Channeled higher dimensional Knowledge from the entities of Ashtar Command.

Monday Jan 01, 2018
The Earth First, the World Second- Part 2
Monday Jan 01, 2018
Monday Jan 01, 2018
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
Side two is where Omal quickly ends up his topic so that Lyka could take her place to open up about the value of an oath. As an oath keeper of the Sirian Defense Force, certain commitments are required and it is those commitments we learn more about in our quest for knowledge on how it works with other world's efforts to ascend. At this session she was pregnant and restricted as what she could do so she was happy to discuss the how important oaths are and how they have lost much of their commitment when made on third dimainsional earth. Next we turn to her studies at school and learn that some of her studies have been of some our most famous generals and wars. She even gives us a retelling of a battle Rames the Second had where his bravery won the battle over the opposing force. We end things appropriately with the Battle of Little Bighorn and her quick summation of what went wrong and what went right. Karra is the last speaker for the night and uses the remaining recording space to present what could best be called a class on raising a child from an infant. How to help it learn almost all of the psychic skills so the child becomes comfortable with their use is the main subject covered though she breaks it up by starting with her field, healing. She then suggests meditation with the child for learning skills like manifestation and astral travel but then having them try some of the exercises she offers to increase their skills as they get older. She next goes over telepathy but she holds off on PK or coercion as not a good time yet for those but does lay out a future list of ages where the information will be separated into. We end things discussing the belief factor as being the hardest thing to impart to students and she reminds us of some of those who have come to channeling sessions but never came away with the belief in the actual physical changes taking place sometimes in the channeling room down here.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 04/20/99. Side one includes:
1.)(3:20)- Lyka explains the major significance she considers about the oath she took requiring 300 years of service and we hear about her studies on earth history such as the Battles of Kadesh and Little Big Horn.
2.)(18:50)- Karra gives an excellent dissertation on raising children and how to train them in the psychic gifts from the age of an infant and up.

Monday Jan 01, 2018
The Earth First, the World Second- Part 1
Monday Jan 01, 2018
Monday Jan 01, 2018
Greetings in love and light as one.
Happy New Year and welcome to 2018. This month the podcast being added to the archives was recorded on a historic date that was famous for all the wrong reasons. On this day two killers walked into Columbine High School and the world lost a bit more of its innocence. By the time the channeling session started details were not yet complete and it would be another day before the full scope of the horror would be revealed. The session was a good one regardless of the day's events and it provided the basis for the reasoning for such an act to be discussed from a higher dimensional perspective. The channeling also gave us the opportunity to revisit a topic Lyka brought up in December's podcast from a session that took place eight months prior. In it the concept of identifying as an occupant of the world you call home first and a member of the country you acknowledge you belong to second. Patriotism for a planet could save it so it wraps up the subject nicely. My bond mate ends things with a topic straight out of Woodstock on teaching the children well.
Getting things going is Kiri who is handling ring mistress duties and instead of focusing on the tragedy in Colorado, gives us a quick lesson on love from her point of view. She gives us her insights on relationships as to her holding out for Mr. Right as an example of how that doesn't hold as a rule on the third dimension as much. That steers the conversation over to the goals one sets in life and how they are the tools of growth. As such, she warns of the problems that can occur when those tools are not utilized. Finally the subject turns to the school shooting and what reasons could there be to motivate such an attack. Her breakdown of the motivation focuses on the influences provided by the media and entertainment companies in their portrayal of violence and how it can numb the watcher to violent death coming so easy to both the good and bad in the world. She ends her time talking with a chat about her new responsibility she had taken on to occasionally report on happenings from the base. She next makes way for Omal who gets a question on Columbine right off the bat about what his opinions are on people who snap. He equates it to the negative side of the communication breakthroughs bringing down the morals from the images in the news and entertainment being indistinct from one another. Patriotism in relation to morals sets in motion a challenge Omal issues to us to convince one person that they are humans or earthlings first and Americans or whatever country it would be second. Ending on a related topic of the Constitution ensuring the rights of individuals gets some inadvertent chuckles from those in the channeling room on the base when the fifth amendment comes up as it would never fly there. We also go over the flaws of the UN as a governing world body.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 04/20/99. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Kiri discusses love, goals, ambition and growth before moving on to discuss the declining morals that may have been the reason for the shootings at Columbine High School earlier that day.
2.)(21:10)- Omal carries on with declining morals as a problem that needs to change and issues a challenge to convince someone that they are humans first and members of their countries second but that both are equal.

Friday Dec 01, 2017
It's All Third Dimensional- Part 2
Friday Dec 01, 2017
Friday Dec 01, 2017
Greetings in love and light as one.
After taking up all of side one, Tia quickly wraps up and makes room for Omal to sit down inside the channeling field for his time to answer some of our questions. Things get deep quick after he goes over what Tia discussed, deep as in deep space and the mechanics behind the expansion of the universe. We learn the universe uses energy that will be created in the future to maintain the current expansion with the following compression to come causing what is called a naked singularity. We also discover that new parallel universes are being created all the time and can be detected. This marked a point in our conversation where we had wandered into the very deep end of the pool and would have to table the discussion for further clarification at a future session. Answering a question on the discovery of a new galaxy within our own, we learn about proto-solar systems and their similarity in appearance to a young galaxy. We end after the final question to him on if there is a finite amount of matter within the universe before moving on to Lyka and her recent exploits. We hear that even while as a captain with the Sirian Defense Force she is responsible for ninety other Oath Keepers, she also has to attend school as a student back on Sirius to improve her skills at what she does. The mission of Oath Keepers to maintain peace through any means necessary brings up the question of peace on earth and whether it will be possible in the future. That shifts the conversation slightly to ethnic pride, standoffs in our planet's recent past like in Waco Texas until we finally get to the belief in past lives and why it's a valid belief. With one final return trip to sieges and siege mentality, we hear about with her memories of a time when her group of Oath Keepers were surrounded once during a mission. To finish out her time with us we learn about sexuality from a sixth dimensional standpoint from someone who knows quite a bit about the subject. Tia is left with less than thirty seconds before the tape runs out but it is enough time for her to comment on Lyka's buffness.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 08/25/98. Side one includes:
1.)(1:30)- Omal explores the universe with us from the Big Bang to the collapse of all we know into a naked singularity. He also explains how energy and matter from the future are used in the expansion of the universe.
2.)(15:40)- Lyka explains her duties as an Oath Keeper on the third dimension, siege mentality as seen by someone who has studied sieges on our planet and Sirian sexual ethics.

Friday Dec 01, 2017
It's All Third Dimensional- Part 1
Friday Dec 01, 2017
Friday Dec 01, 2017
Greetings in love and light as one.
As the title suggests, this month's channeling session is almost exclusively focused on subjects related to the third dimension. So much so that it is not only earth being discussed but a planet in a completely different sector of space called Durondedunn which is Tia's home planet in the third dimension before being rescued and finding her way stationed on the base. To get through both planets takes us all the way to side two where the theme is maintained through only two speakers, Omal and Lyka. Omal's take on the theme is to discuss the universe and the wonders that fill the night sky while Lyka gives us a rundown of some of her experiences with the Sirian Defense Force and the efforts in assisting third dimensional races reach the sixth dimension. With so few people on the base channeling, it gave us a night full of details laid out in full instead of having to cut things short so all the speakers scheduled could talk.
As mentioned, Tia starts thing off by going over her latest reports she had gathered on earth happenings by getting Afganistan, Pakistan, the Sudan and stocks out of the way before she gets into depth about Osama bin Laden and his efforts to change the world in his image while making a tidy profit at the same time. The United States had recently launched Operation Infinite Reach which was cruise missile strikes launched into Afghanistan and Sudan in retaliation for the bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. She gives a detailed account of the attack and its aftermath before moving on to the latest stock market news. Moving on to questions following her dissertation were answers about the financial motivations for the attacks which gave a better picture behind the destruction. Luckily the religious implications behind the reconstruction efforts came up because a discussion about Durondedunn and its history was a result. A more timely comparison couldn't be more apt as the one of Durondedunn just before its wars which nearly destroyed it and modern day earth. The planet was forced to adopt a matriarchal society after three quarters of the male population had been killed off and we can see a possible fate for humanity in Durondedunn's present. Next though we switch topics to reports of an upcoming pole shift due to certain fluctuations which she easily debunks. The debunking continues as next she similarly shows the same errors of the South Pole moving wildly and how a volcano cannot heat the ground miles away enough that would lead to spontaneous combustion. She finishes up the side by finishing her point that in all these cases natural forces were at work but they did forecast the coastline from Guatemala to Washington State falling into the ocean.
the sixth dimension. With so few people on the base channeling, it gave us a night full of details laid out in full instead of having to cut things short so all the speakers scheduled could talk.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 08/25/98. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia goes over the recent cruise missile attacks and we hear about the history of her home planet of Durondedunn. She also covers reports of impending pole shifts and the loss of the West Coast to the sea.

Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Race Memory Recall- Part 2
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
Alana starts in on reviewing the trip to Cancun immediately once the tape is recording again and we go over the experience of swimming with the dolphins in the wild. Karra had recorded the session after plugging into my mind through the connection we share as twin souls so we could relive it later when I went up to the base in my astral form. As a result, Alana got to relive it as I saw and felt it. She was therefore able to explain how I received dolphin speech and why in her state of pregnancy she couldn't go in the water with them as part of her work. That gives us an opportunity to discuss her work and what it is she is trying to do with the dolphins. We end things discussing our two children though I was the only father to our daughter but as bondmates I still had a responsibility to him. Karra replaces her daughter as the conversation had wound down and starts in with a joke based on our mental connection. With knowing Tia would need some extra time Karra only had time to answer a couple of my questions which included helping with strengthening my focus when taking trips to the base in my astral form. We also discussed her daughter and the pregnancy she was going through which led to a spontaneous dissertation on the special connection mothers on both the 6th and 3rd dimensions have with their children on a sub-conscious level. She uses the link she has with her son Nazreal and Miranda as an example where she knew what was taking place at crucial times in their lives. To give Tia time to speak she ends it there though the time she spent channeling was time well spent. Tia changes places with Karra and fills us in on the mini-crash of the stock market two days earlier called "Red Monday", a day where some major drops took place in the markets around the world. She gives us the details of what took place and the aftermath that followed. The base had adopted the defcon system of the military on earth as a way to denote crucial changes that could bring on social chaos. We were currently at defcon three but the stock market changes had brought on the possibility of changing it to two. She is able to confirm some of the previous predictions that had led up to the market activity but it was there I had mind lockup and ran out of questions though I can think of some good ones now I should have asked. We get to the end of the tape after changing topics to her children, the Cubs, and how they had pampered their mom when they realized how tired she was from her hectic day watching the markets. We also talked about happiness and whether having an abundance of money would equal an abundant amount of happiness. Just for fun we compare Bill Gates to Karra. While we can't tell if Bill Gates has found true happiness with his billions of dollars but we're able to agree that Karra has found true happiness despite her wealth so we end the session on that happy note.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 10/29/97 Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Alana and I discuss a vacation I had taken where during a swim I had with some wild dolphins, Karra had recorded the experience through my mind which allowed Alana to relive it as well.
2.)(11:22)- Karra and I brainstorm ways of sharpening my focus when in my astral form on the base which leads to a dissertation on the on the link mothers on all dimensions have with their children.
3.)(16:48)- Tia gives us the aftermath of the historic mini-crash that had taken place two days earlier through markets around the globe. Conversely, this also provides for an opportunity for her happiness retrospective.

Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Race Memory Recall- Part 1
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Greetings in love and light as one.
There are a few things to take note of in this month's podcast with the first being my recent return from Cancun Mexico where I had been swimming with some wild dolphins while on vacation there. It's one of the things that comes up in my chat with Alana and the main reason I had been wanting to speak to her. This was a follow up from the session posted in March of this year called "Strangers In A Strange Land" where she had briefed me prior to my leaving on the best way to interact with them. Another note was that situations had been very volatile on earth so Tia had relinquished her ring mistress duties to Kiri to free her up so she could monitor them during the session. The final note would be that in my discussion with Omal there is mention of a dream that came up during a phone call here at the house. Omal would get daily reports of life here with Mark and myself and that phone call was in one of the reports where a friend of ours had called to tell us she had dreamed there would be an armed break-in at some time in the future and our lives could possibly be in danger. We had taken the dream to heart and made some changes to the security of the house so Omal used that incident as an example to make his point. The whole session flowed nicely from one speaker to another with only a little bit of indecency at the end.
The ring mistress of the night takes advantage of the unusual position to give an informative discourse on racial memory and the benefits of accessing them. Using meditation and self-regression, directing yourself to go back to the past of the race you are a part of can be done and she uses some of her Sirian racial past as an example of what one could experience. She then uses earth's major historical events as examples of the answers one could learn that wasn't included in the history books. On a far grander scale than what is offered through normal past life regressions, the obvious benefits are filled in by Kiri. Two important points that come up is discerning between an active imagination and a true race memory plus the very important roles your guides play in the experience. From helping to establish the connection in the first place to watching over you during it to prevent sensory overload. We finish up her segment reviewing the effects of sensory overload and her personal experiences with it. We also reference her role as librarian of the Library of Sirius. Something handed down as a ceremonial role and not that of an active librarian. Omal next gets into how dreams can be used to change reality and uses a recent dream to illustrate what he meant. Next, what started as a presentation of an ad for the new website turns into an excellent dissertation on communication skills where he ties it all together at the end of his time speaking with an analogy using six different men. Kiri takes over for Omal while the next person got ready and fill in some time because after she made way for Alana, it was less than a minute and the side came to an end.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 10/29/97. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Kiri talks about recalling race memories and the benefits that can be gained through accessing them. She uses examples from the history of both Earth and Sirius as what a person could depending on their race.
2.)(21:13)- Omal uses a six-person analogy as a visual aide of the mind in a dissertation on communication. He pointed out what to look for while assessing a situation when formulating a reply.

Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Korton Revisits Atlantis and Sirian Star Signs- Part 2
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
On side two Karra and I go back and forth through time comparing how the healing techniques from Atlantis and the present evolved. She wraps up using the healing of Carrie as an example of how the two techniques have merged. Before Tia brings on Leah as the guest speaker there is an interesting discussion between her and the cat still being taught some patience. Someone else seems to have taught the cat some bad words instead as it cussed out our ring mistress throughout the session. Leah takes her place in the channeling field to give us a background on her family of Sirius, the Tenuvial family of which we had never really explored up until now. Knowing a bit of the history of Kiri and Karra's family, she explained how her family also had an origin story shared among the 3.000 family members who all have a part to play. At least she is able to give us a clue that points to their love of the sea. She shares some of the festivals and fish that play a part including one that is over six feet long and climbs rocks. Leah relates how she tried to catch one at 14 but came away with broken fingers instead. I mentioned I could relate as I am a Pisces and that got us into a discussion on the astrological signs of Sirius. This unexpected turn would carry on through the speakers of side two as we learned the sign of her sign and Huna's also. Speaking of Bunny, she takes her sister's place and explains while her part in the telling of the family story is five hours long, it is because she is also a daughter of the head of the family Tenuvial. Luckily as a younger daughter we get to hear about her life as a student and star of extremely racy hologram discs that have made her a bit of a celebrity. It is the holo she had just recently completed while on the base we hear the most about even though it was still only in the editing stage. My assertion her holos were only about sex with no story gave us a storyline worthy of an adult video award. Finally Kiri comes on to end out what little tape was left by giving us her and Karra's star signs and my fascination doubled when I learned the sign of my twin soul. with little time left to go into the technical side of the Atlantean breakup, we spent the rest of the session ruminating on how the channelings had been shaped over the years by the changing landscape of speakers and topics to where now it had found its current structure. It was agreed it was all geared toward growth.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 09/02/97 Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Karra compares a trip to a doctor whose office is cold and clinical to one with a more relaxed atmosphere and the results that can be achieved in each.
2.)(8:04)- Leah gives us some of her family history on Sirius that involves an origin story where a part is told by each member and we also learn about some of the astrological signs of Sirius..
3.)(23:20)- Huna/Bunny explains her minor role in the family tree but also her major role in an extremely romantic holo she had just filmed and was in the process of editing.
4.)(37:17)- we're running short on time so we only get to hear Kiri give us her and Karra's sign with a teaser we're left with about a dissertation on the technical influences the exodus from Atlantis on the world that was to come.

Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Korton Revisits Atlantis and Sirian Star Signs- Part 1
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Greetings in love and light as one.
This month's podcast has the unique distinction of having Korton replace Omal for a change as the arbiter of all things allowed onto the tape. (My apologies to Korton for having included a bit more than he may have intended but this is twenty years later.) Having an eighth dimensional speaker as opposed to a seventh dimensional one gave us the privilege of talking to someone who saw the birth, glory and death of Atlantis from his role as head of communications for Ashtar Command and Hades Base. His analytic nature gave us insight into the growth of the language as it evolved from both the common Atlantean language and individual race languages to the various forms of speech spoken by the refugees fleeing the disaster. Adding to the theme of communication was a house cat voicing his displeasure at being left outside which was translated for us by Tia. The tone of the cat left little need for a translation but it got the session started with a humorous backstory. The main story of the channeling session had to be hearing about each of the Sirians provide their star sign unique to their homeworld and the meaning of each. Luckily Bunny was born on the cusp so we got a fifth bonus sign. Just like Earth's star signs, the signs of Sirius have developed over an even longer period of time and reflect the person with a fairly high degree of accuracy. Before all that though, Tia gets into a dissertation that soon starts us down the road back to a continent submerged beneath the crushing depths of the Atlantic Ocean.
Growth of consciousness and understanding is how Tia begins her lesson for the evening and it is a topic that could be said to encompass the entire life experience over multiple lifetimes. One of my lifetimes we discuss as an example was one when I was on a team of Sirian geneticists who were merging together Sirian DNA with that of the indigenous humans. She reminds me of the corrupt nature of the work and why I opted against that career in this life. In this way she aptly demonstrates how a life with psychic skills is balanced out through lives without them to prepare for a life where they would be available again. That is where she ends it and makes way for Korton who gives a seminar on the evolution of language from the earliest cave paintings to modern speech. He is by experience alone one the foremost experts on the development of third dimensional communication and knows all its complicated story better than any of the other speakers so his telling of it gives us a better understanding of how these words laid out on this webpage came to be. Part of that story includes what happened to the languages of Atlantis once the exodus had taken place. His description of how the various races went their separate ways connects a lot of the dots on how civilizations were influenced afterwards. It is a fascinating lecture from the Dean of Communication himself had this been a university course and this podcast held in a huge hall full of students. Karra follows Korton and confirms what he said about the languages of Sirius about how there is a common language and family languages which are spoken to maintain a family pride. We next talk about the healing practices that went their separate ways as did the languages after the breakup of Atlantis. She explains how much of that which managed survive can still be found in the unspoken ritual that takes place when visiting a doctor. She ends the side reminding me of all the ritual she used in the healing of one of our guests once named Carrie.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 09/02/97. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia has a dissertation all lined up about growth that involves one of my past lives in Atlantis when I had been on a team of geneticists. Her lesson is that a life without psychic gifts is as important as one with them.
2.)(14:10)- Korton presents a seminar on the evolution of language going back to cave paintings where in all that time there has always been an eloquence to each version. We make a stop in Atlantis and learn where it went from there.
3.)(33:12)- Karra and I explore how the healing techniques of Atlantis went to the four corners of the globe but at its root was the changing of the client's frequency through some sort of ritual found even today with modern doctors.

Friday Sep 01, 2017
A Healer's Secret- Part 2
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
On side two he continues from where he had left off on side one when he began talking about how the need for a common language evolved as the world evolved. A master of languages, he shows some of that mastery with a demonstration of American Indian sign language to show how different people communicate to bring his point to an end that a common language crosses many barriers. Responding to a question on power increases as a result of healing, she has the perfect answer developed from years of experience to use the power more efficiently. She then responds to a question about belief as a factor in healing before veering off into whether reminding someone they have they ability to heal themselves should be told to a person before or well into a healing. This had been a point of contention between Karra and myself in the past and once more she presented a side of the debate I could never win. It's only now, nearly twenty years later that both sides of the debate can be presented. I still lose the argument as always but it provides an important teaching opportunity for the healers reading this. She signs off with a suggestion on the best way to broach the subject. A newly promoted Lyka takes her place and gives us a rundown of what it is like to be a captain in the Sirian Defense Force. She is coming off an all-night exercise and her exhaustion was very evident. It is a revealing glimpse into her life but done in a way that draws you into her world and the responsibility commanding ninety other people. Kiri lets her go get some rest as he takes her place and gets her usual tease of our guest Skip and his quest to discover the secret to warp core engines. Bad news was received about Kiri and Karra's grandmother in a convent high in the mountains of Sirius. Luckily it was nothing more serious than an broken arm she received in a fall pruning trees. Kiri had just returned from a trip to see so we know things couldn't be too dire. That brought up the fact that Kiri's grandmother had a connection to the space between life and death and was able to give Skip the latest on a 3rd dimensional person dying of cancer was to be Skip's next guide. Skip not having a guide, this was of great importance for him. As the session comes to a close, Kiri made an observation about parents, video games and how games aren't just for kids anymore plus noting that a diet of rabbit can be a good way to starve. We got a lot in a little from here before the tape ran out.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 08/18/98 Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Omal continues from where he left off on how English grew as the most widely spoken language from his first-hand perspective.
2.)(3:53) Karra offers some advice on how to employ the energy for a healing efficiently and when or even if a healer should reveal a secret crucial to any healing to the person being healed.
3.)(27:31)- Lyka descibes some of her duties as a newly promoted captain and tells us how someone on the base with hundreds of years more experience and access to his past lives keeps beating her at sword fighting.
4.)(33:13)- Kiri gives us an update on how her and Karra's grandmother who had recently broken her arm pruning trees while in her 800's. We also contemplate what the results would be if you put a rabbit into a warp core engine.

Friday Sep 01, 2017
A Healer's Secret- Part 1
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Greetings in love and light as one.
A rare disagreement came up over the title of this podcast with myself wanting "Pluck Yew" and Karra wanting "A Healer's Secret" though reluctantly as the healer's secret isn't something she wanted a lot of focus on but it was better than what I offered. In the end, 6th dimensional class won out over 3rd dimensional crass, go figure. On note about this session that made it stand out over previous podcasts was that it could have been recorded last Friday instead of 1998 for how relevant the topics discussed are to the news anyone can read about daily. It's not often that we're transcribing a tape where we have to remind ourselves the topic is about Bill Clinton and not Donald Trump when Tia is discussing impeachment or Omal discussing the effect of the presidency on the stock market. It's another great night learning from teachers of the highest caliber if only it was to teach us that life in their world is not so much different than life is in ours. On that note, it's old home week five miles below the surface of Mars three dimensions away.
Our ring mistress Tia starts the night off with some back-and-forth teasing between her and our old friend Skip. Then things get serious as she goes over some wild fluctuations and their causes pointing to the recently named Asian Flu which decimated markets in the East at that time. We turn to the political next as impeachment talk is in the air over Bill Clinton and his many flaws in judgement. The previous night Bill Clinton made his very famous speech to the American people that he indeed been involved in an improper affair. Tia reminds us of what the founding fathers had to say on the matter before circling back the stock market again. The trail an investor's money takes on its path to profit or loss is examined before Tia makes way for Omal who is about to circle us once more into the mess that became the end of the Clinton administration. You can tell he has been made very aware of the circumstances taking place and offers an insight into how the markets were responding to the news which may cause a bit of deja vu upon listening. We move on from there to sacred geometry and recent articles about how there were predictions of the future written into the measurements of the pyramids of Egypt. while he shoots down that theory he does confirm the fact that humans built the pyramids. It the source of the plans used to build the Great Pyramid that he gives a tantalyzing hint as well as a second hint that hieroglyphs used to cover the outside of it and that they can still be found in a place viewable to the public. All of this builds into a very informative history lesson into the English language and how it came to be the most widely spoken language on the planet. This from someone who watched it grow firsthand from its very humble roots. He gets us to the end of side one by illustrating for us how a language can change over the centuries and uses an insult from a famous battle where "Pluck Yew" was yelled out to the opposing forces. It's pretty easy to see how that phrase has evolved over time.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 08/18/98. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia shares her opinion on Bill Clinton's speech where he admitting having an improper affair and gives a lesson on how the stock market works.
2.)(14:31)- Omal's insight on politics and stocks in 1998 is eerily familiar to 2017 but he also reveals how the hieroglyphs that once covered the pyramids can still be seen. We then get into a very comprehensive look at languages.