Channeled higher dimensional Knowledge from the entities of Ashtar Command.

Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Speed Healing and Postscript to Atlantis- Part 2
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Greetings again in love, light, and wisdom as one.
Side two takes with a question on coercion coming up and we learn about the coercers on Sirius such as Kiri. He explains their training to become who they are as those with such a skill a held to a higher standard than those without and must be very disciplined in how they use the skill. We hear of the problems when coercers go bad and lose all emotion which prompts Omal to remind Skip of someone from his past that was such a person. Finally we get to the end of his time speaking but, before leaving, he adds his comments onto a discussion Mark and I had over our disagreement in Atlantis brought up in last month's podcast. In hindsight, Omal is able to give a third-party judgment to the outcome of our role in the decisions we made. That brings back Karra who asks for questions to fill time between speakers. The subject is Ashtar Command and the way medical research is handled which she does know the answer to as well the procedure that would take place were we to ask a question she didn't have access to the answer. All this was when her boss on the base was still Kornas and it is a nice look behind the curtain so to speak of how healing questions are handled. Tia leaves the monitors she had been watching to trade places with Karra by stepping in the pyramid at Mark, Kiri and Tia's apartment where the channeling was taking place. A new computer had been bought to replace an Amiga so that Tia and Kiri could have live online channeling sessions. Our discussions on upgrading the Amiga to give us a second computer on the web led to Tia giving us a description of her computer on the base. Her descriptions of her interactions with her computer showed it was the kind of computer out of our science fiction. Any number of movies have depicted a computer that can think for itself but this would be best be demonstrated by the independent robots of the movie "Interstellar". We finish out the session in a follow-up to the new website to be created which would be used to report on the events only on planetary news as opposed to the interplanetary kind.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 05/05/96. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Omal explains how coercers on Sirius are very disciplined individuals due to the responsibility that comes with that talent. He then brings closure to a question on Atlantis and gives his opinion on the roles Mark and I had during our past lives there brought up last month.
2.)(10:02)- Karra provides an answer as to how research and development happen in Ashtar Command. Before switching speakers, a question about gene splicing brings up a painful reminder of a past life in Atlantis.
3.)(14:29)- Tia ends the night by giving us details of her seemingly self-aware computer she uses on the base and the argument she engaged in unimaginable here. It refused to work until she ended her temper tantrum.

Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Speed Healing and Postscript to Atlantis- Part 1
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
This channeling session from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base presents a couple of firsts. This podcast marks the first time we had named a planned website Earth Watch and it was the first time Tia had ever had to take on the engineer role of watching the monitors that fed back several images of us down here speaking to them on the base. Karra had not yet become Ambassador Karra and the session was missing Kiri who was on Centauri Base for the ski races. Between just the three speakers of Omal Karra and Tia, we managed to get a lot of useful information that will be added to the Center for Ascension website when it is posted later this year. In summarizing the major points that were covered would be Karra's advice on how to increase the rate of healing through diet and exercise, Omal's presenting the plans for a new website as well as helping with getting closure on Atlantis and Tia's explaining the argument she in with her computer. As usual, for a channeling session that took place over twenty years ago the topics covered are timely for our current times. Those topics set the tone for an engrossing hour and a quarter of higher dimensional exchanging of ideas.
Karra is relieving Tia for this session and Tia is relieving Teene who is the usual technician for our sessions but isn't feeling well due to her pregnancy. Karra asks for healing questions and so we get into a discussion on how nutrition and exercise play such a vital role in giving the body's healing ability a boost. She makes understanding the importance of helping the body help itself so key to the speed of recovery even though medical science has confirmed that since this was taped. Also since this was taped and we find her discussing ways to simulate meat using nuts, a number of fast-food restaurants have rolled out versions of beyond meat that are finding wide acceptance twenty-years later. We only had a limited number of healing questions so she steps aside for the Omal to come on to help us with the other subjects we had come to discuss. Little did we know that what he came to discuss was the very reason for our doing the channeling sessions and webpage. The topic is polarization and how the widening of the rift between rich and poor, already wide in the 90s, was leading to a disconnect between classes. The information being provided was hoped to bring the two sides back together which is needed even more so today. Living in California provides examples in the news all the times confirming his statements back then. From there we move on to geology and a crucial time in Earth's future. After monitoring our planet for so long, the base had records showing we were supposed to be going into a cooling phase. Humanity's effect on the climate changed what should be our present more so than even the base could foresee at the time. We end the side discussing manifestation and how Mark's natural ability had led him one time to keep a fire extinguisher by the side of his bed. Omal does clarify manifestation as not just the ability to create things out of thin air as he was able to do but also those who could create something useful or beautiful out of materials at hand.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 05/05/96. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Karra discusses alternatives to meat to add high-protein to a diet twenty years before Beyond Meat and advises that exercise plus that high-protein diet can speed up the healing process.
2.)(14:13)- Omal shares an idea for a new webpage, a revelation that the polarization of economic groups as one of their reasons for giving us the information they had and a talk about manifestation. A lot of info that gets better on side two.

Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Carrie and the Karma of Atlantis- Part 2
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Greetings again in love, light, and wisdom as one.
Karra continues her conversation with Carrie and we find out Carrie has initiated a self-healing regime of positive mental thinking that probably had a lot to do with her final healing. She passes Carrie off to her sister at that point and Kiri gets only enough time to wrap things up so Carrie can get to sleep. Back to a normal schedule, Omal's time channeling is anything but normal. This is one of the Atlantis tapes, those where we get insight into what took place on that continent but this is the main one, the one where Omal reveals that in my role as a geneticist, I took some of their DNA as part of an experiment in genetic engineering without their approval and am working out the karmic debt from that. Continuing on to more of that lost history we explore the work of Edgar Casey and his channeling about Atlantis. We focus on the two groups of antagonists that were part of the original colonists of which Mark and myself were in opposite groups. He hints at how a power source that was nuclear in nature was misused to cause the first destruction that took out parts of the continent. Though he is very restricted in the information he can tell us due to a policy of non-interference, he is able to let us know that the Atlanteans lacked the rejuvenation technology Sirians enjoy today but were able to self-rejuvenate to a longer life than that lived by their modern descendants. He confirms as well Atlantis had airships and craft that traveled underwater through remote control which would explain how some were able to escape to safety. On a personal note, he does provide an answer to an issue I had with him when I was left without his guidance back in Sedona when he was being channeled by someone other than Mark. That person moved to New Zealand at a critical point in my development but I can't fault the reason Omal gives for my experience. He finishes his time speaking by acknowledging that the human species got a shot in the arm genetically at about the time science acknowledges the same thing, just not in a similar way in both cases. Science and Sirians have yet to meet but that might not be how it is in the future. Karra comes on to use up most of what is left of the side to follow-up on what Omal and I discussed about Atlantis. This is about an experiment started then that is still running where her and I plus Mark, Kiri, and Tia all play a part with the help of Ashtar Command to guide the experiment along though this revelation comes as a surprise. What the end result is the question she brings up and is one that has to remain an unknown for the time being. The end of the tape is coming up so we wrap up with Karra who is hesitant to delve deeper into the goal of the experiment being as she has more of the answer and could inadvertently reveal more than she should. We then give the couple minutes left of tape to work with Tia on her role was with us in Atlantis but the tape before we can get far on the subject.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 07/18/95. Side two includes:
1.)(0:00)- Carrie reveals to Karra her goal of self-healing she has set for herself where all thoughts of negativity are replaced by thinking just the opposite.
2.)(4:36)- Omal covers the timeline of Atlantis from its colonization to its final destruction and how the survivors integrated with man's early ancestors. We continue that timeline all the way to the present from my meeting him through another channel to now through Mark.
3.)(32:23)- We stay on subject as Karra poses the question of how an experiment started in another body 50,000 years ago would end from all the players then reuniting to resolve the karma of the past.

Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Carrie and the Karma of Atlantis- Part 1
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
As evolving beings, we hope our mistakes won't come back to haunt us but such is not the case for our podcast for August. Fifty-thousand years ago Atlantis was at its height but so were genetic experiments taking place back then between where DNA from various placed was being combined. Karra and I were part of a team in Africa working on a new race which is what I'm reminded of by Omal and Karra during the channeling session. It's tough enough having to deal with karma that has been accrued as a teen but past lives are no less of an influence in our current lives as is our past. Omal clears up questions lingering for decades on why actions taken by Ashtar Command back in Sedona made so much of a difference in making the present a reality. We also learn from him that devas were once physical beings during the times of Atlantis and only lost their need from a physical body with its destruction. We go over the writings of Edgar Casey and how far apart the two groups were that controlled Atlantis and the mass destruction that took place during the conflict. He even hints that the reason such destruction was possible was through the development and use of nuclear energy. Probably the least spectacular of his revelations but for me the most important was the role parallel lives come into play. Hence it is that we get to the point that leaves more questions than answers is whether this reality is the one that accomplishes the goal of ascension or a parallel one. When Karra follows Omal to discuss the matter is when things get to what the end result of our experiments from Atlantis will come as a result since the experiment started back then is still running. That was all on just side two while on side one, we call Carrie and catch up with her. Not as dramatic but just as important to learn the information our call provided.
Kiri steps in as ring mistress to get the session going until Tia is set to take over and get a quick question answered on the theory of places with less being more conducive to spiritual learning. While she confirms it may be a possibility, there isn't any concrete evidence to say if it is a factor. Tia is set at that point so she takes the reins of the channeling session in hand as we call Carrie which will take up the rest of the side. After catching up with Carrie, we start into the heart of our conversation with her by Tia getting into the astral travel training she had been working with Carrie in her dreams. The lessons would have Tia astral traveling from the base to Carrie's house to take her astral body along with her on trips. We next go over her plans for getting pregnant which always seems to come u pin our conversations where there's only hope for a child all the way to a bouncing baby girl. Tia describes her body to Carrie who had only known what Tia's face looked like previously and for a first, Carrie puts her husband Mike on the phone who had attended a few channeling sessions. It's old home week as we get caught up in the couple's lives prior to Tia bringing on Karra to talk to Carrie. Karra gets up to the end of the side by reviewing Carrie's recent health based on a checkup she had done where the cancer she had going into remission with upon leaving Tahoe was possibly back. We know in hind-site it had left for good. We learn Karra'a advice to spice up Carrie's marriage had been successful and their relationship had grown much stronger. Something timely for today, we discuss the extreme heat they had been going through in their part of the country so Karra offers some advice for dealing with the heat before the tape come to an end.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 07/18/95. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Kiri and I discuss a theory that places with less light have people with more developed mental powers. She brings up the point that Atlantis would be an exception because the colonists already had psychic abilities.
2.)(3:43)- We call Tia's sister mind Carrie and go over the astral travel training the two had been doing in Carrie's dreams. Carrie asks for and get from Tia a physical description of herself plus we finally hear her husband Mike on the phone.
3.)(21:49)- Karra gives a Carrie a long-distance health review from information provided by Tia and gets from her a report on her marriage. They did not know yet that a daughter was in their future.

Monday Jul 01, 2019
The Pyramid Under the Sea- Part 2
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Greetings again in love, light, and wisdom as one.
Kiri returns to her topic as side two begins by reminding us how the type of coercion used isn't important but that the proper use of it is all that matters. Then it's her sister's turn to speak and Karra this time agrees to help understand the ceremonies and rituals that are a part of many healings, even in a hospital. For our purposes, she uses the term ritual as a way to bring the person's consciousness up to the level of the healer or at least meet halfway when healing spiritually. What ceremony or ritual is used depends on the belief system of the person and as an example, she uses a sweat lodge as a way to do that if the person was Native American. She takes it to the next step of what to do once that level is reached which includes helping the subject to do the healing themselves. We finish out the time with Karra by helping with advice for a friend of a guest who had discovered a special ability. That growth was being threatened through a mood which had grown dark and it's a lighter atmosphere she suggests to bring more light into her life. Omal gets to the session at that point so Karra puts him for the short time he can attend. We use that time wisely as we ask questions concerning both the crystal pyramid supposedly left over from Atlantis followed by a debate on the truth of the Bermuda Triangle. He easily blows through the hoax that had led people to believe an Atlantean crystal sphere had been found in the conflicting details related in what had been reported. That area where it had been reported fell within the Bermuda Triangle and while he was limited in what he could reveal what had occurred there did subscribe to the theory that pilot error was responsible to even ships that had been reported missing. He has to get back to the matter he had left leaving Kiri to get us to the end of the side. From her, we get an engineer's view at the causes of the phenomenon of the Triangle and deduces it has something to do with an electrical, magnetic vortex of some kind. A unique theory is put forth regarding the Bermuda Triangle being one half of a connection to Tibet on the other side of the world. Curious if true and it would explain a lot. Who's to say if a solution to the mystery surrounding the history of missing ships and plans were due to such a simple explanation. We run out of tape just as she completes handing out an assignment heard on a couple previous channeling sessions about coming up with a colonization plan involving 10,000 colonists. It's a bit anti-climatic from the revelations already discussed but would turn out to be a great mind bender of organizational skills.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 06/23/99. Side two includes:
1.)(02:09)- Karra is back to fill in some time so she gets into a dissertation on ritualized healing where you are bringing the subject up or down in energy levels to let the subject do the healing themselves.
2.)(17:25)- Omal correctly deduces why a report of a crystal sphere found during 1970 in an underwater pyramid made of crystal by a recreational diver is a hoax.
3.)(30:42)- Kiri looks at the Bermuda Triangle from an engineer's perspective which brings up a theory that may explain it. This is also the first time she assigns us a project we've followed-up on before.

Monday Jul 01, 2019
The Pyramid Under the Sea- Part 1
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
July brings us a channeling session from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base that once again puts a premium on giving us as much higher dimensional knowledge as possible within the space of ninety minutes. To that end, Karra works with us on vitamins and supplements, Treebeard sticks to devas and plants, Kiri reviews our coercion practice before we get into a discussion on Obi-Wan Kenobi. The great thing about that is we've only covered side one but it's side two where things get really interesting. Karra returns with a more serious class on the ritual of healing, blows holes in a possible hoax from the seventies, Kiri speculates with us on the connection between the Bermuda Triangle and Tibet finishing up with an assignment to colonize the earth we've presented in several podcasts prior to this one. We'd like to thank Omal after the fact for breaking away from his duties as base commander to come and channel for our group. His knowledge and experience made this another excellent learning experience. Now on to the session details.
Karra is acting ring mistress as the session begins until her sister can take over so she grabs the nearest subject at hand which is nutrition in this case. She has some great advice on maintaining a varied diet without a lot of carbohydrates while also pointing out the benefits of herbs and bananas. We learn a lot from her about vitamins and supplements which she said will only provide the amount needed by the body and wash away the rest. She relinquishes the channeling couch to Treebeard who has been invited to discuss his favorite subjects devas and the plant world. At first, Treebeard answers questions on the perceptions of devas and trees and confirms for us what Omal had already revealed in a previous session that devas were one of the seven races who were part of the Sirian colonization of Atlantis. He demonstrates how masterful he is at probing the mind as he wraps up that he lays out the layers of the questioner's mind down practically to the subconscious. It's like watching open mind surgery. Kiri gets back to take over as ring mistress and it's reports on the coercion practice she assigned which is the first thing to come up. She immediately identifies where improvements can be made with advice to simplify greatly the thoughts being directed in mental coercion in a cyber cafe I co-owned. For those without that skill, she even has an answer for that by the use of vocal coercion. We get to the end of side one deep into a discussion on the coercion demonstrated in the original "Star Wars" movie where Obi-Wan Kenobi controls the mind of the Imperial trooper.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 06/23/99. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Karra gets some formal announcements out of the way before her recommendations on nutrition and how a varied diet mixed with supplements where needed is important.
2.)(10:00)- Treebeard discusses devas and the plant world and their perception of us before moving on to describing the inner workings of the human mind as he views our layers of thought.
3.)(27:16)- Kiri gets a status report on a coercion project she had assigned and then goes over the famous scene in "Star Wars" where an Imperial trooper allows some wanted droids through a checkpoint.

Saturday Jun 01, 2019
The Girl From Down Under- Part 2
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Greetings again in love, light, and wisdom as one.
Omal returns back to the topic as side two starts by addressing the challenges students have with today's educational system and stresses the need for self-education. That segues into a suggestion that our guest with her eloquence and strong feelings for her country should take an active role in the way the government is run. His suggestion is that she becomes a member of the Australian Parliament so her voice may be heard. Should that happen, he finishes up with a reminder to be true to herself no matter the outcome. Karra changes place with Omal and it's her that our guest has been wanting to speak to about her sister who had recovered from a bad accident but still had some lingering neck pain. In talking to our guest, Karra notes she also has a pain in her shoulder and recruits my help to relieve it with Kiri's control of Mark's body but Kiri declines. So it would be myself aided by Karra that would work on our guest at the end of the session who would massage her shoulder. The subject returns to our guest's sister and any advice Karra was able to provide. Ideas like neck braces and MRI's are tossed around but it is the survivor's guilt our guest feels in her heart for her sister that leads to a revelation from Karra. During a time while serving with the Sirian Defense Force with her bond mate on a 3rd dimensional world she had the tragic experience of seeing him killed by a laser prior to herself having a shot from a laser go through her arm. She ends while an observation that while we are a loving race, we tend to hurt the ones we love. Karra then makes way for her sister and Kiri would take us almost the end of the tape. Kiri finds a kindred spirit in our Australian guest as someone who likes to party as much as Kiri. Kiri invites her to the local bar on the base should she manage to astral travel up there. Her making the ski team opens up a line of conversation on the line of swimwear Kiri designs. After working out some personal suit requests, a company is formed verbally to sell her designs in Australia. We next work out the compensation in terms of wine that Kiri would normally barter to figure out a conversion figure for the ideas proposed. The possibilities are endless as a position in the government could be helped in that goal by a successful business venture. We end on the high note that at least she wouldn't need to hire an accountant.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 01/16/96. Side two includes:
1.)(00:00)- Omal encourages people to become more self-educated and then encourages a guest visiting from Australia to become active in governmental politics so that her concerns about her country can be heard.
2.)(12:20)- Karra helps our guest with some advice regarding her sister who still had issues after falling from a building. It leads to Karra reminding our guest of when she was shot with a laser through the arm.
3.)(21:31)- Kiri announces the good news that she had made it onto the ski team and then offers to design a few swimsuits for our guest. That leads to the proposal of a company selling Kiri's swimsuit designs in Australia.

Saturday Jun 01, 2019
The Girl From Down Under- Part 1
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
The inner self, separate and apart from the physical self which reflects what the world sees. Such was the case until I met Karra and discovered a part of me living on another planet in a dimension I can only visit in astral form. The inner self became a shared space and it was outside of myself I went to for inspiration from that point. In looking for a topic for this month’s editorial it was this symbiotic relationship which came to mind and what also came to mind was the impermanence of the human body. Eighty plus years if I'm lucky is a paltry amount compared to the thousand that Karra may be lucky to experience so I’ve been reevaluating the entire concept of the inner self. Really a temporary vehicle to house a consciousness would be a better way to put it and the self inside may be better thought of as a self outside ourselves. Like the donning of a pair of VR goggles, waking up each morning to start the day could be considered a similar action where the immortal spirit takes over the operation of the physical body remotely. A theory like that requires some scientific and even some non-scientific evidence to support it and here is what I’ve come up with so far.
After Tia hums a bit of "Fantasia" she gets the session started with our visiting Australian guest by opening the floor up to questions. A description of Tia's job on the base Nostradamus gets us into a discussion on possible end times and the times prior to those. The threat of global decline is enough for Tia to suggest some actions to get her involved in causes committed to reversing that trend. What follows is the progression of that decline defined by countries starting to experience the initial stages. We get the viewpoint of our Australian guest who has her perspective on the economic influence America has on her country. She lets on she's an accountant in her country so she and Tia get along famously. The welfare system of Australia and the United States comes up as well as how that same system almost destroyed Tia's home planet of Durondedunn. Economics take up some of the time just prior to our call to Skip who was going through a bit of angst over this stage of his life where age puts the pressure of life's accomplishments becomes a bigger incentive. So it is that Tia makes the snap decision to organize a BBQ for the channel session group here on Earth before remembering that the climate-controlled base she lived in lacked the snowy decks we had in Tahoe at the time. She ends her time channeling clearing up some confusion over Kiri on the base and Carrie our occasional guest who we'd call during several times wed meet to channel. At that point, Omal comes on and we delve back into what Tia had been discussing. We chat about the size of government how many people it takes to run a country. He then reminds us that 200 years ago how few people were in government compared to today yet the country ran smoothly with fewer people. He gets us to the end of the side with more of his history lesson by acknowledging that the pioneers of early America were actually very literate in a lot of cases. It was productive people looking for new frontiers for their productivity.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 01/16/96. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia considers the predictions of Nostradamus which opens the floor up to answers on the future of humanity. We also give Skip a call so he can join the session to have a question answered.
2.)(32:43)- Omal uses the answer about the financial economic health of Mexico to address the size of world governments. It gives him a chance as well to give a lesson on the high literacy rate of the American pioneers.

Wednesday May 01, 2019
Presenting, Our Galactic Neighbors- Part 2
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Greetings again in love, light, and wisdom as one.
Omal completes his discussion on morals then pivots back to Tia's topic where we use "Star Trek" as an example of some of the non-bipedal races of beings including "Q" who he compares to Ashtar. That brings on Karra next who has a very serious subject to discuss which is health problems in relation to the negative actions a person may choose such as addictions. She does mention addictions that can be good but she focuses this talk on two that are bad which are drinking and smoking. For drinking, she suggests some methods for dealing with the addiction which would be tough to implement on anyone not receptive to stopping. As for smoking, she actually points out some of the good it does Mark as he is a smoker. She notes that nicotine by itself isn't what is so harmful with smoking which gets us into ideas of eliminating all but the nicotine for those it could help. Karra's healer personality comes out as she looks at the chemical process that goes on when each of the addictions like food are satisfied and the endorphins released into the system. In a sense, it is self-medication that has to be replaced by something and that something is self-love. In this way, she compliments Omal's earlier on the subject and gives us a fuller understanding of the importance of loving oneself as well as others. She brings up the fact that out of addictions, not even heroin competes when it comes to the failure rate of first-time smokers who try to quit. She gives up the channeling space so that Omal can go over what was discussed. About the only things he has to comment on was that he had his suspicions someone in his office was leaking to her his topic for the night to enhance his. That leads him to suspect that a lesson in spiritual healing may be in the offering soon. He returns the session back to Tia close it out by first reading a letter from Lyka who is out in the field on some far-off third dimensional planet helping with its ascension process. Unfortunately, it is a letter that has a somber ending as she recounts those of her comrades keeping the oaths they made but losing their lives in the process. She gets us up to-to-date on Kiri's trip to the monastery to visit her grandmother we heard Kiri herself relate in a channeling session posted in July of 2014 from a channeling session that took place three days after this session. She ends things by contemplating bringing in Treebeard who was then still known then as the Man With the Can. It wouldn't be long before she mad that happen.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 08/09/97. Side two includes:
1.)(00:00)- Omal finishes his discussion on higher moral consciousness by referencing "Star Trek" and commenting on Tia's discussion about the other races in the galaxy like comparing Ashtar to "Q".
2.)(5:32)- Karra presents a very constructive dissertation on addictions and how to deal with them as a healer. She focuses on two, drinking and smoking, as examples of addictions needing the most help.
3.)(33:20)- Omal pops back in to go over what Karra said has some suspicions someone is leaking his dissertations to Karra ahead of time as this is the second time the two had complimented each other.
4.)(36:37)- Tia reads a letter from Lyka who is on some third dimensional planet as an Oath Keeper as well as gives us an update on Kiri who is currently on Sirius visiting her grandmother at the monastery.

Wednesday May 01, 2019
Presenting, Our Galactic Neighbors- Part 1
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.
While anyone visiting this website will already have an understanding that we are not alone in this universe, the podcast for May gives an idea of just how not alone we are. Before we get to that though we will go over a new astral travel technique and spiritual growth's rate correlated to their economic condition. It's after all that Tia and I discuss the many races in just our galaxy and Tia is able to name off eleven of them. This conversation was started by the perceptions of alien species in our popular entertainment. Omal gives us a great dissertation on self-love and morals which also corresponds to the lessons given in the Ten Commandments. It was an excellent first side but side two was the continuation of a theme started on self-love Karra expand in for dealing with addictions. The two covered the most by Karra are smoking and alcoholism. They were covered in such detail we only have a bit of time for Tia to read a letter from Lyka and give an update on Kiri's trip to Sirius to visit her grandmother.
Our start is a little unusual for a channeling session as Tia starts things off with a method of astral traveling that has a more ritual theme around it. That would give the method with a far more serious tone than the previous techniques she has shared before. She next puts the focus on what to watch for in the economy to see a trend leading to a downturn. We veer a little from that as she makes a point that consciousness growth is often dependent on a person's social standing. How well a person is doing sometimes correlates to the growth taking place. That is due to having less of a worry on where the next meal was coming from. On a related question about off-world species in the media, she expands the topic out to a treatise on the many alien races not covered by the media. Beyond the 11 she mentions, she goes on to talk the many non-humanoid races that are sharing the galaxy with us. It's amazing to know we have been given the help with have with so many other possibilities that could have been our reality. She ends her time channeling by getting slightly irked over the role Art Bell had in promoting a ship around a comet the Heaven's Gate cult committed suicide over in an attempt to board it. Being third dimensional, she has a less forgiving take on the event than others would have discussing it which was totally understandable at the time. She changes places with Omal who presents anyone looking at growing consciously, a dissertation that would be a helpful addition to anyone's learning in that he supplies another of his keys to ascension. This key is on self-love which opens a door to a love of all things that brings on a higher moral consciousness. He uses several of the Ten Commandments as a moral basis that covers most of the moral dilemmas a lightworker may face. Omal ends the side reviewing the words of Sananda to love thy neighbors as thyself. That, he points out, is something that helps all the other laws fall into place.
For full transcripts of this session and more information about Hades Base and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
The sessions lasted from 1992 to 2001 with this one being taped on 08/09/97. Side one includes:
1.)(0:00)- Tia starts with an astral travel technique of a more formal kind and ends with a conversation about the many races of the galaxy including some most have never heard of before.
2.)(31:16)- Omal basically defines what it is to be a lightworker and how it starts is with self-love moving on to a high moral standard from the love of others and all things.