Channeled higher dimensional Knowledge from the entities of Ashtar Command.
Friday May 01, 2020
From Under Officer to Wing Commander- Part 2
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
We get less than two minutes of completion on the question of genetics before we jump ahead five days into the future as our scheduled special guest is introduced by Omal. A change in background denotes the new session starting with the base commander having to stretch out the introduction because the guest speaker was swapping flying techniques with Mark as he was leaving the channeling room. At least the time allows him to confirm that this is our guest speaker's first time in a channeling situation so the results were anyone's guess. He departs and we finally meet Under Officer Taal who we know would one day make wing commander. After some time getting to know one another, he answers a question on what types of visitors we get to our planet and a surprising number are scientists studying everything but us it seems except our ancestors. A surprising revelation happens when asking about a famous UFO encounter between a French Mirage jet fighter where Taal admits it was himself piloting the UFO that night which no doubt explains why he was chosen to channel over another of the pilots. Another of the reasons is his seventy years on the base of what he tells us is a hundred-year assignment is amazing in that he had already served on three other bases. His being 370 was astounding in the fact that the pilots often live much less than that due to combat. It also meant this would possibly be his last assignment before he would retire as a pilot. We learn what it took to get him to his position and the risks faced in protecting our planet such as being shot down by one of our craft due to a technical malfunction. Or third dimensional opponents flying craft with similar technology as his own craft such as one he relates he's faced numerous times. Not someone looking for kills, we learn he'd rather just chase off opponents rather than having to engage them in a firefight. He gives us a rundown of the three types of crafts he flys and that they utilize space warps and folds to do the long trips they make though they do not have to for anything short like to our planet. At one point he invites me up for some simulator training to test my flying skills which were found to be not up to their required level. I did though earn a spot training and doing a few missions with Nazreal in his search and rescue craft. He next helps me with a sighting of some unusual craft I had seen flying while I was living in Sedona. It is a place he knows well as we learn from some of the flights he made through its famous scenery I had heard about personally from friends who had witnessed his maneuvers. We run out of tape just about as he was asking for a request the next time I was out in Sedona but we hope to bring the rest of that session someday when it comes up for review. What little background noise that can't be removed is well-worth the interview with Wing Commander Taal and the information we had not heard previously and it is in his honor we present this month's podcast.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 10/24/94. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Karra confirms my inquiry on if her boss Kornas, the head of the genetics department, had successfully mapped the DNA of the human body. I had taken an interest recently into genetics.
2.)(2:21)- Omal gives with a briefing about channeling from the guest pilot who delays things as he chats with Mark about flying techniques. I get to ask in the meantime about the book "Visitors From Other Planets".
3.)(7:15)- We meet Wing Commander Taal for the first time who reveals he was involved in a famous encounter in 1977 between a 1968 French Mirage jet fighter and a UFO. He reveals as well he isn't allowed to fire on our planes even in self-defense.
Friday May 01, 2020
From Under Officer to Wing Commander- Part 1
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
This month's podcast comes with a bonus not seen in previous channeling sessions posted where we begin with one session and then switch to the session five days later. In the first session we had set up the events we would complete in the second. The title for the session comes from the life of our main guest speaker, Wing Commander Taal who was making his first appearance as one of our speakers. Frequent readers of our website will already know Taal from his many times channeling for our group but this was his introduction to the channeling setup. This is one of the earliest sessions our sound technician was able to make clear enough to be heard so much of what is discussed hasn't been covered in what has been submitted to the archives previously. One item of note before going into the summary is that we see in the session the head of communication for Ashtar Command starts the session. Korton was actually a regular speaker in the earlier sessions and each was notable for their abundance of decorum that would be lacking once he began attending only on occasion. As we have learned in later channeling sessions from Omal, they were testing out various main speakers and it was found Omal made a better fit for when we began adding guests to our channeling sessions. The lighter mood led to more informative if distracting, recordings. One last item of note was that Omal had yet to adopt his traditional farewell of "live long and prosper" but his question he raises about Mr. Spock is a clue it was shortly after this session he began to use it his departures. Now, onto the summary.
Korton gets us started we begin with some very deep areas of research Mark and I had been doing as far as improving our methods for getting to the base. Mark is a master of the skill was asking about some rarefied knowledge related to astral travel called traveling in the grey area and stopping at a specific point by projecting an energy source that detonates ahead of the traveler to stop them suddenly. The tricky part was that the gray area was the fourth dimension and Mark was perfecting his ability to time jump, return in the time stream after ninety minutes had passed in real time but actually leaving the base after sixteen hours. When the term time translocation comes up, this is what is being mentioned. My questions mirror Mark's in that I too was trying to use implosions but for the purpose of making my astral body more solid. We end with his advice on how to help a friend of ours who had come to me for help with astral projection. That brought up Omal then to get us ready for side two which would take place in five days. The Command had decided a viewpoint from one of the pilots of the base's craft would help give our archives knowledge on how that part of the base operated. Before that though we had a bit of fictional entertainment to discuss. Mark had just seen the latest "Star Trek" film and we had both been reading a book series called the "Galactic Milieu Series". Both sets of entertainment-focused around inhabitants of other planets so it was relevant to our normal topics. Not relevant but important for my training was his helping me with my manifesting abilities by making a penny appear out of thin air, always good for a laugh. After setting up the arrangements for our time with the pilot, we finish with his request for the details on an incident where Mark had to use his coercion. That left Karra to get us to the next side with a few topics to go over such as an energy transfer done during a demonstration caused physical bruising on Mark's hand for a couple days, an exchange of poems between Karra and myself as well as some barnstorming of ideas on how to improve my astral travel. We end on a topic we would get back to when the next side started about genetics and human DNA.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 10/24/94. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Korton goes over the higher ends of astral travel such as traveling in the gray area, negative feedback loops, and energy implosions. He also gives me some tips on training someone in far sighting.
2.)(22:51)- Omal sets up for side two the circumstances for a chat on side two that would be taking place five days later with one of the Blue Guys, the pilots on the base. He has a reason why cats are easier to coerce than humans.
3.)(36:36)- Karra finds out how in a recent healing demonstration she accidentally burned Mark's hand but it was only temporary. After that, we exchange love poems and barnstorm astral travel improvements.
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Survival of the Smartest- Part 2
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
After a short side one, Tia gets side two off to a start as we go over a book that dealt with extreme shortages on a far-off planet. The book is "Dune" and in the book the shortage is a lack of water while in a scenario with basic services, many shortages will be taking place. Tia's contribution to the session's theme of survival gets into the practical details that would be involved in a survival situation such as how long the supply should last and the optimal number of people that could be support each other during the crisis. We cover cooking, heating, and lighting before it's time to bring on the guest speaker. Luckily for us, the guest speaker of the night turned out to be Lyka who knows more about survival than most of the other speakers. We start off a little off topic as we talk about the rehearsals being put on at the Corner Bar which would be part of the dancers to preform at that year's Tri-Base Ski Races being held at Hades Base in a few weeks. The topic of soul animals comes up and we learn hers is the tigress. It was only two months ago in February's podcast that In Lyka's last third dimensional life she had been the person the world knows now as General George S. Patton. At the time of taping she had not yet turned twenty-one so did not have access to her past lives. By now she has no doubt come to accept her life now a logical incarnation in retrospect. In one of her most enlightening revelations, she explains the role of a member of the Sirian Defense Force. We haven't really gone into the equipment she wears while on patrol now that their main mission is to provide reconnaissance and support but not supply advanced weaponry to the force they are helping. She even touches on the laser swords they use prior to having to rush out in such a hurry she doesn't have the time to say goodbye. Tia jumps back in real quick to bring on Kiri to take us to the end of the tape which turns out to be fortuitous as an engineer's take was just what the home preparations needed. She has a favor to ask first which is to get in some fencing practice after the channeling session. Kiri not being a fencer, her request came as a surprise but she reveals Lyka's fencing instructor had programmed into her some moves. What she has for us is even more surprising as she gives us do-it-yourself solar anyone could make that double as a source of hot water. We also get into the designs for a solar oven made out of tin foil just before the tape reaches its conclusion.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 02/11/97. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia takes the theme of survival and runs with it by getting into the little details that would normally be missed. Our conversation is helped by examples set forth in the book "Dune".
2.)(11:30)- Lyka talks about her soul animal and the traits she shares with it while on patrol. We also discuss Oath Keepers and what roles they take when helping a daughter world which may include using their laser swords.
3.)(23:16)- Kiri gives us an engineer's take on survival preparations as she helps design some do-it-yourself solar panels that will help with getting hot water and electricity. She includes a solar stove concept as well.
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Survival of the Smartest- Part 1
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
It never ceases to amaze me that with these channeling sessions being chosen at random, more often than not they fit well with the previous ones that included the relevant information. This channeling session of April is different though a better session could not have been chosen for moment. The title, as you will hear, was provided by Karra as it reflects the theme carried out through each of the speakers. From Omal to Kiri, we discuss preparations handy for just such an occasion as the pandemic being experienced globally. This is one of those times where the preparations discussed are overblown due to a fear that turns out to be nothing but not this time. This time things are real and the information provided will probably not work in most situations so adjustments would have to be made for the location of the listener. When this was recorded over twenty years ago it was for a house at 6,500 feet and apparently during the winter. Hearing it now, the preparations being discussed are embarrassingly inadequate for what would even a mild crisis would require. Nonetheless, it's never too late to start until it is so we hope the following podcast provides useful information that can be combined with the information on survival preparations from previous channeling sessions. Now on to the summary.
Though rare, our channeling sessions were not without our recording errors and this month was just such a case. Either only play was pushed or someone forgot to hit record, we lost about ten minutes of a sixty minutes of taping where both Tia and Omal had already been talking. We begin in the middle of Omal's discussion on the storage of provisions in the event of the breakdown of society. As we discuss the building of an atrium you will hear about the talk of pogs. Pogs were part of an employee award system Heavenly ski resort had at the time where both Mark and myself were employed. Pogs, which were about the size of a poker chip, was a game craze of the 90s and several companies tied in their award system to the fad. Heavenly was no exception and the pogs they used were valuable to those trying to earn them. What time Omal does have with us is used to explore various ways we could prepare the habitation Mark and I shared for most eventualities. We had then recently had a greenhouse in the yard suffer structural damage and so we explored a way to building instead on the deck. With Karra adding input telepathically to Omal, a few options became available to both prepare for the worst and increase the value of the house in the process. Speaking of Karra, she is the next speaker and now comes on to add her suggestions in person. Karra focuses more on food and nutrition in her conversation and what would be needed to survive on should access to food staples be unavailable. At one point she reflects back on her time as a little girl of seven being stuck in the family cabin during a snowstorm. The story's value to us is that she remembers the peat that would be burnt to keep the fire lit and the pleasant smell that it produced. Should the need arrive, she reminds me of a nearby field that may be a source that could be utilized. Between the pine nuts and pine needles, a mountain environment provides plenty of resources to fall back on in nature should the need arise. A best-case scenario is that there is never a need.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 02/11/97. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Omal goes over some ideas he has on how to get our place of residence ready for a possible breakdown of society. We mostly focus on a greenhouse and creating some decking to add to our defense.
2.)(10:51)- Karra gets into the nutritional needs of getting through a crisis such as gathering nuts as a protein substitute. She has some ideas on an alternative fuel source found in nature like peat.
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
The 2nd Best Pilot in Ashtar Command- Part 2
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
Side two starts off with Alana taking her mother's place in the channeling field and with the webpage becoming more popular, she was asked for something to be added that would be of interest. She chose a gossip column and even gives a bit of the current happenings. Fortuitously, she is also a horticulturist and is able to give an educated discourse on the flowers of Sirius beginning with the pink variety. We learn a lot about the special growing conditions necessary for them to be at their peak. Unfortunately, this was not going to be that kind of year and she explains why. She also explains why the same issues the pink ones are experiencing aren't happening with the blue or the red varieties. We do learn that a frost coming during their growing season can heighten the effects as her parting gift before Wing Commander Taal changes places with her in the pyramid. A new pilot had been assigned to the base we would come to know as the Baron who would serve as ringmaster for a few sessions before dying months later. Already a legend, Taal explains before he became so the Baron's first engagement was in a dogfight of overwhelming odds fighting alongside the greatest pilot of Ashtar Command who would sacrifice himself in that battle in a heroic act of bravery. Coming back to the present, he reveals the craft that shot up his bond mate during a recent engagement was a new technology not seen previously firing plasmic weapons, something not used by the Zeta Retuculi so it was a mystery at the time. Before ending, he takes note of a guest in the room and her military bearing. Different races, different dimensions but those who serve in a military can recognize one another. Our final speaker is Kiri who considers a theory on if Omal uses a theme word in the times he channels for us to figure out and find the hidden messages. One example had been found so whether it was a one-time thing was the question under discussion. We get to all that is left of the tape but not before Kiri gives us an excellent dissertation on maintaining a positive state of mind when coercing and to adhere to the strict moral guidelines associated with using coercion. Her conclusion is that psychic morals are best developed at a young age which takes us back to where we started with Tia and growing up with the healthy morals of a parent at home raising the child so they can be taught properly.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 04/29/97. Side two includes:
1.)(0:14)- Alana provides a bit of gossip and then surprises us with an unexpected dissertation on the flowers of Sirius based on her leanings as a horticulturalist. From her we learn why this was a bad year.
2.)(12:44)- Taal fills us in on both Katrina's condition and that the enemy craft that caused the damage had new weapons and technology. The base also has the honor of having a new member in the form of the Baron.
3.)(25:30)- Kiri first considers Omal's use of keywords hidden in his channelings and then theorizes that put together, they may mean something. She expands on an earlier dissertation on morals and coercion.
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
The 2nd Best Pilot in Ashtar Command- Part 1
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
For the month of February, the Hades Base News opens up a time capsule on our past with the arrival to the base of the one and only Baron. It is part of the news that Wing Commander Taal has for us though at this time he was only a squadron leader. Lots happen before we get to that starting with Tia discussing the stock markets and the lack of growth over the last 30 years she puts down to lack of morals. Karra gets to talking about the hypothetical question of how the base would deal with an attack on our world from any race who may wish to initiate a mass landing against our will. The real question we wrestle with is what happens if the landing is at our request. Alana joins us on side two with a surprise dissertation on the flowers of Sirius focusing on the pink ones for the most part. It came from an education that included a study in horticulture. After Alana is the point where Taal comes on to go over what the Barons joining the pilots of the base will involve. From him, it sounds like the toughest teacher ever. Our final speaker of the night is Kiri who has two items to discuss which is the possibility Omal uses keywords in his channelings to pass on a deeper meaning and that coercion requires a positive frame of mind to be the most effective. Coercing without foreseeing the effects in the long-term is a lesson she reveals having to learn at times herself. Another session of good sound and some excellent information that was shared with the group.
Now for a full description of the above. Tia has some thoughts about the state of progression in the cost of living and quality of life and how one has gone up while one has stayed the same over the last thirty years leading to both parents often having to work instead of one. That she feels has led to a moral decline due to not having parental influence during the child's time at home. It's her belief that the gang life being seen along with a rise in crime is the natural result of that lack of morals. She ends her time defining the historical reason people get married and it is about security for the children. Next to speak is Karra who points out the fact that the people looking for mass landings to happen are always disappointed and she explains why we're not ready as a race. She does describe what would happen if there were such a landing against our will by another third dimensional race. What we learn is that it would involve the evacuation of the base of all non-essential personnel such as Tia and Kiri. Where things become complicated is what would happen if the landings were a result of a request by a large group of people. Anyone familiar with the "Star Trek" series is also familiar with the prime directive which is what comes into effect in such cases. As long as it is voluntary, there is nothing they would do to stop those people from their evolutionary path. It's good to know though that at least we are protected from the threat of another race preventing our growth as a race. The tape runs out as we're discussing how Omal has the ability to think non-linearly and have a plan for the channeling sessions then being put out on the web in the fashion they are twenty years in the future.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 04/29/97. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia takes us in a big circle on what the decline in morals is causing to our society starting with the stock markets. Two parents working means less moral development as an influence on the children.
2.)(20:54)- Karra discusses possible mass landing scenarios from other races and how the prime directive would be used by the Command in each case. Omal's non-linear thought process is also brought up.
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Well Met, Hatshepsut and General Patton- Part 2
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
Kiri continues with what is definitely the highlight of the session where first we remark on the revelation that one of our regular speakers had been General Patton in her last life. We know from a recent podcast that Lyka had ascended for the first time and had previous to this always been born on the third dimension. Looking at the similarities in hindsight, it's easy to see the draw to an organization like the Oath Keepers who travel to the third dimension protection the sister worlds of Sirius. What Kiri gives us about her third dimensional life is a first-person view of the life of a pharaoh in ancient Egypt. Her name at the time was Hatshepsut who ruled Egypt during the 18th dynasty and the details she is able to provide is a first-person perspective on her life as one of the few female pharaohs. She answers questions on her rise to power and the question of slavery which was a large part of Egyptian society. History books lack the kind of recollection she is able to provide of someone from history we are able to research. One point not brought up but stands out is the fact that Kiri would have 3,500 years or so on a higher dimension. Knowing her as well as we do says a lot on what a great place it is to be born back into life after life. While this would have been a great conversation to stay with for the rest of the tape, we have to move to her sister Karra to continue this enlightening channeling session. It's reminiscing for us as she remembers the past. First is the last third dimensional life she had where she faced similar challenges as Kiri's and then about her mother's passing and Kiri's help during those hard times. In between she defines what it is to be a healer and that healers give of themselves when healing, something she would have a lot of experience in her times prior to becoming an ambassador. It was the healing through her words when Kiri was with their mother in the last part of her life that brought up the subject of the coercer healer combination that we have really only seen with Bunny. We're reminded, because of the healing Bunny had preformed on her sister and Lyka, that she is young as are a number of the speakers who part of the archives. That's where we finish in a look forward at all the potential waiting for those still under a hundred with eight or nine hundred years left in their lifetime. To get us to the end of the tape would be the person we had just been speaking about, Bunny herself. In her years since we had met her as a university student who did occasional porn holograms, we see her now as an intern on the base looking to get a position there and it's a bit more serious Bunny than previously but not by much. She acknowledges that she be accepting the position Omal was offering her to hopefully strengthen her case for staying and fulfilling an urge we hadn't previously considered. It proves you can't judge a book by its cover. As usual, the conversation turns to sex and the overemphasis placed on the morals surrounding what two people and almost every other living creature has done since history began. Bunny's extensive knowledge on the subject makes her the perfect person to explain the connectedness that can be found on the sixth dimension which would be hard for us to comprehend but something she still has yet to experience. Towards the end, she comments on a pair of stockings she had a gift made from Earth silk. We knew of another pair of silk stockings she had and it's thanks to them we know how valuable such a gift would be on the base. We get to the end of the tape with a little bit of Bunny's self-reflection on the future she faced with the acceptance of this new position. You can tell this is something that represents a change in her life where she would never be the same again.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 04/03/01. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Kiri recalls in great detail her last third dimensional life as a pharaoh nearly deleted from history by the name of Hatshepsut. This is a first-person recall of a life at best we can only read in hieroglyphics.
2.)(15:19)- Karra uses her last third dimensional past life to explain the giving of themselves healers do whenever they heal. She reflects back as well on healings that both Kiri and Bunny had done in the past.
3.)(27:26)- Bunny reveals she will be accepting the position mentioned by Omal while expressing some reservations about the changes it will bring to her life. As an intern, this is a great opportunity to impress.
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Well Met, Hatshepsut and General Patton- Part 1
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
February's podcast features some amazing revelations that go way back in history in the form of a female pharaoh from Egypt's ancient past and a World War Two general reincarnated as two of our regular members of Ashtar Command we talk to quite a lot in these channeling sessions. Hearing about details of someone who lived over 3,500 years ago and the personal struggles faced by someone who decreed over who lived and who died that came before them for judgment is something history books can't convey. This is all from Kiri who also talks about Lyka's last life where she was not yet ascended and had been the person we know as General George S. Patton. This is just the beginning of side two and there is still everyone else who spoke that filled up the rest of the tape. A quick rundown before going into greater detail starts with Tia who talked about the McCain-Feingold bill and trouble in the Middle East at the time, Omal going over the delay of the Conference and Bunny being chosen to work with the Sirian representative as well as Karra discussing the self-control needed by a someone like Bunny who can both heal and coerce. Overall, thanks to the clarity of the recorded on the best equipment we had been able to afford in 2001, we are able to present a session free of the static experienced in recent podcasts though we still had a bit of radio interference that can barely be heard in the background. Minus that, you are hearing pretty much how it sounded to us who were a part of these channeling sessions.
Tia is back in her role as ring mistress after a long time out of the position and goes over the normal data from the reports she generates as a data analyzer of our planet. She has a lot to go with recent the happenings of the military spy plane that had to make a forced landing in China and the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill. She also has been following the situation in the Middle East so we get into the question of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. She uses an analogy to define the realities faced by both sides and has a go at the Clinton administration for dropping the ball on financial assistance that had been promised to ease the tension. Her very in-depth observations give us the views of someone with an eye to helping the planet rise in consciousness but seeing things that would say their work is more needed than ever. She ends her time speaking and hands off to Omal who is happy to announce they had found a solution to a problem that was holding up the intergalactic Conference. To clarify, the representative from Sirius required a special chamber that kept her apart from the rest of the base personnel to avoid bias in her role towards one side or the other. Unfortunately, an earthquake on Mars caused a collapse of a section of the passageway that accessed the chamber. They had repaired the passageway and faced a second hurdle of how to pass on the representative's input without any interactions with anyone else on the base. A mechanical alternative was in the works but Omal found a better solution in the form of Bunny, a much better alternative for sure. He explains how the transfer of information would work and as a bonus, we get to hear from Bunny herself at the end of the session with her impressions on the arrangement. He changes subjects and we are reminded that once again Hades Base has a champion in the downhill during the recent Tri-Base ski races. Lyka again got the gold but her consistent winning has become a problem Omal reveals. The other competitors in the event lack the thought they could win and the event has turned into a snooze fest. There is a solution and it is one that Lyka came up with Omal is set to approve in which future competitions would lack her participation but would continue with biathlon. The example uses to compare to our world is Tiger Wood's domination of the Master's tournament that he would go on to win later that week. We're minutes from the end of the tape and things finish naturally just prior to Kiri coming on saying hi with her unable to even finish her first sentence.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 04/03/01. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia gives us a rundown of the happenings down here on Earth from her perspective of a data analyst for Ashtar Command. In terms of a third dimensional TV channel, it was a busy news day.
2.)(22:14)- Omal announces a fix to a technical problem holding up the Conference and it includes one of our favorite speakers, Bunny. He also ponders a command decision to have Lyka hang up her downhill skis.
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Pink Pyramids and the 120 Skiers- Part 2
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Greetings again in love, light, and wisdom as one.
Omal returns as side two begins to complete the line of thought he had been on which then turns into a discussion on dream interpretation. Just prior to ending on side one, Omal brought up the symbolism dreams and our guests had been having similar dreams of water which he is able to link up to the experience of being prenatal state. Tia jumps and adds a bit to the conversation regarding the similarities between the Hopi and the Celts as well as an origin story of her own about her home planet of Durondedunn before handing off to Karra. With Mark's body temperature rising, Karra isn't on for long so she helps with a question our guest had regarding his arm going to sleep at the same time he was. She clocks it as a possible pinched nerve, something she is able to offer advice on as we discuss possible solutions for that issue. One unique thing about her time talking is that Mark had dropped by and had whispered something in Karra's ear as she was channeling. Normally he may drop by with tea but this was the first time he had helped with his own channeling. Tia comes on once again expand on a point of interest that came up at the end of the discussion with Karra but now gets us to Kiri who has a lot to fill us in on about the imminent ski races. She provides the details of both the accommodations and entertainment setups and the planned use of trolleys to shuttle competitors to the elevators which were to take them to the top of the slope. From personal experience, the elevators could be considered more of a funicular as opposed to a vertical shaft. We find out she is to compete in the champions race Tia gave us the details on which will be made up of some of the 120 competitors and others who were the first forty people to sign up. She finishes by explaining how those on the three bases and two worlds would view the races through interactive holograms broadcast out from Hades Base. Tia brings us back to Earth with a retrospective of the stock market and a warning she wanted to make sure got on tape about it accelerating at too rapid a rate. At the time the stock market had experienced some wild swings that she felt would not have good consequences should they continue. Something to note in hindsight that with Tia wondering how high the stock market could go, her suggestion of a high of 10,000 pales to the 28,000 plus one can find it at today. With the tape running low she ends the session but it picks but up immediately in the middle of a discussion Kiri was having with me concerning the harvest season of the pink flowers about to happen. One of the new bits of information about the technology of Sirius is the use of stasis fields to ship her wine indicating a wide use of the technology for interplanetary and planetary modes of transportation. That also brings up other higher dimensional technology such as the use of the fifth dimension to solve tricky physics problems by allowing as she says, the base being able to fit into the watering can of Treebeard. The mechanics require special power supplies to maintain a consistent space at all times. Then all of a sudden she recalls a couple golf jokes Mark told her involving Arnold Palmer that are pretty funny though after that we have no time for anything else as the tape runs out at that point. We do discover at the end that golf has not been one of their pastimes on Sirius, probably the only fault I could find with ascension process....just kidding.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 02/25/97. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Omal continues on from side one where he recalls an origin tale of the Hopi Indians and the kivas where ceremonies were performed. On this side we get into dream interpretation.
2.)(4:58)- Karra breaks out her healer's uniform figuratively to help with a guest's problem he had been having recently. She also goes lightly over the subject of long-distance healing.
3.)(14:56)- Kiri goes over the housing accommodation and entertainment arrangements for both the competitors and their guests as well as supplying us with the details on how it would be broadcast.
4.)(24:20)- Tia finishes out that session with some warnings about the stock market and the wild swings it had been experiencing. She wonders if it could possibly even reach a level of 10,000.
5.)(29:38)- Kiri spends five minutes from a supposedly lost channeling session where discusses how wine is shipped in stasis fields to keep them from being shook up and tells a couple of Arnold Palmer jokes.
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Pink Pyramids and the 120 Skiers- Part 1
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
This month the channeling session comes with some challenges to the sound again as we were still not using the excellent equipment we would be later. Our sound technician did all he could to bring the sound to the best level he could but it is still not as clear as we would like. Compounding the sound issue is that our guest at the time wasn't sitting close enough to the microphone to be picked up very clearly. It's an unfortunate set of events and will possibly be remastered again when the technology improves. Another note about this month's podcast is that the session was apparently taped over another session that could barely be heard. So the last bit of side two is Kiri for about the five minutes the technician was able to raise up to the level of the newer session. An overview of the subjects covered would include both Tia and Kiri discussing the upcoming Tri-Base ski races being held this year on the base, Omal discussing the Arcturians and a project involving the Four Corners area and some pink pyramids plus Karra helping a returning guest with some questions he had about his health. We can report that next month's channeling session was recorded in 2001 and is crystal clear.
On a night where Mark was starting to come down with something, Tia is the ring mistress who notices that just as we get started. As it would turn out it would not cause a shortened session so we get things going with an update on the schedule of events for the ski races being held the following week on the base. We find that the teams from the Sirius and Centauri bases would be arriving on consecutive days to prepare for the preliminary races. In a humorous mood, Tia jokes around about bringing us up to see the races and participate in some of the sporting events there. It's a funny thought and one we certainly wished could happen. That's all we have time for now as she brings on Omal who would take up the rest of the tape covering some fascinating subjects. First, he is asked his opinion on a book making a prediction of a catastrophic event that would be happening at the turn of the millennium which Omal effectively debunks. As well as a report received on the HAARP project in Alaska, Omal dispels the doom and gloom that was supposed to happen with that being active. We finally get to a subject he doesn't dispute, the Arturians and their presence in the Four Corners area of Colorado. While that race had come up in previous sessions, this is the first one posted where he goes into depth about their race. All this stemmed from a move being made to that area by our guest and what he could expect. As it turns out, Omal was knowledgeable on the area and he also gives us a comprehensive discourse on the Zuni and Hopi tribes that followed one another in evolution that had been in the area for thousands of years. As for the Arcturians, we knew of a group in that area who had planned to build some pyramids built out of pink marble but as we know now, that project never got off the ground. He does go into some detail about the Zuni and Hopi religions about the meaning of the kivas in that area where they held their spiritual ceremonies. He explains that it is part of their origin story of how their races came into being that involves an ascent from the underworlds as they escaped from a series of floods. It's a great story but one that runs out at the end of side one and has to be picked up on side two.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 02/25/97. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia gives us a schedule of events for the Tri-Base ski races being held the next week and teases us with a trip up to the base to watch. She gives us an alert that Mark has a temperature going up rapidly.
2.)(12:34)- Omal spends the first part of his time debunking alarmist theories like HAARP project effects and then explains who the Arcturians are and their connection to some pink Pyramids in Colorado.