Channeled higher dimensional Knowledge from the entities of Ashtar Command.

Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Strangers In A Strange Land- Part 2
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Greetings again in love and light as one.
After a quick transition from Tia, Alana comes on and naturally the topic immediately turns to dolphins and how their interactions with humans have changed. She explains their openness before we move on to her mother who is our daughter together and the chance of a super operant coming from her children someday. That's when we get to learn about the super operants and their way of making love compared to someone not a master in all five metal abilities. We get back to the dolphins again and we learn about a new device that had been invented that let Alana speak to the dolphins to where one was able to provide advice to help in their interactions. That leads into a fascinating discussion on how mathematics is involved in making that happen with a formula that takes in all the factors involved. Her mother channels next about healing and photonic energy but her demonstration of how to blend energies leaves open the possibility Mark will come away from the channeling session on his return to his body. She explains a technique to draw in the energy from the Photon Cloud to take advantage of it's unique properties. Before ending her time in the channeling field on the base we go over how it that these channeling sessions are so much different from what can be found on the Internet. Her answer is, as with everything else about her, perfect. Kiri takes us to the end of the tape with her predictions on the future of computers and how the way of buying them will transition to more customized buying options.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 01/03/97. Side two includes:
1.)(1:57)- Alana helps our understanding of super operants before filling us in on her research with the dolphins on the base including a new communicator that allows her to have conversations with them.
2.)(16:39)- Karra shows me a technique for gathering photonic energy in so it could be blended with other energies for a healing and also tells us why it is we seem to be the only group with channelings in the format they are.
3.)(27:43)- Kiri gives us a prediction on the future of computers and how the way they were bought back then would evolve into customized computer builds in the future.

Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Strangers In A Strange Land- Part 1
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Greetings in love and light as one.
This month's podcast's name comes from several sources throughout the channeling session such as Tia's updates on the Duronedunns on the base, the dolphins of Dolphin Lake or Karra's reminder this is Skip's first time on this planet. But, it could also refer to third dimensional earth adjusting to being in a multi-dimensional universe all of us discovering we are the strangers in a strand land. We're interacting with civilizations hundreds of thousands of years old and the people who have come through even harder times than we have as a species to be unified, higher dimensional individuals helping us to achieve a similar outcome by knowing the path there already.
Tia gets the interactions going with revelation of what her life was like on Durondedunn, a third dimensional planet of her birth. It is a revealing look at how other worlds are also making their way to a dimensional jump in consciousness besides ours. Being from the priestess class, her insights to the practices of a planetary religion instead of many faiths has unified her former world. We also hear more about the team of Durondedunn scientists who had been in stasis prior to being found and brought eventually to the base. They came from a period of history 200 years before Tia was born so we learn a lot about the dynamics of their interactions with her. We find out more about Tia's efforts to acclimate to being on the sixth dimension and her initial disorientation as well as the cultural differences that were familiar back on her planet but caused some problems for Omal. Correlations emerge from our discussion between Durondedunn of the past and earth now. Knowing their story gives us a hint at the possibilities in a couple centuries. After exploring a thread of conversation started with Tia, Omal explains why it is these channeling sessions are held in the style they are as opposed to other channelings found on the web. We next get into the news of the day here on earth and whether the weather pattern changes seen recently have been the result of the planet passing within the photon cloud or not. He finishes the last portion of his time reviewing preparations for a possible breakdown of society and reminds that the local flooding causing shipping delays be used as a test case for such an occurrence.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 1/03/97. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- From Tia we get a closer look at what it took to get her from a near death experience to a data analyst on Hades Base and also the other Durondedunns on the base.
2.)(26:00)- Omal explains our uniqueness as a channeling group and covers the environmental problems of the world and if they are being influenced by the photon cloud.

Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Chakras And the Key to Living Forever- Part 2
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Greetings again in love and light as one.
Side two is where he gets serious about using what he said on side one as a springboard for extending the life cycle. First after explaining why we die for the most part, he tells us how living is a combination of mind and body with both having to to be maintained equally. Extending a lifetime though takes one special ingredient that we may have programmed into ourselves in the period between incarnations. He gives us a lot of food for thought. Treebeard is next and as long life is one of the night's topics, he shares his thoughts on living for over 800 years. I should be so comfortable with the aging process when 800 years I reach. (Thank you George Lucas.) he topic turns to soul contracts and how a life of hardships may be needed to fulfill that contract made between lives to reunite again in the next shared life. After that he identifies for us what to look for when determining if the actions we take are of the highest good before finishing with what happens when plant deva works with a plant and the energy exchange that takes place in their assistance with the growth of the plant. Korton makes a surprise visit so he takes the place of Treebeard to clarify that as head of communications for Ashtar Command, it's important to explain Treebeard's weakness with the English language and that of some of the other guest speakers who can sometimes challenge our understanding of every word spoken. He also confirms Ashtar Command itself was very busy at the time with preparations for the inter-species conference that was just getting started with connections being made between the various channels for each of the races before the tape runs out mid-sentence.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 03/30/99. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Omal gives us the tools for living indefinitely and why it is we die. This from a seventh dimensional being over 100,000 years old so he would be considered an expert on the topic.
2.)(7:16)- Treebeard gives us his views on his many years of life having gone through over 800 of them. He also describes in detail the interrelationship between plant devas and the plants they choose to assist in their growth.
3.)(27:05)- The head of communications for Ashtar Command Korton, explains why some of the Base personal like Treebeard who do not speak English as we would expect it are translating in their mind from Sirian to English.

Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Chakras And the Key to Living Forever- Part 1
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Greetings in love and light as one.
This month we have a podcast form a session in 1999 where as we did last week, go with one of the few sixty minute tapes used for the channeling sessions. This one has a lot of important information included in the shortened session but none more so than the the key Omal gives us for living forever. Naturally logic and science both provide plenty of evidence against such a thing but Omal presents it in a theoretical sense and it is in that context the information can best be appreciated. When it is a being tens of thousands of years old that is explaining what it takes to live forever, his suggestion carries a lot of weight. His advice while it may not leas to instant immortality, could be utilized to help live as long as possible at least.
It's Tia though who gets the night off to a start with a familiar subject as the turn of the millennium got closer. How well were the computers of earth prepared for Y2K. We know now that the effects were fairly limited but back in 1999 the worries about the effects on society were speculated on at length. Tia's report put our minds at ease. Her other main topic of discussion was a very extensive overview of the situation regarding the humanitarian situation in Kosovo. As one of the lead analysts for earth activities on the base, her insight on the conflict covered both the past, present and future. Omal finishes up side one by first answering a question regarding the Dow crossing 10,000 before sliding back that day. She also expands on Tia's commentary about Kosovo and how war can be both good and bad. Omal finally gets to the end of side one discussing chakras and the role they play in keeping the mind, body and spirit in tune. His knowledge he shares with us about the chakras is that you may open them up to expand your consciousness but you should have a plan of action afterwards.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 03/30/99. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)-Tia analyzes what could be expected with Y2K before giving a very detailed talk on the past, present and future on the Kosovo conflict taking place at the time.
2.)(20:30)- Omal discusses how war has brought some of mankind's most advanced technology even though it is a destructive force before confirming that speeding up the rotation of the chakras can be a doorway to higher consciousness.

Sunday Jan 01, 2017
Awakening the 144,000- Part 2
Sunday Jan 01, 2017
Sunday Jan 01, 2017
Greetings once more in love and light as one.
Karra continues on the topic she had begun on side two before moving on to the subject of Kiri's injury incurred at the Tri-Base ski races. We get a healer's overview of what happened while watching her sister race on a leg already traumatized. She leaves us with some helpful suggestions on how to grow consciously. We get to celebrate with Kiri next as she nurses a leg back to health and regales us with her perspective on her race result where the pain was worth the price. We get to hear next what it is like to be a female channeling through a male body and the extra plumbing that she had to get used to at first before moving on to how surprisingly astute she was politically. As part of a new web site being planned, she demonstrated that to our satisfaction by correctly predicting the outcome of the presidential election which was still up in the air as to who would win it at the time. She takes a break at this point to let Alana channel who had just shown up with her girlfriend. In the ensuing conversation, Alana reveals some of the genetics being practiced among the population of sixth dimensional Sirius to achieve super operancy as well as the genetics being explored among the dolphins on the base. She finishes with the story of a male Sirian dolphin with an unusual sense of humor. Kiri comes back after that to finish up the channeling session with a lesson on the Sirian political system and how the President's bondmate is also the vice president as well. Along with that we get more insight to what the president of a planet does during his term on a day-to-day basis.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 03/12/96. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- We find out from Karra the details of Kiri's ski injury at the races and let's us in on some ways to a higher consciousness.
2.)(3:29)- Kiri shows off her political astuteness by correctly predicting Bill Clinton's win later that year for the presidency and we hear first hand what it's like being a female channeling through a man's body.
3.)(9:31)- Alana and I discuss the genetics involved with how close Karra, her and Kiri come to being super operants. We also hear about an amorous male dolphin from Sirius who decided to prank Alana and her girlfriend.
4.)(16:45)- Kiri explains to us how she and the bondmate of the President of Sirius were able to catch up on old times while also getting a look into the affairs of state of a planet's President and his wife.

Sunday Jan 01, 2017
Awakening the 144,000- Part 1
Sunday Jan 01, 2017
Sunday Jan 01, 2017
Greetings in love and light as one.
Happy New Year from those of us here at the Hades Base News as 2017 is ushered in with an optimistic look ahead to a horizon of spiritual uplifting. The theme for the month that will make that happen is change, change in the form of social enlightenment as keys are found that will unlock the consciousness of the 144,000. Who are they? That is what this unusually short session will clarify. Recorded on one of the rare 60 minute tapes we would go to occasionally, it isn't short on substance. In fact in only a few sentences by a couple of the speakers, it ranks as one of the more inspirational sessions on record.
It's Tia's job as ring mistress to get the channeling started and she does so by going over the plans we had to begin a new website that would focus only on the information that exclusively dealt with earth called Earthwatch. We discuss ways to get the site built and how promote it before moving on to a question I had saved for her concerning the 144,000. She gives us a clearer understanding of who that includes before Omal takes his turn channeling and gives us the full story. We learn they are to be awakened from keys they will discover during their lifetime. Prior to that he defined for us what a light body is and ends his time helping with the new webpage. Karra finishes out side one with her planned contributions for the site will be just as the tape runs out.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 03/12/96. Side one includes:
(0:00)- Tia works with me on the concept of a new website focused only on the channelings from the base about earth before giving us a better understanding of who the 144,000 are.
2.)(20:58)- Omal fills us in on what needs to happen once the 1444,000 are awakened before explaining in some detail how you go about stabilizing a vortex or a grid if you're a higher dimensional being or a dedicated group of individuals.
3.)(20:20)- Karra and I discuss a healing section to be added to the new website and the herbal alchemy we'll be starting as the first topic to cover.

Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Self-Control and the Nuclear Option- Part 2
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Greetings again in love and light as one.
Omal returns on side two but for only a short time but it is long enough to confirm that our personal growth is something that aids in the personal growth of others. That growth though faces many challenges to maintain it with the distractions faced in our modern world. It is Karra's turn to channel next and the topic of sibling rivalry comes up from our youngest guest as well as the topic of bullying. These questions were in Karra's wheelhouse being the mother she is and helped with understanding the reasons for childish behavior. When Kiri takes her sister's place she is tasked with helping the oldest guest in the room improve on his engineering abilities. To that end she breaks down the process of redesigning something already in existence to improve on it. Thinking through how that process is arranged is the key she provides to answer his question. She gives as an example a sword he had made and happened to be on the wall in the room where we did the recording of how he was drawing unconsciously from knowledge he didn't even know he had. Her other example she provides is a personal one where she has been redesigning the channeling setup they use on the Base in the various channeling rooms. We know from earlier podcasts she was successful in her efforts. She ends the session with a reminder that everyone who has designed of engineered something almost always knows someone down the line is going to improve on it.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 05/19/98. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Omal continues on personal growth and how our drive to improve encourages others around us to follow suit.
2.)(3:30)- Karra helps answer questions on sibling rivalry and dealing with bullying though the sibling rivalry we see sometimes with her sister is all in fun.
3.)(11:27)- Speaking of Kiri, she gives us a complete description of the engineering process with a project she has been working on for years as the perfect example of how she does things.

Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Self-Control and the Nuclear Option- Part 1
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Greetings in love and light as one.
The nuclear option is the fist topic up for discussion and it is Tia who gets us started in a shortened night where several questions of a personal nature were omitted from the podcast. The recent testing of atomic weapons India recently had conducted was the genesis of the subject had on tap for the night. She also outlines how China's acquiring a missile telemetry system was just part of an arms race at the time going on between that country, India and Pakistan that had the potential to create a worldwide disaster. She finishes by pointing out that India's ability to have nuclear weapons had been prompted by China's new technology and that Pakistan had to conduct the tests it had in response to India's actions. Omal follows Tia's discussion with of his own on self-control. He covers the pros and cons of self-control with the main advantage being for the purpose of advancement. In the question and answer phase after his short dissertation, the subject of the UFO cover-up by the Government comes up and he gives his opinion of their actions they took following the Roswell crash on whether they took the right approach or not. The questions turn toward the rush to spirituality as the millennium was coming to a close. The end side one comes with the most definitive answer as to the nature of God in relation to our planet as Omal had ever given.
1.)(0:00)- Tia shares her thoughts on the nuclear testing going on in India and how an arms race has been started in that area due to the increased capabilities of the Chinese.
2.)(20:58)- Omal stresses the importance of self-control in the path towards personal growth. He also notes how lacking self-control has led to the downfall of many societies and cultures.

Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Aftermath, Protocol and an Astronomy Lesson- Part 2
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Greetings once more in love and light as one,
The astronomy lesson picks up from where it left off in side two as Omal notes the importance of Venus and the seven year cycles it causes as it circles Earth. He ties it all together with how Stonehenge, the Mayans and other places all used methods to accurately chart the night skies and how it was done. Karra follows after Omal and we get into the heady shock she had the week before when she found out she was now the Ambassador from Sirius to Hades Base. Being a healer first though, that would still be the heart of her channelings and so it was during her time on tape. In this session it was dealing with things that are beneficial but are negative in nature starting with her pet peeve, smoking. We go through the negative and positive effects from smoking before comparing it to driving automobiles and how one negative action is perceived in relationship to the other in that both give off substances harmful to humans and the environment. We next get into the pros and cons of walking verses driving and then back to driving verses smoking. Having made her point, she hands off to her sister. Kiri gets her part of the channeling started with a joke she must have found lying in the gutter before getting serious about her plans for training someone who would be coming by in a few days on coercion. I'm informed I'm to be the punching bag so to speak in helping with the training so I learn I will have to step out of the room at some part of the session. It's at that part when Mark in his astral form on the base brings by coffee for those channeling through his body back here on Earth. We next chat about whether I will be able to uphold the duties of the bond mate of an ambassador before going over her ideas on the strapless dress she was planning to wear for the upcoming formal inauguration we were both to attend on Sirius. To finish, she gives me a brain teaser to work on figuring out how miles it would be from our sun to the sun of Centari Base. Tricky to calculate when you are talking about 3.9 light years.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 12/09/97. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- The astronomy lesson continues on side two as Omal links Venus and its seven year cycle to weather patterns that happen as a result. Coincidentally, 1997 was the year that cycle would be one never to be forgotten.
3.)(21:12)- Kiri gives a quick coercion demonstration using one of the nearby house cats and then we review the formal dress she is to wear at a formal affair on Sirius. She ends with a brain teaser of how many miles it is from the sun to the sun of Alpha Centauri.

Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Aftermath, Protocol and an Astronomy Lesson- Part 1
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Greetings in love and light as one.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 12/09/97. Side one includes: