Channeled higher dimensional Knowledge from the entities of Ashtar Command.
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
How Long Before Reincarnation and Sananda’s Curriculum- Part 2
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
Side two begins with Kiri saying goodbye and Tia wrapping up our phone call with Carrie. To do so, Tia answers a question on the future before everyone takes their leave. Tia then decides to play a prank on me in bringing on Omal which has her laughing in hysterics on the sidelines. Omal has questions to answer though and we get down to some serious business. Recently we had been having visits from the Jehovah's Witnesses in town to our door who wished to share their ideas while I wanted to do the same regarding Ashtar Command. An exchange of ideas had been taking place and another meeting was scheduled for the following day. Omal was able to show the benefits of such meetings and my recent reading of The Essene Gospel of Peace had prepared me to answer some of their questions. Omal helped me leap to amazing conclusions I had not been expecting after we first shift topics to the recent happenings of the Upuaut Project. It was a little robot designed to explore the shafts of the queen's chamber and they hoped to explore what lay behind the door blocking one of the shafts. Nothing world-shaking was discovered except more questions that could only be speculated on at best. A related pyramid revelation was that pyramids can give off relaxing fields whether you are in them or out of them. At the time there was a six-foot copper pyramid that we had set up around the futon from which Mark was channeling. Now things get heavy as we discuss unifying the 144,000 nerve centers in the body to establish an enlightened consciousness. Once the chakras enter into the discussion we cover the intertwining of religions that we trace back to the migrations prior to the sinking of Atlantis. That is how we learn that Sananda had been directing the lessons we had been taught in the archives that continued a set of lessons he began over two thousand years ago. That's all we have time for as we move on to Karra who continues a class on the human body she started the previous week. This time the subject was hormones and from the detail of the information she provides, Omal had okayed all she had included in her lesson. The key takeaway was the way everything was interconnected. From the glands and the various chemicals they release to the outside influences also affecting our body's functioning, we learn the human body is an amazing combination of factors that determine our state of being. That finishes the lesson so Tia wraps after Karra departs for the few minutes left on the tape. To those confused about her comment on the shot she received on her tail affecting her the way it did, it's only a small tail being as her ancestry has a feline evolution which includes a slightly different bone structure than our own or a Sirian's. It's a session I've enjoyed listening to over and over again for the new things I grasp each time.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 10/17/957. Side two includes:
1.)(3:01)- Omal reveals yet another of the reasons for these archives in that he connects all the dots from when Sananda spent his time on the third dimension. He brings clarity to two thousand years of questions.
2.)(20.03)- Karra gives a class on the various glands of the body and the chemicals that they release. It's a follow-up to a topic Omal had just covered on the 144,000 nerve centers of the human body.
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
How Long Before Reincarnation and Sananda’s Curriculum- Part 1
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
Like anyone who visits this website, I am and student of the unknown and, every time I hear a tape I've chosen to put online is the first time I've heard that channeling session since it was first recorded. I never know what to expect, but with this session, I've lost my fear of death and discovered much about Sananda I had only suspected. Now, what fear of death I have has always been based on how long it would be before I would either be back on this dimension or instead joined Karra after an ascension. Thanks to Kiri, I can happily say that fear has been eliminated by finally getting a definitive answer on how long you have between lives from someone I consider to be an expert on the subject. I've always assumed there might be as much as hundreds of years between lives and that a much smaller number could possibly be fewer than ten was knowledge I had completely blocked out somehow. That the maximum amount could be mere decades answers one question and presents several more. For example, how many lives does one have, and is it more like a constant exchange of bodies? Then we learn about the architect behind the archives and how the channeling sessions came to be and no surprise, it was Sananda who determined the curriculum we had been learning. Returning visitors to the Hades Base News since its inception has heard what I have always thought were often impromptu channeling sessions that focused on subjects that just came to mind. We're honored that Sananda has graced us with the knowledge he has and are pleased to share it with any others also seeking the next step in his teachings. On top of both the topics is much more information starting with a call to our favorite former guest of the channeling sessions when she could attend in person, Carrie. What we learned during the conversation with her over the phone makes for a convincing argument that Sananda had a pretty good idea of where this would lead. So, on with a short recap of the channeling session to follow.
Tia gets the session going with a call to Carrie for an expected chat when she could talk to the female members of the base that channel regularly. Tia was always a welcome guest into the mind of Carrie when she dreams and has to apologize for some recent wild dreams. It seems the issues in Carrie's life were more than even Tia could counteract to prevent some of Carrie's nightmares. It was those stresses that were causing Carrie to lose the self-confidence that she would normally have. She explained to Tia that her school and work combination were additional factors causing her stress. Tia offers some helpful advice prior to letting Karra get to the more serious matters on Carrie's mind. As Karra joins the chat she gets right to the theme of the discussion which was children. Carrie had just visited the parents of a newborn and it had brought out an emotional longing for a child of her own. Karra is both a mother and a healer so she gives her some comfort over her expectations and a warning about the amount of smoking Carrie had been doing. Part of the stress she had been experiencing revolved around a doctor's diagnosis which had her more scared than we had seen previously. As a way to lighten Carrie's mood, Karra and I provide some jokes that while bad, do the trick in getting her to laugh. Karra ushers on her sister in an effort to keep the atmosphere light without Tia doing the normal handover and Kiri naturally follows up with an immediate joke of her own. Once she finally explains the punchline it is no longer a mystery but lacked the effect Kiri was hoping to achieve. From there we hear about some chakra jewelry that Carrie was impressed by which gets Kiri doing the math on how much Sirian claret would be the equivalent in price. Kiri had to explain that without money in their economy, wine served as the trade good of choice for Kiri. Eventually, the conversation turns back to having a baby and Kiri puts forward the hypothesis that the reason Carrie can't get pregnant is that a former soul mate of hers who had passed away was just waiting for reincarnation. That is when Kiri provides a fairly reliable timeline of how long the reincarnation process can take. This shows what a random tape selected for the podcast turns out to be more than special on not just one side, but even more outstanding information that was waiting to be revealed on side two.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 10/17/957. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia gets Carrie on the phone and we discuss her life and the stresses she faces along with a self-confidence problem. Tia has a good idea to help her out the next time she finds herself rushing things.
2.)(8:39)- Karra reassures Carrie that her desire for a child will be fulfilled one day. We know from future sessions she would give birth to a daughter. Unfortunately, she has to suffer through some bad jokes.
3.)(34:46)- Kiri's conversation is the reason we post the information the world would like to know for the most part. How long is it between reincarnations? Of course there is also a lot more to go along with that.
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Beginning Quantum Healing and Bunny Starts College- Part 2
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
A few notes about side two worth noting is that a couple guys on CB radios are a slight distraction for some of the side due to having their signals bled through quietly in the background as they discuss various radio setups. Another note was that I had an exhaustive schedule back then that I had to work which me the perfect subject for Bunny to get some hands-on experience in healing. Since she was about to have that as her major when she began college on Sirius, this was the perfect opportunity to get a head start. As a coercer, she has the ability to soothe a patient so it was a combination of Karra's experience and Bunny's persuasiveness that powered the healing. As the healing progresses you can hear Karra clap her hands together occasionally. This was a method she's explained before about charging the hands with energy to either pull or push energy into my body. Bunny's relaxing coercion and Karra's efforts do the job so I'm ready for the rest of the speakers beginning with Bunny herself. This wasn't a typical channeling session and, as a result, we get to learn about higher education on higher dimensions throughout the side from the remaining speakers. Bunny though has other priorities in mind first such as a new entertainment side project she wants to work on before school starts. Because it's college, I try to get some comparisons between school systems which leads to her learning about the Greek system from me and how our majors and minors are their primary and secondary studies. Bunny's done for the night leading to Tia giving us her best Yoda impression before handing the speaking position to Kiri. That's where we get a better idea of college life by hearing some of Kiri's time there. A tradition they have means first-year students such as Bunny have to introduce themselves to the whole university with their goals they plan to accomplish while attending. As she finishes we learn her eight years gaining our equivalent of a doctorate which only included just two years of regular college instead of four. That leaves Leah to come on and add her time at the university where her six years of special study in robotics and molecular engineering was about to start. One thing her engineering background was unprepared for was Mark's pager going off. That became her focus as we can hear her exploring its functions. We end the channeling session chatting about why her sister Bunny needs any college at all since she was already a star. As expected, stardom on a higher dimension does not carry the compelling drive it can down here. In this case, a star isn't born but Sirius has a new apprentice healer.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 09/09/97. Side two includes:
1.)(0:20)- Karra does some demonstration healing with the help of Bunny who is about to head off to college to study healing. The subject of the demonstration was myself and it's my headache being fixed.
2.)(11:26)- Bunny is on to speak before she heads off to start her first year at the university. From her we get an idea of how telepathy will help with making friends as the Greek system is a foreign concept.
3.)(21:54)- We learn about Kiri's logo for her clothing line and some of her time when she had gone to the university. It wasn't only coercing that she excelled in while school but earned also an engineering degree.
4.)(30:29)- Leah herself is headed back to start work on her degree in robotics and molecular engineering when she returns to Sirius to continue her studies. She also explains why her sister is giving up stardom.
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Beginning Quantum Healing and Bunny Starts College- Part 1
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
September brings another timely entry into the archives of a channeling session from 1997 that coincides with 2020 though mostly in the fact that millions of young adults are starting college. Bunny too was headed to Sirius to enter her first year at the university which gives us a chance to learn more about how colleges do things on different worlds and dimensions. That's all on side two while on side one we get lessons on politics, communication, and quantum healing from Tia, Korton, and Karra. Korton stepping in for Omal was usually a rare thing in the archives but this was the second channeling session in a row he had joined us with the first posted back in April of 2016 called "Tia's Story to the Event Horizon". He would only be able to stay for the first half due to a Council meeting and would hand off the role of the censor to Karra who takes over for the second side. Unlike last month's podcast where side two got a little frisky, Karra is able to maintain control over the behavior even with Bunny as one of the speakers. Maybe it was the new life she was entering as a college freshman back on Sirius that kept the conversation for the whole channeling session lively and informative. In other archive news, frequent listeners of the podcasts may have noticed some positive changes in the sound quality of past channeling sessions. We have enlisted the aid of a second sound engineer to work on past versions to bring up the quality of the recordings with some outstanding results so far. We are halfway done and hope to have the entire sound files replaced with superior versions with far less if any background noise. Once completed by year's end we will do the same with the Center for Ascension to give those visiting that site better excerpts from the more informative parts of the channeling sessions. Now, back to the podcast summary.
Tia gets into the session with her usual report on the monitoring she and her team had been doing of the political situation following the election the previous year. She doesn't have time to cover the stock market fluctuations so we get the current happenings on the base instead. Even on a different planet in a higher dimension, it could be that she is covering the latest happenings in a company newsletter. We do get back on Earth again with her description of signs to look for prior to a major social change that seems eerily similar to the trends being seen economically, morally, and criminally. Yet another reminder of how ascension requires lessons to experience. As a break from the normal schedule of speakers, we have the privilege of Korton continuing a dissertation on communication which is always special coming from Ashtar Command's head of communication. The theme could be considered centered on the ability to communicate with anyone comfortably. A good example that comes up is a recent one-time visit from the Surf Monk, a university student from Sirius visiting the base who began our conversation in a surf lingo I could easily understand. It made little sense to those participating in the channeling session yet opened up a window to the many similarities we find on this planet to those living on Sirius. Korton takes the opportunity to correct my tendency to shorten the names of important individuals with the emphasis that their full titles be given out of respect. He explains a communicator can only earn the respect of others by showing the respect expected by those same people. He steps aside to let Karra prep for the coming healing as Bunny would require a headset to have better control over Mark's body. For much of the remainder of the side, she covers quantum healing or healing on a cellular level. Keeping things eerie, she brings up a virus as an example which also works on a cellular level. She points out that it can work almost immediately on injuries though helping the body stay younger can take a longer period of time. I can say from personal experience that her dissertation is worth taking seriously for anyone getting on in their years that feel helpless over the aging process. This is a case where our editorial for this month ties in with her dissertation and the belief in parallel universes which is one of the keys to quantum healing. Everything is just about in place so Korton gets us to what's left before the tape turns over and the real fun begins.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 09/09/97. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia gives an Earth update as well as an update about the events happening on Hades Base. We discuss the signs of social upheaval that would not seem out of place in the news media of today.
2.)(12:57)- Korton joins as Omal's replacement and has an excellent follow-up to a communication dissertation that would be handy to anyone speaking to a wide range of individuals.
3.)(28:28)- Karra gives a dissertation on quantum healing which is actually a method of self-healing that has a history of having a physical effect on the body. An important tool in a pandemic.
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Everything Serves Its Purpose & the Deva Discussion- Part 2
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
Kiri jumps on after side two gets going and answers a question prepared beforehand of how technology, mankind, and the future are going to coexist. The question concerns smart technology and how much of it was really needed for the betterment of our species. Over twenty years later, we can see such technology has not ruled our lives to where all our needs are met and there is still quite a bit that AI can't replicate which we have to do ourselves. What it does do is open up a door for comparisons on how much of that technology replaces the work of those stationed on Hades Base. Kiri gives an example of how the interaction works and an analogy to explain more clearly the decision facing those up thee and those of us down here. It also opens a door to a topic that Karra would expand upon next after her sister that Kiri's place once Tia makes the transition between speakers. An amazing fact is revealed from Karra who explains how the percentages of those who clean up their own apartments without the help of automation run about 45% female and 20% male. It is an encouraging fact to know that pride in one's surroundings is so adopted. Another fun fact she shares is how the machines do what they do to keep apartments clean for those who choose that option. When people make the remark, "in a perfect world", what Karra describes could easily fit into that description. Given the option on the third dimension, I believe the percentages would be a lot higher on who chose that option over housework. In a book Karra and the followers of this website are quite familiar with, we end our discussion by looking at the ability to direct the body's glandular centers to work in conjunction with the chakras to cause physical manifestations in the human body. The interesting fact of this conversation is that she confirms fiction can become fact with practice and maybe some special equipment. That leaves our next speaker to channel which is Karra's daughter Alana. While a typical conversation with Alana revolves around the dolphins in Dolphin Lake, her girlfriend had been involved in a horrific accident and we hear about her status as well as the new two-piece swimsuit she was keeping due to being a model for Kiri's latest line of beachwear. Throughout her time talking, she appears to be distracted by the girls in the room which makes for pretty funny listening as they seem to be trying to get her flustered. The trooper she is, she stays serious enough to give us a very thoughtful discussion on the subject of anger, something she was far from while explaining the emotion. Enough is enough so Tia jumps on to finish out the final few minutes of tape providing her opinion on the subject of anger. A truly classic channeling session worthy of its place in the archives. Karra gave me this phase while listening to it I believe truly captures the summary of the discussions recorded, nowhere does it say the past can be rewritten but also, nowhere does it say the future is set in stone. She couldn't be more right.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 07/14/95. Side two includes:
1.)(0:28)- Kiri and I discuss the future of technology which would be the lead-in to a similar discussion with Karra about the automated cleaning functions of the base. To help, she provides an analogy.
2.)(9:15)- Karra shares the percentages of who on the base cleans their own apartments and who lets the machines do it for them. We also learn from her how the machines clean automatically without notice.
3.)(20:27)- Alana tells us about some modeling she's doing for Kiri and gives us an update on her girlfriend who had recently suffered a horrible accident. Lastly, we go over the causes for anger.
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Everything Serves Its Purpose & the Deva Discussion- Part 1
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
In what seems to be a continuing series of channeling sessions based on the headlines of today, this would be part three in the series. Once again, Omal describes events taking place in 1995 as though it was the running stream of stories found at the bottom of a CNN broadcast. August brings a channeling session where Omal lets the girls loose up a bit more than he normally would so side two has a slightly passionate tone as opposed to the serious tone he brings to side one. The title for this month's channeling session is named for the important subjects Omal talks about in his time channeling. What he talks about takes up all of the first side but, of the two topics, the first is one of the very important keys to ascension and the second is ancient knowledge brought to the present. From the serious and G-Rated side we move on to the PG-13 rated side two where the girls have less restrictions for Tia's sake. It's like a party that never seems to ever get out of hand. We have had sessions where this has caused a loss of an entire session where future sessions to have a stricter regime implemented. Despite the playful behavior off to one side of whichever speaker is talking at the moment emerges a truly educational collection of knowledge. It's a fascinating dichotomy between sides typical of some of the best sessions in the archives. The only correlation Karra and I can think of is a set of university courses where the female teachers are members of their own version of Animal House.
It's just Tia and Kiri in the room as the tape starts and, though not mentioned on the recording, a feather had been brought to the session and was being used by Kiri on Tia who had lost the battle to remain sensible. She does remind me of my offer to do a past life regression on her which was a tricky concept at best due to her being on Mars in an entirely different dimension. The solution we came up with turned out to be successful where she channeled through Mark after he left his body and I took her through a time-lapse regression method we'll be explaining in a future editorial. So it is that Omal provides a much more serious overtone that is dramatic with the shift in speakers shortly into the tape. Those familiar with the past archives of channeling sessions will remember Omal's rule on asking last questions after he had already asked for the last questions. Repeated violations of that rule had racked an impressive tally of forty pushups I owed him from recent times in my eagerness to learn. It had cost me some calisthenics so this is the famous session where he demonstrated his masterful control of Mark's body to knock out fourteen of the pushups for me including four where he clapped between each one. It is also a masterful demonstration of leadership that remains just one of the reasons this is the best internships I could ever imagine for myself. We start off the questions needing answers with the first a request for a future timeline where small events to come would signal bigger events to follow. Instead, he devotes the bulk of his time explaining how only past timelines are possible to chart a path through the future. The areas he covers to explore such a timeline are extensive, ranging from civil unrest all the way through to Vulcanicity. To have spent only a small portion of his life watching the growth of our race from its earliest start, he has a firm grasp on the history of our planet. This is more of a class on how our interconnected chain of events led to our present state of affairs than a simple dissertation. He adds to that a lesson on parallel dimensions reminding us that ascension isn't a cut and dried equation. Realities split all the time and everything that can happen does happen no matter what reality you are experiencing. Class over, we move on to a study of devas. While most of the information we have learned about devas has come from Treebeard, Omal presents an excellent history of one of the most important groups of beings on this planet. Followers of this website know that the stories of deities throughout man's history have revolved around the actions of devas.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 07/14/95. Side one includes:
1.)(3:31)- "Professor" Omal is in full teaching mode as we get a world history lesson, a dissertation on the quantum levels of reality, but we discover the history and facts about the devas sharing our environment.
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Ode To An Oath Keeper- Part 2
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
We were running late due to the earlier healing the session was cut short less than a half an hour into the second side. Tia finishes the subject she had started on the previous side before bringing on our guest of honor Lyka. The feisty side of Lyka is showing as she's raring for a test of skills through swordplay. We get out the equipment and go at it though all of that was removed from the recording. It's just the sound of clanging steel. Our guest Skip has always wanted to meet Lyka which is impossible but it doesn't stop her from imaging the mental image of how the two of them would look side by side. We need a bit more from her to add to the Hades Base News so she presents an excellent dissertation on the life of an Oath Keeper in the Sirian Defense Force and how they are able to rationalize the taking of a life. It makes a lot of sense especially seen as it's the upholding of an oath made by Sirius to whatever world it is that Lyka has been deployed along with her other Oath Keepers. Taking off her captain's hat, she next provides a higher dimensional explanation of how sex and love are different. This was a year before he would meet the love of her life, Leah, the sister of Bunny. We learn about the sharing of oneself with another which leads to a discussion of past lives. She explains how hers are starting to come in at twenty-one but we know her last one was as General Patton which must have come as quite a shock when she learned about that life. She make way for Kiri to get some time in before Skip had to leave. We get to hear about the status of her grandmother and Skip's guide who was still alive but an agreement had been made between lives apparently that Skip would finally have a guide after the person went through the process of passing between life and what comes after. While it may have been a short session, the sound is of a great quality that really comes in handy as we end while Mark makes his way from Hades Base back into his body. We get some time to goof around as always before we shut down the recorder for the night.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 08/25/98. Side two includes:
1.)(3:20)- Lyka gets in some sword practice in Mark's body and gives a dissertation on the importance of oaths and defines the differences between love and sex on Sirius and most of the sister worlds.
2.)(18:51)- Kiri goes over Alana's school schedule as she shuttles between Sirius and the base before giving us and update on her grandmother. It's good news as we hear she's over her recent illness.
3.)(25:19)- Mark gets back to his body after leaving the base while the tape is till running so we hear one of our longest yet recordings of his normal voice.
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Ode To An Oath Keeper- Part 1
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
Two months ago we honored Wing Commander Taal and the sacrifice he faces each time he leaves the base to patrol our skies. This month we again honor another who risks her life for the sake of others as part of her role in the Sirian Defense Force. Lyka has more than once shown us what sacrifice looks like and for our podcast for July it plays a major role in her explanation how she is able to resolve her conscious to the act of taking the life of another. Then, in a lighter point in the channeling, she goes provides the defining characteristics between sex and love she says is practiced by pretty much all of Sirius and most of the sister worlds. Coming up with a summary has come only at the last minute as this a tape Karra and I have been listening to over and over. To say it stands out is an understatement just for Lyka's dissertation alone but, along with that we have one of the longest sections yet posted in the archives of Mark after he has returned from the vase and begins speaking in his normal voice. This session has become our favorite of the year so far and we hope it will be as equally memorable for the listener as well.
It's hard to wrap our heads around events of twenty-two years ago and current times being so in synch but, yet again we present a channeling session that could have been presented live if one replaces heatwave with pandemic. It doesn't start out so dire with Karra filling in as ring mistress while the other two mothers setting down their children for bed. She steps out of her ambassador mode temporarily as she critiques a healing held in the same room earlier in the evening. Our guest Skip had brought a friend who was in need of an energy infusion though wasn't a part of the channeling session. Three monitors we were unable to see in this dimension had always been installed in the room since Mark had started channeling which allowed Karra to watch the healing take place along with the various energy flows the monitors would have displayed. Her take on the exchange was that Skip had not been monitoring his friend's energy levels causing him to start overheating himself. That leads to a great talk on how to recognize another person's energy levels from afar or in Skip's case, having to shake a person's hand to gauge their energy. We determine how best to help Skip and so Karra makes way for Omal's turn speaking. In one of his foretelling of the future by describing the present back in 1998, we see parallels aplenty as he goes over heatwaves in 2020s most recent Covid hotspots, a stock market that can close 3% of its value overnight, and a prison riot that nearly was the cause of him declaring a Defcon three, a situation denoting a need to be more vigilant of current events. The excess heat around the globe brings up the subject of global warming and his view on it as an outside observer. He ends after a discourse on balancing water conservation with land conversation highlights the differences between the proponents of both priorities. Tia then returns as the traditional ring mistress to discuss stock market fluctuations and how politicians may have been stepping in to slow down a rising market. To prepare for a time of possible economic disruption, she brings up a vital possession to be gathered and shared should the need arise. The tape runs out so we have to continue the subject after a short break.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 08/25/98. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Karra critiques a healing we did in third dimension and find out how to gauge a person's energy levels by how warm or cold are their hands. She's also able to provide some mentoring for a guest in need.
2.)(13:24)- Omal explains why a Defcon upgrade was called off. A lot has to do with a number of events eerily similar to the events we are seeing in the news. He points out how people in the past could help the present in our building techniques.
3.)(30:48)- Tia goes over the economy and how it's being affected by governmental policies. She encourages the gathering of information to stay up on things and pass it around.
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Birth of A Conference and A Daughter- Part 2
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.
Tia comes back as Omal leaves and we discuss the conversation between Omal and I. She helps with the need to establish the rules that would be agreed upon by everyone including Ashtar. She also points out that the discussions between all parties involved will give lightworkers a chance to compare the various paths. A great suggestion of hers is to utilize a chat room at a New Age site that had become popular called Spirit Web. Karra replaces Tia and we go over an astral trip of mine I had taken to the base whee I taught the children of the base about how money works. It was helped by Omal taking the form of one of the children but choose a girl so I had no idea who it was i was teaching. The children of both Karra, Alana and I enjoyed watching their father get to teach a class though the concept of money wasn't greasped as well as I hoped. Their system is a better one so who can blame them. One funny part when going over the Conference with her, her answers are all to my telepathic questions. She also needs me help with some incoming wounded from the Sirian Defense Force we heard the results of back in our November podcast. Kiri pops in to let us know she wil lbe visiting Sarah and would be there for a session in July. That leaves Ta to finish off when we get a call from Carrie who had her new baby. It was the perfect end to a great channeling session.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 05/29/97. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia is back to start the side by sharing her suggestions for the Conference and pointing out it will give the world a chance to look at the various paths to decide for themselves which resonates best.
2.)(6:16)- Karra too works with me on the setup for the forum and channels but does so telepathically leaving my side of the conversation nearly silent. She also requests my help for some Sirian Defense Force personnel who are back from a bad engagement and need healing.
3.)(2:21)- Kiri updates us on Sarah's condition at the monastery on Sirius where she is being cared for by her grandmother who is also not doing well. The good news we get is that Gonzo is due to give birth soon.
4.)(29:08)- Tia talks with Carrie who calls us at session's end to share the joyful news that her baby has been born. After a rough delivery. Carrie is happy to tell us being as she knew we'd be in a session.
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Birth of A Conference and A Daughter- Part 1
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
We here at the Hades Base News are big fans of synchronicity but even we have to step back in amazement when the past continually meets the present. Such is the case with Tia's dissertation on the events of 1997 and how they mirror almost exactly the events of today. To say the coincidence is freaky would be an understatement but we're getting used to that when transcribing the randomly picked channeling sessions. It would be nice to say we chose this tape to post on purpose because it would help people relate to the current crisis but that has been done for us by the forces of fate. What has always been a question for me is why it took twenty years for everything to finally come together so these channeling sessions could be posted so they could be heard as well as read. Naturally technology has played a major part of the problem as what is inexpensive now cost much more than what they did then thanks to podcast sites. A better reason is that this session in particular could not have been posted at a time where what is being said in Tia's dissertation except for what we see happening in the headlines and the streets of our very cities. Tia's synchronicity is just the start of what would be a night of firsts. One blemish on the recording is the last ten minutes where we receive a call from Carrie. While the sound quality is great up until then, for some reason Tia's voice gets distorted as it blows through the maximum range of the microphone. Since the other voices sound fine it seems to point to Tia being right on top on the mic during the call. Our sound technician did what he could but the distortion remains. To hear Carrie's joy is worth the annoyance and we apologize we did not recognize the problem at the time of taping. Now, on to the summary.
Tia is full of good news as the channeling session starts with new stock markets records being set and a downgrade in Defcon levels due a president who was turning right. She continues on that same president and his distrastion facing him in the form of impeachment. It's when she gets into going over the various scenarios facing our future that it seems as though the future couldn't wait. Her description is straight out of the headlines leaving the listener wondering if they had entered a time warp in how close things match. What we try to work out is what this means to the people most affected and a corresponding point in history in used from the invasion of Poland by the Nazis who then immediately started rounding up the Jews and the undesirables. Not the most cheerful of channelings. Next is Omal who only has time to get us through to the end of the tape and brings with him some great news that a proposal by Karra and I about a Conference between the various races who had dealings with our planet be put together so all parties could hopefully find common ground. The proposal had been debated for the last eight weeks prior to approval with Omal was happy to announce it was the fastest a proposal had passed the Council of Ashtar Command. Instrumental with its passage was a Wookie friend of mine I had met while skiing who I had become close to during my trips to the base. Omal's personal request was that the Arcturians have a role in the Conference which was agreed to as they also had dealings with our planet. That is all we have time for before the tape runs out and Omal heads off to his meeting.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 05/29/97. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia reviews the political winds of change blowing and explains how they relate to the three scenarios possible for our future by the base. She helpfully explains the parameters of each.
2.)(27:16)- Omal breaks the good news that, after eight weeks of debate, a vote over our plan to bring together the major races involved with our planet to find common ground through channeled discussions was approved. We next discuss the details of what is involved.