Channeled higher dimensional Knowledge from the entities of Ashtar Command.

Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Land Management- Part 2
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
Our guest Skip keeps the seminar on current crop planting methods going on side two with a lesson on the differences of European farming brought over during the early part of the 20th century and the farming styles now used today. We also get to learn about the physical differences between farming in Europe and farming in the Midwest but end Treebeard's time as he needed to go off and ponder the new information he had picked up. Omal comes on and remarks about how much Treebeard enjoyed the session as we then go back and forth over the misuse of the planet over time. We then get to the serious part of his conversation where he explains that with the workload Tia has been taking on, she needs a break and lets up know it is due to the many situations taking place on Earth. It had been a lot to keep up with the preparing us with the updates she had been providing for our newsletter so we get word she won't be available for channeling sessions for a while and that she's been given a travel pass for some R & R. From the serious topics he moved on to answering questions such as whether there would be a one world government. That opened the door for Omal do something that had been planned for a long time which was to get Skip to cascade through a set of engineering questions which drew upon his past lives. His predictions for the future were a surprise and it was an honor watching Omal bring out a short look at tomorrow's world from his line of questioning. This being Skip's first incarnation on Earth, Omal brought out of him some the engineering information from his last life to confirm predictions the Base had made about our future as well. He finishes with an explanation of what he did and why he did that to Skip. With no more questions, we moved on to Karra to come back and finish out the session. In going over the cascade effect Omal generated in Skip, she highlights the fact that all the questions were geared to our future as a race once we are looking ahead to populate the stars. That sheds a new light on how to interpret Skip's predictions. One of those predictions was about the future of cybernetics which came up again as we rehashed what was said. We're reminded of the TV show "The Six Million Dollar Man" when Karra reads the images in my head as she always tends to do and saw my remembering the crash at the start of the show. Using telepathy with her sister, she passed on the real-life story behind that crash. Karra lends her healers advice about how help out Skip's significant other get through the problems associated with coming up to 6,254 feet when she was experiencing some breathing difficulties as we wrap things up and the tape runs out.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 10/05/99 Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Treebeard and myself now get a lesson on the dust bowl era and its causes. The way farming has been since we learn is based on the lessons learned from those hard times.
2.)(7:04) Omal explains that Tia's hard work has earned her a pass to anywhere and back so she can rest after working herself to exhaustion.
3.)(32:12)- Karra talks about the cascade effect Omal initiated with our guest and sle healing tips for his significant other.

Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Land Management- Part 1
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Greetings in love and light as one.
The name for this month's podcast is from the resident gardener on the base Treebeard who offered it as a suggestion for how much of that subject he was interested in learning himself. With Tia initiating a sabbatical due to her workload, she was to be absent from tonight's session along with Kiri who was helping her through the process. With the only female present being Karra, the duties of ring mistress fell to her. As our two most talkitive speakers were therefore out of action, Treebeard was asked to fill in as speaker which for him turned out to be fortuitous. For a person who had over eight hundred years of experience with the land and plants, he received a wonderful surprise in the form of our guest Skip who brought even more knowledge for Treebeard's mental files.
Karra gets the night started with taking over Tia's reports on events taking place on this planet by reading over some of Tia's reports on events that may have an effect on our process of ascension. Those reports were the basis for a free newsletter we had started at the time people could sign up to receive so we go over some of the responses we had received. It is while discussing the world events and tragic losses of life due to war and natural events that Karra expresses her frustration with the blase response those generated. It's a healers compassion we see coming out but is concerned about the lack of compassion for great loss of life on a planet she isn't even where she isn't even a member of teh population. Treebeard comes on an takes up the rest of the side fascinated with a subject where he suddenly found himself the student for a change. From a simple question of mine on forest management came an exchange of information about forestry and farming where both parties were on equal terms when Skip and Treebeard enlightened one another regarding their special fields of study. Treebeard being Sirian with a growing knowledge of English, his phrasing is always a challenge to understand his mixture of words not found normally in the combinations he uses. Just one of the benefits of first contact had we already not been in conversations with him at this point for a number of years. He first lays out a plantation style of forest management to get the most out of a renewable resource and reminds us that the real forest managers are the nature spirits called devas who control growth with the help of other devas like those of fire. We learn native Americans also managed their lands the same way but overpopulation have made modern fires more dangerous and deadly. It is those overpopulation that is the focus of the next topic as more efficient ways of farming are explored to feed a world of more food than ever. We revisit farming techniques and reasons that led the the dust bowl of the thirties and how the improved methods of farming are designed to prevent another occurrence of that happening again. We end the side continuing with a fascinating discussion where our 3rd dimensional guest gives both Treebeard and myself a lesson in land management that gets even more informative on side two.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 10/05/99. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Karra gives us a view of the world since Tia was off and the role of Hades Base in helping humanity prepare for its future.
2.)(10:38)- Treebeard becomes the student instead of teacher as our 3rd dimensional guest gives us a surprise seminar on 20th century farming techniques.

Saturday Jul 01, 2017
The Gonzo Interview- Part 2
Saturday Jul 01, 2017
Saturday Jul 01, 2017
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
Kiri switches topics as side two starts out with her now going off planet to explore with us the same topic of coercion but from the historical standpoint of Sirius in how it relates to the similar transition of dimensions they went through which earth is now experiencing. A comparison is sought by the group for the Great Pyramid of Sirius that aided the ascension of Sirius with various examples given as food for thought. Also given to us as food for thought is her reminder that the religious setup on Sirius is about a hundred thousand years old so we are at a bit of a disadvantage with our multitude of religions and beliefs. It's Karra's turn to nudge her sister out of the channeling chair and take her place to do a healing and give a lesson at the same time. Due to the stationary placement of the mic, the sound of the talking during the healing is very low as Karra moved to the person in question being healed. After she is done with the healing we learn the different effects cold and heat have when applied to a swollen limb. With a special guest speaker to go, Karra ends her time so the rest of the side can be devoted to the speaker. That speaker of course is Gonzo preparing for her wedding but taking some time during her visit from Sirius getting a fitting for her wedding dress to answer questions about the sixth dimension while asking questions about the third. It was a rare treat to meet someone without any prior knowledge of our world to any extant or the third dimension. Her curiosity was charming to watch and she answered all the questions about her life put to her. Her shyness led to a decision where Kiri would speak for her since she spoke Sirian and relay the questions telepathically back to Gonzo. She had a fascination it seemed with the high desert and plants like cacti and we provided what answers we could. Most of our questions to her were from the third dimensional guests that night so we got to learn about her interests back home on Sirius and learned about the very few differences between Sirians and humans. It was interesting to also meet someone with any concept of crime. How do you explain something that is so universally understood on this planet to someone of a planet where it is a totally unknown? As the side winds down we end learning about what my role would be in helping Gozo while on the base and also why it is she nor Kiri nor Karra or Tia can come on a visit to earth.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 12/12/95 Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Kiri returns on side two to answer questions about the process of ascension of Sirius and how its transition to the 6th dimension could be used by us to do the same.
2.)(7:20) Karra does both a healing demonstration and a hands-on training session for me on one of our guests who had a knee that had been clipped by a car.
3.)(16:12)- Kiri asks and answers questions from Gonzo who is unfamiliar with all things 3rd dimensional or related to earth as she was only visiting the base prior to her wedding to the president of Sirius.

Saturday Jul 01, 2017
The Gonzo Interview- Part 1
Saturday Jul 01, 2017
Saturday Jul 01, 2017
Greetings in love and light as one.
This month we get a rare treat, a chance to answer questions about earth in our interview with the bondmate of the president of Sirius. There is a little back story to how this session came about. Kiri and Karra's father was not yet the president but was in the process of bonding with someone he was very much in love with and she had come to Hades Base alone prior to the wedding to meet everyone. Earlier in the week on an astral visit to the base, Kristie or Gonzo as she was known had arranged for us to have a private meeting where I filled her in on earth and the third dimension, new concepts for her. Her interest not peaked, she had joined the speakers on the base to ask more questions during the session and answer a few as well. The only other fact worth noting was that this was one of the very few sessions where Omal was unable to be present due to a Council meeting that could not be skipped.
Tia gets things going with some of the new things she had learned in her new job of data analysis of the goings on down here on the planet. Because of that we hear about the crime rate in South Africa, political maneuverings in Russia and some interesting facts about the history of the country of Georgia. She ends her time with a lesson on the gift the Iroquois people gave our country all of us in the United States has benefited from for hundreds of years and a reminder for us not to lose our national identity. With no Omal, Kiri takes his place as the second speaker and demonstrates her coercive ability on two of us in the room at once before going on to explain how she did it. She next reviews the famous men of history who also wielded quite of bit of mass coercion in the way they spoke to crowds of people. She gets us to the end of side one by going over the morals of coercion and what can happen when a coercer with a megalomaniac's ambition tries to use the gift in a negative manner. Lose control of it and will try to take control over you.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 12/12/95. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia uses her new position in data analysis to share with happenings here on earth such as the increasing crime rate in South Africa at the time and tensions within the countries of the former Soviet Union.
2.)(0:00)- Kiri demonstrates her coercive powers by coercing two of us at once. She also reviews some of the great coercers of our history both good and bad during the last two centuries before this one.

Thursday Jun 01, 2017
The True Guardians Of the Galaxy- Part 2
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
On side two the topic changes to photonic energy and its ability to be used to heal faster than regular energy. She demonstrates this fact on one of the cats who had injured its eye by directing photonic energy into the eye from a knowledge gained through the recall of her past lives granted by her sixth dimensional status. We are treated to the effects a real-life healing taking place far quicker than when just normal earth energy is involved. After Karra wraps up, Tia transitions between speakers by explaining that due to her feline ancestry, her ability to jump from standing straight up was about twelve feet. Following that fun fact we hear from a real guardian of the galaxy in the form of Lyka who is part of an elite force of soldiers who get called upon by the Galactic Federation to assist 3rd dimensional sister worlds and worlds where the progression of consciousness is under threat of regression. From Lyka we get one of the best descriptions of the life of an oath keeper in the Sirian defense force. It's a fascinating life lived with the possibility of death always in the cards but hear about the perks as well she can look forward to at the end of her service in some 300 to 600 years. We switch gears from there to her downhill skiing she had been practicing for the upcoming Tri-Base Ski races. We hear about the ski suit being planned to wear or lack thereof and about the PK field she's incorporating into her training and the fascination she had developed over Picabo Street. Kiri is the last speaker of the night and as she is Lyka's ski suit designer, that is the first item of business. Going over how to make Lyka go faster helped Kiri to reminisce about a passionate time on Sirius where she and another girl managed to cut a holo of the experience in what can only be called some sci-fi skin suits to allow the holograms video disks to be touch sensitive. Getting back to the future, we go over the events planned for the ski races and preparations that have been made to accommodate the expected 12,000 visitors and contestants from the other two bases involved. I then get reminded to pick up my Christmas present, a life-sized Energizer Bunny that because the bane of her sister's existence. The tape ends as we hear about the commands programmed into this toy that would make Silicon Valley very jealous and a lot of money as well.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 12/31/96. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Karra demonstrates how energy from the photon cloud enveloping earth can be utilized for some advanced healing on one of the house cats with a bad eye.
2.)(8:35)- Lyka takes us inside the Sirian Defense Force, the real guardians of the galaxy before we talk about her outfit she will be wearing in competition during the Tri-Base ski races.
3.)(22:24)- Kiri lets us know what her role will be in the ski races and recounts memories of a previous race on Sirius. It's in this session we hear out the advanced programming that went into a Christmas present she made for me.

Thursday Jun 01, 2017
The True Guardians Of the Galaxy- Part 1
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Greetings in love and light as one.
With the release of the sequel to the movie " Guardians Of the Galaxy", this month's podcast just happens to have a lot of information for those interested in the true story of who guards our galaxy in actual fact. We learn more about the Galactic Federation and the role Sirius plays from both Omal and Lyka in not just this world's advancement but how many worlds just like ours are also being helped along the path to Ascension throughout the galaxy. Most important of all, we get to hear Ashtar Command's plan for evacuation of the earth in the event we destroy the planet or all life is extinguished by natural means. This session has to rate as one of the better examples of an important session information wise that completely goes off the rails at the end once all the men and children have left the room.
To get the important stuff started, Tia assumes her normal role as ring mistress to go over current 3rd dimensional earth happenings. We start with a Wall Street drop on this New Year's eve and comparisons between the times prior to market crashes in the past. We get a possible prediction for when the market opened again just before Omal comes on to give us an unforgettable talk of everything having to do with non-earth happenings. For example, he starts right away answering a question on who the Galactic Federation is and how they help planets throughout the galaxy. In regards to earth, he enlightens us on the types of landings made by alien craft for scientific purposes by races who have earth's best interests at heart as opposed to races like the Grays whose scientific experiments are of the self-serving type while at the same time dispelling the idea that a mass landing could take place. He does though gives us the evacuation plan Ashtar would use were earth to be destroyed through natural forces or by actions of the humans on it. In the aftermath of such an event, we find out the contingency plan in place and that earth is strategically important. We next explore the ritual for planetary Ascension and it's goal of a group of people to bring about mass Ascension. He clarifies how it actually works and what it will do in the future if continued. That gets us to the end of his time where he connects the efforts of Ascension to are ability to change parallel universes to get to that goal but not before answering a question that clarifies if the Hale-Bopp comet has a companion. Karra uses up the rest of side one to discuss energy of a physical nature due to a lack of it I had been going through lately. Our discussion centers on dealing with spurts of energy followed by an equal amount of rest which she can relate to as this was still at a time when she was working as a healer with Kornas and prior to her promotion to ambassador.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 12/31/96. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia and I discuss a recent Wall Street market sell-off on this New Year's eve and it's chances for a recovery when they open up again.
2.)(9:40)- Omal clarifies who it is that guards and guides the galaxy every hour or every day. He shares the evacuation plan in place for earth should it be needed and the ritual for planetary Ascension.
3.)(35:32)- We learn from Karra lessons on energy handling for healing and other uses. How the expenditure of energy requires an equal amount of rest to avoid burnout.

Monday May 01, 2017
A Big Bang and the Baron's Tribute- Part 2
Monday May 01, 2017
Monday May 01, 2017
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
Treebeard starts off side two adding to the answer he had started on side one and gives us a look inside the unseen world of nature. So much escapes notice and science takes all the credit but the elemental world should be honored as well for the work they do maintaining the earth's flora and fauna. That answer branches into the nature of energy and a discussion of the various forms of energy that are available for use but Treebeard opts to leave the more of the subject to be answered by Kiri. She takes over speaking so that a simple question on Devas turns into a very deep conversation on black holes and puts the question of only a single Big Bang as only one possibility of the formation of the universe. When asking questions of a higher dimensional engineer, one has to be prepared to have the science one has been taught proven wrong with simple equations. This is someone who knows the science of black holes from having thousands of years of space exploration to draw from. As such, her explanation was more a discourse from the University of Sirius we found ourselves enjoying as she opened a new window into how a black hole actually operates up to its final destruction. That's when things really get deep. Wing Commander Taal pops in to answer a few questions unexpectedly so Kiri makes way for him to speak. He is on only long enough to give a short tribute to the Baron who had moved on to the waiting period. While sad, it is a reminder to live for those we love. Karra replaces Taal in the channeling field and gives us a quick lesson on the Devil and Mad Cow Disease before handing back over to her sister to wrap up the night. Kiri does so by sharing a joke, a geographic fact and building up the confidence of our youngest guest who was going through a bit of an identity crisis.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 7/27/99. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Treebeard gets side two started with expanding our understanding of energy in all its forms and tells us that while all energy is the same, only one thing determines what type of energy it is.
2.)(5:07)- Kiri takes up the lesson on energy but uses black holes as the focus of her discussion and we learn that not only is there more than one universe, we also have to consider the fact there may be more than just the one big Bang.
3.)(21:06)- Wing Commander Taal stops by to deliver a tribute to The Baron, a fellow pilot from the base who spoken on a few podcasts and had recently lost his life.
4.)(25:44)- Karra gives us some historical facts about the devil and a lesson on mad cow disease.
5.)(33:36)- Kiri ends the session with some geographical facts about the earth before helping Skip's grandson with some advice for how to deal with his identity issues he had been experiencing.

Monday May 01, 2017
A Big Bang and the Baron's Tribute- Part 1
Monday May 01, 2017
Monday May 01, 2017
Greetings in love and light as one.
Was our Big Bang The Big Bang or just one of many? That is just one of the questions that this channeling session as things get deep in May's podcast of a channeling session from back in 1999. The serious nature of the topics discussed is best represented by the recent death of the Baron, one of the occasional speakers on the base who was also a pilot that flew an all red craft. Kiri fills in for Tia as Ring Mistress for a session that includes a inter-dimension manifestation demonstration, news of the world, science lessons, shared memories and a bit or self-reflection at the end provided by Kiri.
It's also Kiri who gets things started but is only on long enough to hand off to Omal who does a rare bit of showing off his manifestation ability by cooling the room here in third dimension from where he was channeling on the base by working through Mark's body to cool us down on a hot July night. He next updates us on the progress taking place with the selection of an individual to represent Sirius in the inter-species talks being setup before going into both the international and national news he felt needed to be brought up. On the national front, he addresses the sloppiness seen with the latest space shuttle lunch and how NASA could allow the furl leak to place as it did. His reasons for why he thinks they did offer a new look at the motivations of the space agency during that flight. That leads into a discussion on the history of computers and how they developed to be the indispensable tool they are. he finishes up his time channeling answering a question on the reasons for the weather shifts being experienced. He confirmed they had nothing to do with solar flares or a possible pole shift and the any global warming had other causes. Treebeard comes on as a scheduled speaker but he has to be on less than expected so he finishes up side one without a dissertation but with an answer on Devas and the the energy they use.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 07/27/99. Side one includes:
1.)(1:16)- Omal gives us an example of his manifesting skill by adjusting the temperature in the room down here with his mind, the birth of the Internet and the geologic processes behind global warning.
2.)(38:02)- Treebeard gets in one answer on devas before the side runs out but we do learn how devas use energy to do the tasks they do maintaining nature.

Saturday Apr 01, 2017
Soul Notes and Tuella- Part 2
Saturday Apr 01, 2017
Saturday Apr 01, 2017
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
Side two sees a return to the topic of Tuella and Omal quickly blows away the room with an inside look at a recent decision by the Council of Light regarding plans for the mass evacuation of the planet in the event of a mass extinction event. Their decision shouldn't come as a surprise but the way they came to the decision sheds a light on the capacity of a colony ship and the logistics involved with such an operation Ashtar Command would be taking on. Kiri takes Omal's place in the channeling field to give us some answers to the technical questions that were waiting for her but first gives us a clearer view of the effects expected to happen once inside the photon cloud. Her answer reveals even more helpful information to us than Omal's answer. After that it is a gray area we go into as Skip grapples with memories of a previous life. The fact that it is his first incarnation on earth has a lot to do with a lifeform engine Kiri is actually able to help him out with an answer he obviously needed. That we were treated to an answer worthy of Gene Roddenberry is testament to how special this session was. We next hear from Kiri how the channeling sessions are reviewed on the base and what could happen with giving us too much information. Karra being the filter of what goes on the web is brought up before Karra herself comes on to channel. We quickly go over how my shields were holding up and she referred me to earlier when she had been in my head as I was getting the bindings on my skis adjusted while enjoying a beer. Karra finishes her time channeling to define each of the five main psychic skills and what designates someone operant in that skill. Tia comes on to get us to the end of the tape but not before having sliced into Kiri's arm with her nails almost on accident had not Kiri made a joke that involved cats.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 11/19/96. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Omal gives us a look at the capabilities of Ashtar Command by laying out the logistics that had gone into planning a mass evacuation of earth using five mile long colony ships in the case of an extinction event.
2.)(5:04)- Kiri goes into a bit more depth than Omal did in explaining the spiritual effects of the photon cloud on psychic skills before helping Skip with a past life memory of a bio-mechanical engine designed to travel between planets.
3.)(23:56)- Karra helps with a review of my shielding and has some good advice. She also gets into a definition of the five psychic skills before having to go off to tend a sister who has suffered a slicing cut from Tia's nails.

Saturday Apr 01, 2017
Soul Notes and Tuella- Part 1
Saturday Apr 01, 2017
Saturday Apr 01, 2017
Greetings in love and light as one.
It's hard to not be amazed each time a new channeling session tape is transcribed and April's podcast is no exception. An unusually large group of participants showed up to ask questions of the base personal so the topics were many and varied. Two topics stood out above the rest and they were soul notes that were tied in with the area a person was raised in and Tuella, a higher dimensional entity that was a walk-in to the body of Thelma Terrell. The mass evacuation of earth is discussed based on the writings of Tuella and so Omal tells us of his experiences with her. Some of the other topics discussed were coercion, stolen plutonium and shielding as each guest helped us cover a large amount of information in the time allowed by the tape's length.
Starting off the night was Tia who was cut short to make room for the necessary questions of the night to be answered. Before signing off though she got into a question about Russia and the radioactive ingredients to make several dirty bombs had gone missing and the world was questioning where it had gone. Tia kept us guessing but we came close to an answer. One of our 3rd dimensional guests was making a move and wanted some advice which was covered by Tia. That same topic would get next picked up by Omal whose far more in-depth response went into the concept of soul notes to explain the connection of a person to a certain type of geographical familiarity. Before that though he revisits the question of Russia and how the U.S. news media had opted not to cover the major news and why. With that, it is the move that is reviewed and Omal once again expands our knowledge with how a person connects vibrationally with the land of their birth and feel uncomfortable in areas that do not have similar features. Lessons caused by being in an area where the vibrations feel uncomfortable are explained as well as a fact about the Navajo Nation that is true about all people on the planet. He mixes in a couple other amazing lessons for us with some shielding information and some excellent information about the photon cloud and its influence on the psychic abilities of everyone it touches. We know from previous sessions we are deep within the cloud at this time. He wraps up side one with a talk about Tuella and questions that had come up he was able to answer.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 11/19/96. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia fields questions regarding some radioactive elements stolen in Russia and their potential for misuse as well as help a guest plan for a future move.
2.)(8:12)- Omal covers soul notes or the vibrational frequency that makes you feel good or bad about an area, shielding principles, the photon cloud and the writings of Tuella.