Channeled higher dimensional Knowledge from the entities of Ashtar Command.

Friday Nov 01, 2013
The Monster Session Part 3
Friday Nov 01, 2013
Friday Nov 01, 2013
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 11/05/1996. Part three includes:
1.) Kornas comes to the channeling session to schedule a genetic essay.
2.) Kiri and I discuss worst case scenarios, Sarah's choice of coffins and how Kornas extracts the DNA from an astral body.
3.) Leonedies explains how the raising of the individual consciousness affects both the group and collective consciousness.
4.) Alana talks about her current and future work with the base dolphins as well as the upcoming mission to bring up a willing pod from the Earth.

Friday Nov 01, 2013
The Monster Session Part 2
Friday Nov 01, 2013
Friday Nov 01, 2013
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 11/05/1996. Part two includes:
1.) Nazreal drops by to discuss a recent search and rescue mission he led.
2.) Katrina stops by also after making ace in a recent combat mission over Siberia.
3.) Omal quotes Monty Python before explaining the differences between the 6th and 7th dimensions.
4.) Tia explains why visiting Area 51 would be a bad idea.

Friday Nov 01, 2013
The Monster Session Part 1
Friday Nov 01, 2013
Friday Nov 01, 2013
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 11/05/1996. Part one includes:
1.) Tia gives her opinion of the 1996 presidential administration and potential problems down the road.
2.) Korton expands on Tia's coments with some of his own plus reflects on how government worked on his homeworld.
3.) Karra and I discuss Christmas presents and recent shielding training.

Wednesday Oct 02, 2013
Mars Now & Then Part 2
Wednesday Oct 02, 2013
Wednesday Oct 02, 2013

Wednesday Oct 02, 2013
Mars Now & Then Part 1
Wednesday Oct 02, 2013
Wednesday Oct 02, 2013
Mars is the focus this month as Kiri goes over the point in the history of the planet when it had an atmosphere and climate and how they were lost for most of the first half of this side. It's a timely addition to our knowledge while on its surface, the Mars Rover discovers proof of what she describes. Prior to that, Tia goes over ways to improve astral projection.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website: http://www.hadesbase.com
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 11/28/1995. Part one includes:
1.) Tia explores astral travel techniques and ways to improve the skill.
2.) Kiri answers question on the Sirian Chronicles and the time when Mars lost its atmosphere.

Monday Sep 02, 2013
Devas & Trees Part 2
Monday Sep 02, 2013
Monday Sep 02, 2013
This half of the session starts with Omal giving some great advice on raising children. Tia closes out the session going over stock fluctuations and events in Russia.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website: http://www.hadesbase.com
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 8/31/1999. Part two includes:
1.) Omal goes over teching methods and the importance in teaching children.
2.) Karra continues on Omal's teaching method as well as jump starting healing.
3.) Tia goes over the stock market fluctuations and events in Russia at the time.

Monday Sep 02, 2013
Devas & Trees Part 1
Monday Sep 02, 2013
Monday Sep 02, 2013
This half of the session takes off from Treebeard's earlier dissertation on trees and devas with this follow-up on Devas this time. His extensive knowledge of both subjects brought his previous chat full circle. Kiri lets us in on some the computer technology in use on the base.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website: http://www.hadesbase.com
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2000 with this one being taped 8/31/1999. Part one includes:
1.) Treebeard takes off where he left off on his talk on devas and trees with the focus on devas this time.
2.) Kiri goes over current 3rd dimensional computer technology and what they use on the base.

Thursday Aug 01, 2013
Introductions Part 2
Thursday Aug 01, 2013
Thursday Aug 01, 2013
Greetings again,

Thursday Aug 01, 2013
Introductions Part 1
Thursday Aug 01, 2013
Thursday Aug 01, 2013
Greetings in love and light,

Monday Jul 01, 2013
The Sirian Chronicles and Shielding 101 Part 2
Monday Jul 01, 2013
Monday Jul 01, 2013
Greetings again,
1.) Kiri continues answering questions about the Sirian Chronicles and launches into a Sirian Ceremony