.)(5:02)- Karra talks about the unique harmonic frequency everybody has and how it can be used for healing oneself and others. She uses a singing bowl as an audio aid to get her point across.
3.)(18:01)- Tia spells out the penalty Kiri would have faced had she given out too much information about anti-gravity and who she would have voted for among the former presidents of the United States.

Monday Oct 01, 2018
Ashtar, Harmonics, and Healing- Part 1
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Greetings in love and light as one.
As we close out 2018, we have a channeling session that stands apart for several reasons and a three-part editorial series on "The Sirian Chronicles". One of the first reasons is we are honored with a visit from Ashtar who stopped by to dispute reports that Ashtar Command would no longer have any dealings with earth going forward. He emphatically puts those fears to rest. Harmonics provided a second and third reason for this session being special because it was during this one we learned their importance in all of life's aspects. One way is in Kiri teasing us with an anti-gravity workshop and the other is Karra's demonstration of how harmonics can be used to heal. A nice bit of comic relief in the form of our waking our good friend Carrie who we had scheduled to join us for the session. Waking her up to get her involved put those plans of the back burner for the following week.
The call to Carrie was supposed to be the start of side one but our initial tries kept getting a busy signal until side two. In the meantime, Tia got us through two guest speakers starting with Lyka who had some issues getting to the session after getting the summons last minute. Bruised and bleeding, she jokes around about coming to visit us from the base in a UFO before quickly filling us in on happenings on the base. She makes way for Ashtar to come on and channel through Mark though it would take a toll on Mark. He was there to refute statements by alien races who had claimed Ashtar Command no longer worked with our planet. He did so as well as make a statement about the Command's commitment to protecting us. He finishes by answering questions including one about a very dear friend of ours. Tia has to fill in for a while due to Ashtar's effect on Mark's body so we go over first how the media is talking more about healing through a spiritual process before moving onto the politics of the day. Jack Kemp and Al Gore had just wrapped up their vice presidential debate earlier so the upcoming election was a hot topic. She repeats a report she heard from our media about who is really running the White House and ends for now covering TWA Flight 800 and its tragic end due to a fuel tank explosion. That leaves Kiri to finish up the side of the tape and she does so by going over the frequency of the earth and harmonics. That leads to a conversation that gets us to side two on the theory of how to build an anti-gravity machine.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 10/09/96. Side one includes:
1.)(2:56)- Lyka comes on and jokes about making off with one the ships on that base to come visit us in Lake Tahoe. It demonstrated her bravery with Ashtar in the same room.
2.)(7:57)- Ashtar makes an honored visit after getting reports there were claims Ashtar Command no longer was protecting our planet. He quickly puts those claims to rest.

Saturday Sep 01, 2018
More Chakra Boosting Plus Tree Chakras- Part 2
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
Leonedies gets back to the subject at hand on side two by using different examples of how different dimensions handle emotions. We learn that we here on earth view beauty one way but that is different from what Karra or Kiri would experience and that is a key in how to advance. He ends with an example his father went through when a teapot here in the house was broken by his girlfriend at the time and the proper reaction of Mark to the event. Karra then ushers on Lyka who breaks the news of her pregnancy and that she would not be able to compete in the upcoming ski races. The pregnancy was a result between two women using a genetically altered substance to do so and success wasn't assured. The lead up to this first started a year prior and was a topic Bunny explained in great detail. Much of her time channeling is about the changes in her life that were to come with the new life within her and we learn a bit about the challenges she will be facing. Her restrictive lifestyle facing her she reveals will be a time of study and completing the steps needed to become a full captain in the Sirian Defense Force over the two years she will have off from her military career to help raise the child before she is deployed again. We also find out the cravings she's been having and the morning sickness common in any pregnancy. We do get some information on their ability to pull from their past lives the information we have to train for down here such as Lamaze. We also find out rose petals can be a craving to a pregnant mom as well a salmon liver or, not much different from women down here having a need for food important for the growth of the child within. She wraps up by noting that while can still fence, her fencing outfit has a big no-hit patch that has been added. Treebeard in the meantime has woken up and takes his turn answering a question on whether trees have a chakra system. We find that not only do they have one, it is inverted in comparison with a human chakra system. He ponders on the speed of a deva's chakras before we move on to building materials that could replace wood to save more trees. We get to the end of the tape discussing how improving wall thickness in colder climates could improve heat retention but get cut off before his solution could be voiced.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 03/09/99. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Leonedies uses a number of examples from both the sixth and third dimensions to illustrate how emotional control differs between the two dimensions.
2.)(8:43)- Lyka is pregnant with a child her and Leah conceived using gene therapy so we get to hear how the birth process goes along and her projected future as a mother and captain in the Sirian Defense Force.
3.)(43:07)- Treebeard wakes up after sleeping through most of the session to speak on the chakra system of trees, specifically trees older than the 70 years it takes for them to start to develop a consciousness.

Saturday Sep 01, 2018
More Chakra Boosting Plus Tree Chakras- Part 1
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Greetings in love and light as one.
In the channeling session that we posted from July, we heard about the chakra system involving the crown, throat and heart chakra. For the month of September, we travel back in time to a channeling session held two weeks earlier in March of 1999 to cover the lower chakras. Besides Karra wrapping up her symposium on chakras, we have three other speakers sharing their wisdom. There is a period of six minutes in the tape where some form of interference gives up some iffy sound quality but the content was too important to edit out of the finished podcast. We also have Leonedies whose wisdom is vast indeed which is daunting as it is a child who is only four speaking through Mark. We get from him in this session one his longer dissertations and it is one where there is more questions and answers covered than normal. Lyka is very comfortable talking about her pregnancy with its very unusual properties and Treebeard is the last speaker to come on and we get a lesson in the chakra system of trees.
Getting the night off to a start is Karra taking on ring mistress duties on a relaxed format of topics due to Omal not being able to join the session because of a debate he had to attend. The Tri-base ski races were coming up so plans being made were discussed because of the sudden relocation of the races from Centauri base to Sirius base. When she discusses the rejuvenation facility near the race, she means one of the facilities where Sirians would visit to have their bodies rejuvenated to an earlier age for up to 800 years. After that, we moved on to the differences in chakras between the third and sixth dimensions. The subject had been on my so naturally it had been on hers as well so she was well-prepared for the question which turned into a two-part lesson we had to split over two channeling sessions. Here the differences between the lower chakras were the topic and those differences turned out to be dramatic. She gets started on the root chakra and to make a point, she uses as she does for much of the chakras her grandmother, a nun of over 800 years of age live a life of spirituality. That gives her chakra rotation speeds at the top end of their society and uses that for those on this dimension on what is possible. We discover that chakras are both spiritual and physical and how the dimension and body affect the chakras. She finishes by noting some of the chakra rotational speeds of the higher ends of both dimensions and who they would be. That brings to the channeling Leonedies who uses his time in a discussion on the emotional control needed to advance to a higher dimension. He gives examples from his eighth dimensional side as well that demonstrate how on higher dimensions than the sixth they become tools. He accidentally reveals some private information not meant to be said out loud while going through the mind of Karra regarding the death of her soul mate that is a bit eye-opening. We end the side going over that passing and the passing of Kiri and Karra's mother who died when they were younger.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 03/09/99. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Karra goes over plans for the upcoming ski races and starts her two-part seminar on the differences between chakras on the third and sixth dimensions.
2.)(33:40)- Leonedies talks about the emotional control needed for growth and the use of emotions as tools for those in dimensions higher than the sixth.

Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
144,000 Only = Critical Mass- Part 2
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
Karra gets side two off with an answer to a personal question I had about some future training of mental gifts for a son who was soon to be born in less than a week before we turn the conversation to what happened during her trip back home to Sirius. An ambassador's life isn't a life of ease even on the sixth dimension so it's the relating of a trip filled with meetings, banquets and formal dinners. There was some fun we get to hear about and a seminar she attended where the topic was word manipulation. The examples she offers take up the rest of her time speaking but valuable insights are shared that would useful on this planet. The funny part is that the instructional lesson she had to read had been written by her sister earlier in her life. With that it's time for Treebeard to get in his time channeling and it is one of the most informative conversations we ever had from him. First he helps with a concept I had concerning adding thought waves along with an accompanying sound when speaking in certain situations to get my thoughts across better before we hear about life in the Tenuvial family. He explains that a genetic breeding program within the family designed to produce super operants had some unfortunate side effects that could potentially doom the line. His warnings that such a program could have far-reaching implications led to his being basically in exile from his family back on Sirius hence his position as gardener on the base. We learn he is considering being part of a plan to start a new branch within the tree that has the potential to make sure that fate does not come to pass. He leaves after that revelation followed by Kiri who uses the minute or two left on the tape explaining why her and Karra's family, the family Tanaka didn't go down a similar path.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 04/06/99. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Karra has some suggestions for raising a child and their abilities before talking about her trip to Sirius. She attended a seminar on using words as tools from which she shares a bit of what she learned.
2.)(13:31)- Treebeard answers a question on if waveforms have sounds and we hear about the dynamics of his family which has some genetic issues he hopes to reverse with a new line.
3.)(39:39)- Kiri explains why it is her family doesn't have the same issues as can be found with families trying to breed super operants.

Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
144,000 Only = Critical Mass- Part 1
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Greetings in love and light as one.
The girls are back in town. As we heard last month, Kiri and Karra were getting ready to leave for the Tri-base ski races on Sirius but now the races are over and we get to hear about how the trip went. We also hear the results of the Festival of Fish which is a very old tradition with Leah's and Bunny's family. We first heard about the festival in the podcasts from May of 2016 and October of 2017 so listeners would have already been familiar with its roots. The other big revelation comes from Omal that the group mind needed to transition to the next highest dimension would need an exact number of people mentally focused in perfect synchronicity to make that happen. And that is just side one.
So Kiri resumes her role as ring mistress by recounting the events which took place on Sirius when she joined Leah, Lyka and Bunny at the family get-together. It is a tale of huge fish, bare-handed wrestling of said fish and a number of broken bones. On the lighter side of the recounting was the camaraderie of old friends but on the darker side with the death of someone very much loved by Leah and Bunny during a previous festival. She also regales us with the parties she went to, meeting up with her dad and his bond mate Gonzo and the upcoming birth of Leah and Lyka's child as well as their recent bonding ceremony. She finishes remembering a bit more about her trip. Omal takes his place within the channeling field and starts by answering my question of the appropriate wording to use in relation to a past channeling. "The Matrix" had been released recently and the question about the reality we live in brought on the topic of ascension. We knew that it would take 144,000 people in a group meta-concert to make the change but we now find out that number is an absolute. We spend pretty much the rest of side one finding out why.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 04/06/99. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Kiri regales us with her trip to Sirius and the Festival of Fish she attended with Lyka, Leah and Bunny. She also fills us in on the status of the child Lyka, Leah and Bunny, the start of a new family line.
2.)(18:51)- Omal reviews pat sessions with me for the page, we discuss a recent movie that had come out called "The Matrix" and he reveals why a 144.000 people and only a 144,000 people can make the change.

Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Chakra Boosting and Devic Hierarchy- Part 2
Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
Omal counts himself down to his return to the topic at hand but not for very long. We finish up his thoughts on an individual discussed by Kiri and the lessons learned by experiencing higher dimensions. From here on the tape works fine and we get into the heart of the channeling session starting with the heart of every channeling session, Karra. We launch into the second part of her dissertation on chakras and in particular the crown, throat and heart chakras. She treats us to a comparison of not only each of the three chakras to the rest of the chakras but also to sixth dimensional chakras. Details like rotational speed, thickness and how wide it opens or closes give us our best look yet of our chakra system courtesy of her studies from a book she had studied at her university on Sirius. She asks the technician monitoring the session for full control of Mark's body to demonstrate boosting the chakras. We then get a lesson on how to boost our own chakras in order to increase our mental abilities. Before she ends it's discovered that the boosting of Mark's chakras caused his body to levitate slightly though the weight reduction was only felt by Karra and reported by the monitors watching Mark's body mass. Luckily Treebeard had made it all the way to the end of the tape and was still awake so we get an eye-opening look into the unseen world. Devas, angels, gods and goddesses have been a part of man's history since man has had a history for good reason, they are as much a part of our world as we are. While our senses can't perceive them, our world has entities sharing it and Treebeard lays out that we are unaware of a hierarchy of beings working in unison for a common goal. We have been taught a lot of things over the years from our teachers on the base but in the mere ten minutes of tape that Treebeard spoke was some of the most mouth-dropping revelations we've been treated to yet and we're happy to be able to share the information this month.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 03/23/99. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Omal is on only briefly but in that time he reveals what an individual will face in the time between lives when it is a question of ascension.
2.)(2:29)- Karra provides a very detailed discourse on the crown, throat and heart chakras as well as a visual demonstration using Mark's body on how increasing the rotation increases the abilities.
3.)(34:21)- Treebeard rewrites what we know of the devic kingdom as well as the angelic kingdom and above in a dissertation where he unifies the two.

Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Chakra Boosting and Devic Hierarchy- Part 1
Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Greetings in love and light as one.
The title of this podcast for July belies the importance of the subject matter discussed but it was felt what it was named defined it more accurately than it's original name of "Angels Are Devas". The entire angelic hierarchy needs to be completely expanded on to do the subject justice. Also, leaving out Karra's excellent dissertation on chakras would no longer be a part of the focus and it deserves its place for what it what she taught. Unfortunately, it also is the victim of a technical error which took place during the taping of the first side. A loop developed within the tape's casing which starting winding the tape inside to a stretching point until it finally stopped the tape machine. Lost is more than half of the first side encompassing half of Kiri's talking and most of Omal's time channeling. What was lost is made up for in what remains of side one and anytime we can hear about Sirius from Kiri during her time speaking is worth leaving the side at just under twenty-five minutes. We apologize that the stretched tape made Kiri and I sound like chipmunks near the end where we switch speakers but it had to be left because the topic leads into what Treebeard will be discussing on side two.
To start side one though, Kiri begins this much shorter channeling session as some on the base were getting ready to head off to Sirius for the Tri-base ski races including her sister who would take a break from packing to join the session. Right away we get to hear one of the longer sentences in Sirian we usually hear but without a translation of what was said. Talking about her field of flowers on Sirius we get a lesson on what it is to be sixth dimensional and how they try to live their lives. How we learn the lesson is through the example of the craftsperson creating a custom pair of skis after blowing hers out the year before. She and another Sirian of her acquaintance were examples of individuals that can be readily found on the third dimension as well who make you say, "enough's enough". People you will try to help to a fault but their need is never-ending. She finishes out her time channeling explaining the most mysterious of the subjects she knows well, the guides each person has but rarely know what they do. She sheds a little light on how the guides of two different people interact before there is an immediate transition to Omal due to the tape looping. Omal begins long after he started with a discussion on time and the various timelines that different races have. The three he uses as examples are myself, Sirians and himself. Each with a different lifespan so the perceptions of time differ with the race. We're not done yet though, we jump back into it on side two.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 03/23/99. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Kiri talks about leaving soon for Sirius and people she has known before on the sixth dimension, one who was unselfish to a fault and one who could be completely the opposite.
2.)(19:33)- Omal discusses time perspectives experienced over multiple species and dimensions. We also go over his function as a base commander in various Councils in moderating debates.